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Karanis 07-26-2023 12:35 AM

You can use macros (such as /pet sit) while mid-cast if you click them from your social window rather than your main hotbar iirc :)

unsunghero 07-26-2023 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by Endorra (Post 3628608)
Not sure what level you are but color slant + gcd reset + allure will work to recharm dotted pets that break. Same with Boltrans, except boltrans is faster than allure so you can get away with shorter stuns.

They are extra work and extra danger, though. No way around that really.

Ya I alternate between cajoling whisper and allure depending on the level of what I fighting

But honestly, charm is often not on my bar. I haven’t bothered to give it a dedicated slot for a while now. I mean sometimes it’s on there, but it competes for slow, invis, and nukes slots. I sit and swap it in and out as needed, since it has no recast delay and can be used right away

So in the past I preferred to just color shift stun-GCD-reset-mez, sit and mem charm and possibly swap something else in my second swap slot too. Maybe refresh a root. And slowly regain control of the situation. Mez gives me all the time in the world to re-charm when I’m ready

But I could opt for slant+re-charm, haven’t really used slant much. It’s a bit expensive mana wise. A shame the one before it is a 2s cast, not 1.5

I know some chanters keep 2 stuns on bar, I haven’t needed that yet really, fighting mostly outside

Vivitron 07-26-2023 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by unsunghero (Post 3628697)
Thus far it's worked great to prevent charmed pets from dotting or dispelling the target

However, minor hiccup

If I am using, say, a shaman charmed pet to kill a shaman mob, then the /pet sit trick is a bit limited. Because the enemy shaman will be constantly trying to cast on my pet, which I deal with either by spamming mez to interrupt or by stunning

In fact, this is just something I've noticed, but if you haste and give a torch to a lev 45+ charmed pet, it will hit so fast, that all you have to do is cast mez over and over as soon as you can at the target, and it will not be able to get a single spell off before it dies. No stuns needed

The problem is that if I am mid-cast of mez or stun, the /pet sit command I don't think works. I don't think I can cast and issue a pet command at the exact same time, although only tested for like 30 mins before having to log off here. So I don't think I can interrupt both the enemy mob and my pet's casts at the same exact time

You can click on the ...socials page?... while casting -- the page where you create your hotkeys. Only there though, the pet window and hotbar don't work while casting.

unsunghero 07-26-2023 02:40 AM

In regards to hotkeys, I lately have preferred the fastest possible killrate method, assuming an endless supply of mobs and some being casters to suck (drain)

This method isn’t as good for exp as reverse charming, but it’s a better moneymaker in regards to drops and probably isn’t as bad as one might think, exp-wise

The reality is that conventional or reverse charming is still two mobs slowly whaling on each other. Which is what? Two autoswings each every few seconds unbuffed? Can be sped along with /pet sit spam or having multiple mobs engage the pet at once, but if it’s just 2 mobs that can be a really slow process, with all the missing too

So I prefer to pick a blue mob, charm it, haste it, give it a torch, give it a ds, and then massacre greens/blues around. Sometimes when I really want the mob to last I slow the greens, but usually they die so fast I don’t need to. I’m like “oh it’s dead already? I had glanced down for a second”. Usually 1 blue mob like this can massacre up to 20+ greens (even other blues but these I slow), almost an endless amount if you keep giving it free rune. The damage is just nuts, but I bet a twinked player dps could still maybe beat it

You’re only getting 50% of the exp, but the rate of killing is through the roof and you never have to slow down or stop if you have things to suck (mana from). When your blue pet gets low, if it’s a high level warrior type I’ll blur that baby and re-use. But sometimes I just kill it for full exp there

So anyway, my hotkey setup for this is swap slot1/swap slot 2 is normally tash full time otherwise so sometimes I swap this slot, usually only in emergencies/color shift/mez/ToT/Wandering Mind/Free rune/Root

Swaps are: slow invis, charm, nuke, rune 3

I think due to the kill rate this is better money and more exp/hour than having 2 mobs slowly whittle themselves down so charm can be broke and both killed for full exp. But not faster exp/hour than reverse charming where 1 mob gets rapidly taken down by 2-3 others. That method probably fastest solo exp overall of any method

unsunghero 07-26-2023 03:40 AM

One could say that wandering mind and ToT are almost overkill but that +C2 + Gift of insight regen means you can essentially spam free rune on your charmed pet every time it's up. That + slow on the enemy mob + interrupting their casts means the charmed pet on steroids isn't really taking any damage at all for as long as you don't want it to

Toxigen 07-26-2023 08:29 AM

I don't think I ever used Wandering Mind on Tox.

unsunghero 07-26-2023 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Toxigen (Post 3628759)
I don't think I ever used Wandering Mind on Tox.

It’s pretty handy when you don’t have a flowing thought item. All the chanter spells are overpriced on mana it seems

Especially since finishing off a 45+ blue mob sometimes takes like 3-5 dementia casts in a row. It’s crazy how much health they stacked the high level mobs with

Cool new 650 damage nuke? Yea that’s like a tiny tiny sliver of its health. And if it’s a caster that you don’t want casting on you, it’s really dementia then either mez + GCD reset + tash (because you don’t want mez to blur it and have that health chunk back up even one tick, that one tick could be 2 more dementia casts) then repeat that 3 times

Or some sort of nuke stun stun nuke chain to keep it from casting and healing itself

I wish we got a bigger nuke than dementia but ah well can’t have everything

Jimjam 07-26-2023 11:46 AM

You gotta feel bad for wizard mains when expansions dropped.

Ballooning mob hp and weapon ratios, but they never really feel they get that much better dps option than comet until they are way past basic group content.

unsunghero 07-26-2023 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Jimjam (Post 3628824)
You gotta feel bad for wizard mains when expansions dropped.

Ballooning mob hp and weapon ratios, but they never really feel they get that much better dps option than comet until they are way past basic group content.

That’s what I was thinking. It takes like 4-5 dementia casts to go from 1 bubble to dead. How many would it take to take it from full health to dead? I wouldn’t even have nearly enough mana for that if I wanted

Toxigen 07-26-2023 12:57 PM

Why are you breaking charm at a full bubble?

I don't play anymore but I'd be happy to do some coaching if you're open to it. Just stream on discord (I have a server we can use) and I can give you pointers.

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