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Mblake1981 07-02-2021 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Byue (Post 3329538)
Very unamerican of you to tell me what to do like this, we celebrate freedom, this week-end. Independence from the people oversea telling you what to do.

And I wished all Americans, of all creed, a fucking beautiful week-end.

Beautiful burgers, delicious hotdogs and more importantly, beautiful weather so you can celebrate outside!
(please be vaccinated if you do so)

Goddamnit you little shit, I have had to tell a grown man twice now. Read what I said or GTFO of my thread. :mad:

Byue 07-02-2021 03:54 PM

or what?

I did not wish a happy 4th of july enough?
Or my post does not contain enough tucker carlson pictures?

Mblake1981 07-02-2021 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Byue (Post 3329541)
or what?

I did not wish a happy 4th of july enough?
Or my post does not contain enough tucker carlson pictures?

If any Mods are browsing through here, would you be so kind as to escort this mfer on his merry way. I don't have a button to kick him.

Happy 4th.

nostalgiaquest 07-02-2021 03:57 PM

Jeebus Byue give it a rest man. So angry all the time.

Byue 07-02-2021 03:57 PM

Happy fourth to all Americans.


Originally Posted by nostalgiaquest (Post 3329544)
Jeebus Byue give it a rest man. So angry all the time.

how am I angry?
I literally just did three posts of happy 4th of july.
I guess I'm the guy who say happy holidays and you get upset because you wished I said happy christmas?
Is that it?

if you are looking for angry, try:

Originally Posted by Jibartik (Post 3329547)
Here we go again, didnt click view post, happy 4th everyone else!

Usually, you wish happy holidays to all.

I was angry when I wish happy 4th of july to all.
He is happy not wishing it to all, is that it?

Bias, when you hug me tight.

Jibartik 07-02-2021 04:00 PM

Here we go again, didnt click view post, happy 4th everyone else!

nostalgiaquest 07-02-2021 04:41 PM

I guess every party needs a pooper. Way to shit up another thread.

Bardp1999 07-02-2021 04:52 PM

Dont need Canadians meddling in American affairs. Stay away from my Freedom moose fuckers.

Mblake1981 07-02-2021 05:25 PM

Fire Up The Grill, Happy 4th!
Food Insider 4th of July.

Nocht 07-03-2021 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Byue (Post 3329529)
Celebrate by lying!
Also don't forget to tell Joe Biden to fuck off and light your fireworks! This drought is fake news.

Happy best country in the world -yet unable to do a simple election.
With the strongest institution in the world! -except the capitol, that can be attacked what's special about that place?

I hope all Americans have a good week-end! -not just the whites, or the one of my political alignment. We all deserve a good week-end after this shitty year.

Please don't use fireworks if you are on the West coast.
or whatever, blame them on jewish space lazer.

STFU you insufferable asshole.

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