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Reiwa 08-11-2022 08:38 PM

Home eggs have very weak shells in my limited experience. Needed to be cracked in the bowl or pan to not make a big mess.

Also need to be washed better.

Jibartik 08-11-2022 08:42 PM

home chicken

Industrial chicken (satan chicken)

Jibartik 08-11-2022 08:46 PM

Backyard chicken

IRS factory farm chicken

Jibartik 08-11-2022 08:53 PM

I was wondering what IRS was then I thought hmmm...

Reiwa 08-11-2022 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jibartik (Post 3491864)
I was wondering what IRS was then I thought hmmm...

If you check, every Republican President since Nixon has been very Nixon-adjacent.

Reagan backed him at the convention, Bush 1 was his RNC chair, and Tromp thought he was Nixon.

Globe astronaut meme please!

magnetaress 08-12-2022 12:06 AM

sorry reiwa u got pilled

my free range eggies have massively supperior shells

they are heckin lying to u

what did u feed ur chickies? cardboard?

Jibartik 08-13-2022 12:40 PM

Magna content here.. I got a new theory, that the ENTIRE ENGLISH LANGUAGE was created by a secret society as a joke:

Gamatria, is the process of replacing jewish letters with numbers, there is roman, greek, hebrew, and amongthem is english (gematria)

Look how much of English is designed to like, blast the book of revelations with our gamatria code!


English Gematria
This code is based on the old English alphabet of 24 letters. It is well-known and its use has been documented well back into the medieval period. One such example is a poem coming from a manuscript in the collection of Balliol College, Oxford (1). The numbers here spell out by means of gematria the letters I H E S U S (Jesus). In this case the poet provides a gloss on the poem to help the uninitiated, "this goth by the letters of the abse (A B C) as the letters stonde in nombre". What he doesn't gloss us on is the fact that the gematria total of his poem has an equally pious message entailed. The total value of the letters is 778: this implies that Jhesus is HKHN HGDVL - the Hebrew name of 'The High Priest'. It also reminds the devotee that Jesus is the high priest of Εκκλησια Θεου - 'The Church of God' (2).
English Gematria Calculator
A few samples of the English Gematria:
RECEIVE A MARK = 666 (Rev 13:16: "... he causeth all ... to RECEIVE A MARK ...")
THE HAND OR HEAD = 666 (Rev 13:16: "... receive a mark in their RIGHT HAND, or in their FOREHEADS.")
FOREHEAD SIGN = 666 (Rev 13:16)
A ADSX BIO CHIP = 666 (Rev 13:16-17; ADSX was the old NASDAQ stock ticker symbol for Applied Digital Solutions.)
DIGA E-IMPLANT = 666 (DIGA is the new NASDAQ stock ticker symbol for Applied Digital Solutions.)
PEOPLE SIN = 666 (Rom 3:23)
SON OF SIN = 666 (Jn 8:44; Rom 5:12)
STUBBORN = 666 (1 Sam 15:23)
HARDENED HEART = 666 (Heb 3:8, 15, 4:7)
WICKED WILL = 666666 (Jer 17:9-10)
BOOK OF THE DEAD = 666 (Dan 7:9-10; Rev 20:12)
AN ABSENCE OF GOD = 666 (Eph 2:12)
IMAGE OF SATAN = 666 (Gen 3:4-5; Isa 14:12-15, 40:19-20; Rev 12:19)
JESUS' GOSPEL = 888 (Mark 1:1, 14-15)
RIGHTEOUS GOD = 888 (Ps 7:9)
SAVED IN JESUS = 888 (2 Tim 1:9)
JESUS' CROSS = 888 (Jn 19:19; Heb 12:2; Gal 6:14)
FINISHED CROSS = 888 (Jn 19:30)
JESUS FORGAVE = 888 (Lk 23:34)
SPIRIT BIRTH = 888 (Jn 3:5-8; Rev 21:6, 22:17)
GOD'S ANOINTING = 888 (1 Jn 2:27)

No other language has this many links between its language and 666 this is pretty funny coincidence??


Is the entire English existence and language a freemason illuminati bildaberg assaryan eons long grand scheme to maintain power and control of the world throughout all dynasties?

NO WONDER so many people learning English are like, "wait this word means this but this word means that? That makes no sense?!!!!!"

No wonder words are spelled so stupidly!

English makes no sense, because the language was designed to make these secret codes they could laugh about in their secret lucifarian "gods that walk among men" sex orgy meetings.

Now to find out who made up old English language...

We're through the looking glass folks.

Jibartik 08-13-2022 12:52 PM

OHHHH what a surprise, it was the guys that invented globalism.

Jibartik 08-13-2022 01:18 PM

magnetaress 08-13-2022 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Jibartik (Post 3492563)

We are. We invaded and conquered earth from the hairy lowers and they interbread into us. Because we needed labor and we wanted them to be smarter so we didn't Have to do anything. There was an uprising and millions of years ago look at us. Minus the space ships and with much less humanity. Following in our forebears footsteps.

Next step living in domes and underground for another 100,000 years until the planet is less crappy. The surviving animals will think we are G-d's and we'll probably breed them into intelligence. Or just smart enough to be idiots.

That is if you follow the new atheist Bible. Otherwise we are all just fallen angels and devils rejected from G-d's pure kingdom and haunted by the demons we created.

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