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Ragnaros 12-15-2014 12:58 AM

100% of my deaths besides maybe like 1 or 2 post patch are because of root and debuff quest but I still play and get kills *shrug*

Smedy 12-15-2014 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Colgate (Post 1713090)
i agree

smaller guilds wishing to compete for high end raid targets on red99 simply cannot compete with the current resist code

however, making threads like this is pointless and only serves to probably piss off the few developers that have already helped us out and fixed these issues while they wait for rogean to patch the server

these changes were already stated to not be intentional

pras colgate keeping it real

trolls like bazia and other people have openly trolled the staff into thinking that tash (a 0.5 second unresistable spell) should be the determining factor who wins the pvp, it's fucking dumber than anything i've ever seen.

If haynar got burnt out right now this server might just die because of this resist patch, i'd say revert the changes on the resist for now and keep the hitbox small, obviously the resist code is more complex than haynar first though and modifying it didn't result in the results nirgon or colgate was aiming towards.

Bazia 12-15-2014 05:06 AM

Saying rogues/monks/wizards were 1v6'ing or 3v12'ing before with zero risk is not trolling and was completey true

I also think the "small crew should be able to fight large numbers" point is dumb, if a small crew of ridiculously OP classes should be able to fight a much larger force of "normal" classes whats the point of recruiting and spending weeks and weeks gearing and helping new players to join your guild?

Asking for classes not to be balanced specifically so smaller groups can all play 2-3 OP classes and compete is dumb, if they want to compete they can build a force and challenge their rivals.

If they don't want to gear and teach new players or guildmates then they can be satisfied with just being 6-12 dudes and only being capable of accomplishing certain things.

When in any 6-12 v 6-12 man fight "How many rogues / t staff monks do they have" being the ONLY relevant factor to consider before engaging something is wrong and broken.

With debuffs being a thing SKs/RNGs/NECs are more useful now because they can snare if the person is debuffed and doesnt pumice/cure it, BRD's are more useful since they can use mezzes. CLR/PAL stuns are a thing. ENCs/SHMs/sMAG are no longer non factors because of debuffs. These are classes you never see people "Maining" or PVPing with because they were so incredibly limited in PVP. (People with very high MR or players with magic resist buffs are still not CC'able when tashed btw)

The debuff boost has helped a huge amount of other classes go from "Not worth playing reroll a rogue nonfactor" status to having a place in daily pvp and I enjoy that alot of my friends that aren't MNKs/ROGs are now pvping more that they don't feel completely useless like they did before.

Fix the stupid blinds and whirls and leave the rest alone so everyone's class can have a role in pvp instead of just getting disgustingly shit on by the same 2 classes every damn fight.

Just my 2 cents

Bazia 12-15-2014 05:32 AM

Population still going up since the patch, and it's been nice not having to tell new players at level 55 that if they ever want to be relevant in pvp they need to reroll because they didn't pick one of only 3 viable pvp classes in the game. (Before a lot just quit when they realized this was true)

Burgerking 12-15-2014 06:48 AM

All I'm gonna say is I played Rallos Kunark and Sullon Velious era. There was like 4-5 melee's tops ranked in the top 100.

HERE for the past few years it's Melee, Melee, Melee, pretty much 95% melee's all ranked in the top 100 at 60 range, hmmm I wonder why?

Because on live when melee's started to attain full immunity to spells they increased debuffs. This is 15 years later with 3 years of kunark, every secret of the game is known every quest every piece of gear and people go from 1 to 60 in 2 months time some ever faster.

So we should delete every CC effect because melee's don't like being rooted? LOL what do casters do then TANK melee's? Or just flee from melee's like we've been forced to do for years.

Never seen anyone complain when it was rogue poison bang fuck dead in under 7 seconds. For some reason that shit was cool. But a Rogue having to use cure pots for tash and pumice for malo is unfucking acceptable. Even tho we all gotta carry cure pots or we snared and dead to rogues in seconds.

So we should have to all carry cure pots OR DIE!, but they shouldn't have to carry shit. Meanwhile they also want to be immune to every spell but LURE, and lifetap AS WELL AS increasing the hit boxes LOL, even tho damage is still set 2x higher than live lol.

So make a choice u want your live damage and die to druids dmg shields or you want crazy town dmg and carry pumices and cure pots?

I know you want everything But I'm Burgerking and you had it your way for 2 years.

heartbrand 12-15-2014 08:28 AM

Got fettered at 141mr after tash (was over 200 before). Sorry but that isn't Classic. I may as well wear hp gear in every slot.

quido 12-15-2014 08:41 AM

re-root and contest

Bazia 12-15-2014 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by heartbrand (Post 1713516)
Got fettered at 141mr after tash (was over 200 before). Sorry but that isn't Classic. I may as well wear hp gear in every slot.

You either had more debuffs than just tash or your exaggerating.

I have fought feen multiple times who has shittier gear then you and he was completely immune to CC even when tashed.

I get tashed all the time and I only run around at about 175 MR and I never get rooted or CC'd unless it's malo + tash or I get pelled so much that my GMR gets removed and it brings me down to 120 MR.

Doesn't add up.

Platexchange 12-15-2014 10:22 AM

Tash and Malo should be viable pvp options. On live we had to debuff targets just to kill them. I will agree the threshold is messed up. If you are sitting at 120mr after a tash or Malo you shouldn't be getting rooted easily still.

Bazia 12-15-2014 10:26 AM

People are exaggerating I literally never get CC'd at 175 MR even after a debuff unless it's Malosini which I routinely resist or I have been pelled so extensively that my GMR is gone bringing me down to 120 MR.

If the "I have 200 MR and I got tashed and now everything lands" bullshit was true I'd have WAY more deaths considering I don't even travel around with 180 none the less 200+.

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