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Smyd 03-28-2012 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by ....[B
never punish the innocent.[/B]


Originally Posted by ....[B
punish the innocent.[/B]


Originally Posted by ....[B
the innocent.[/B]


Originally Posted by ....[B

I support your cause to punish the innocent.

Smyd 03-28-2012 02:21 AM

whoa that came out pretty borked. meh =p

IronLikeALionInZion 03-28-2012 02:22 AM

two boxing is bad for community

jdx 04-04-2012 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by IronLikeALionInZion (Post 603018)
two boxing is bad for community

Exactly! You WILL play with elitist d*ckheads and you will LIKE IT! CAPISH???

stonez138 04-04-2012 07:05 PM


Exactly! You WILL play with elitist d*ckheads and you will LIKE IT! CAPISH???
I have always found boxers to be elitists....
"Hey got room for a (insert class/lvl here) in group?"
"NO...I'm boxing" or in other words I have no use for you because I want all xp/loot for myself.

obie26 04-11-2012 07:56 PM

Unfortunatly i will no longer be logging into P99 due to this rule. The reason i started on this server was to play with a good friend I met back while playing Live. Back then things were different as i had no obligations in life. I dont remember how many times Ive counted 8+ hour grind sessions. As i seen some say they play on top of work, kids, etc. I ask how you do it? Having a 6 month old daughter now, my play times are random at best. Not only that, when (not if) she decides to wake up i must walk away from my computer/group. That said, proper group etiquette is compleatly gone. Find a replacment? Not likely. Piss people off to the point they wont group you anymore? More often than not. Now if i could create a little healer bot, It wouldnt be compleatly pointless to log in for any less that 2-3 hours. Because lets face it if you cant get at least that much time you aint getting xp. I see both sides of the fence however. I understand the rules and would never break them. I started on Live with a computer that could barely run the game so boxing was out of the question. It used to grind my gears when i would see a boxxer that wouldnt group me. BUT. An elitist d*ckhead is still an elitist d*ckhead no matter what! They exsist in every game, and they arent going away. Basically what i found is if they have that mentality, would you really want to group with them anyway? Now after having boxed up to 5 toons on Live I never once turned down a player that found me and asked to join. Key words, found me. I would camp deep knowing that anyone that did find me would more that likely be a quality player. Not because im an elitist d*ckhead, but because a bad player is a liability. Just like in any group. Also if that player happened to be a healer/slower/tank, thats a bonus, less work i had to do. I guess thats where the difference stands, i was always willing to drop toons to add real people to my group. Which is why i dont agree with the no boxxing policy. If i start with a group i will always have a group, where as building a group takes time and effort along with agreement and understanding. I do think a lot of good can come from allowing 1 boxed toon per person for the simple fact that 2 chars alone cant take on what a full group can. Everyone says RL comes first, everyone plays to have fun, why cant i do both?

Flunklesnarkin 04-11-2012 08:01 PM

If you dont have a lot of time to play with others.. it might be a good idea to pick a class that can solo.

so even if you only have say an hour or two to play.. you can log on and "get stuff done"

you don't need to box to play the game if you have RL commitments i guess is what i'm trying to say.

just adjust your gameplay to reflect that.

a wizard or druid might be up your alley.. aoe kite stuff.. burn all your mana.. then med / afk

Scavrefamn 04-11-2012 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Flunklesnarkin (Post 617891)
If you dont have a lot of time to play with others.. it might be a good idea to pick a class that can solo.

That's the obvious response to that horrendous wall of text.

He should just play a solo class np.

Grozmok 04-11-2012 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by obie26 (Post 617889)
As i seen some say they play on top of work, kids, etc. I ask how you do it? Having a 6 month old daughter now, my play times are random at best. Not only that, when (not if) she decides to wake up i must walk away from my computer/group.

So, I have a nine month old and I can manage to get in ~1.5-2 hours a night by playing after I put her to bed. When I'm looking after her, I can still step away for a moment or two to sell shit in EC.

Originally Posted by obie26 (Post 617889)
Because lets face it if you cant get at least that much time you aint getting xp. I see both sides of the fence however. I understand the rules and would never break them. I started on Live with a computer that could barely run the game so boxing was out of the question. It used to grind my gears when i would see a boxxer that wouldnt group me.

It comes down to managing your expectations. If you roll a new character and are *already* having dreams of being level 60 and rolling/DKP on dragon loot you're setting yourself up for stress/anxiety. If your life does not support your expectations for the game, you either change your expectations, change your life or go play/do something else.


I came here for the grouping (that means no boxers, I want players that are invested in their characters and are a face on the server, not a zombie that exists only to heal another character) so you get that practically at level 4. I don't need a CoF, Fungi and all that other shit to get what I came here for.

It's about the journey and not the destination for me, but you play the game you want.


Tseng 04-12-2012 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by obie26 (Post 617889)
Unfortunatly i will no longer be logging into P99 due to this rule. The reason i started on this server was to play with a good friend I met back while playing Live. Back then things were different as i had no obligations in life. I dont remember how many times Ive counted 8+ hour grind sessions. As i seen some say they play on top of work, kids, etc. I ask how you do it? Having a 6 month old daughter now, my play times are random at best. Not only that, when (not if) she decides to wake up i must walk away from my computer/group. That said, proper group etiquette is compleatly gone. Find a replacment? Not likely. Piss people off to the point they wont group you anymore? More often than not. Now if i could create a little healer bot, It wouldnt be compleatly pointless to log in for any less that 2-3 hours. Because lets face it if you cant get at least that much time you aint getting xp. I see both sides of the fence however. I understand the rules and would never break them. I started on Live with a computer that could barely run the game so boxing was out of the question. It used to grind my gears when i would see a boxxer that wouldnt group me. BUT. An elitist d*ckhead is still an elitist d*ckhead no matter what! They exsist in every game, and they arent going away. Basically what i found is if they have that mentality, would you really want to group with them anyway? Now after having boxed up to 5 toons on Live I never once turned down a player that found me and asked to join. Key words, found me. I would camp deep knowing that anyone that did find me would more that likely be a quality player. Not because im an elitist d*ckhead, but because a bad player is a liability. Just like in any group. Also if that player happened to be a healer/slower/tank, thats a bonus, less work i had to do. I guess thats where the difference stands, i was always willing to drop toons to add real people to my group. Which is why i dont agree with the no boxxing policy. If i start with a group i will always have a group, where as building a group takes time and effort along with agreement and understanding. I do think a lot of good can come from allowing 1 boxed toon per person for the simple fact that 2 chars alone cant take on what a full group can. Everyone says RL comes first, everyone plays to have fun, why cant i do both?

Sounds like you don't have the time to play EverQuest. So don't play.

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