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Lhancelot 11-01-2016 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by paulgiamatti (Post 2392758)
I'd hardly call that rampant manipulation. There's a good chance the people doing that - if they even were, I've yet to see an actual example - are the same people RMTing and flooding the site with data because their tunnelquest game is suffering.

People saying the AH is a net harm versus a net good has got to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.

Personally I would say the pros are about even with the cons concerning P99 auction coming down.

I see the good things, but also recognize the bad things that came with it. Basically it will not hurt me or help me that the site is coming down.

The only thing that sucks about it coming down is that it was destroyed by DDOS-type stuff.

That indicates that more was involved than simple EC nerds trying to make an extra few hundred plats more on an item.

To me this indicates that real money was being affected in some manner, so some higher tier elf sim nerds decided to use more drastic measures to topple P99 auctions.

kaev 11-01-2016 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by maskedmelon (Post 2392768)
EC is full of assholes because of p99auctions.


More like: P99 is full of assholes, and p99auctions manipulation and ddos victimization reflect this. Also, yours doesn't stink any less than anybody else's despite your apparent belief to the contrary.

skarlorn 11-02-2016 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by kaev (Post 2393331)

More like: P99 is full of assholes, and p99auctions manipulation and ddos victimization reflect this. Also, yours doesn't stink any less than anybody else's despite your apparent belief to the contrary.

got proof?

Fettsack 11-02-2016 04:51 AM

I really liked the site (as one not willing to spend hours sitting at the tunnel). It was a great help for me - sad that it ended this way.

Hopefully the owner and programmer will listen to the guy here who offered help to fix things at the backend.

Big thanks from me to the owner of the site here for all the work you've been put into this and I am sorry to see this project (hopefully not!) stoped.

lonmoer 11-02-2016 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by tristantio (Post 2392472)

Oh, and as typing this, I remember paulgiamatti is the guy who was guilded with the thief who ran off with my Fungi after a botched transfer when I trusted a random 50+ to assist me with it (at which time I had put out a call to action on my site condemning the aforementioned's guild).

Paulgiamatti and that whole Azure Guard officer crew are a bunch of greedy shysters.

demokatt 11-02-2016 06:29 AM

It shouldn't be so hard to have one client running on a computer constantly feeding auction logs to the webserver? It doesn't have to be people attributing, instead setup a single computer feeding the website. This should be easy to do without ever letting evil people visiting the website be able to find out the ipadress of where the feeding client is?

paulgiamatti 11-02-2016 07:11 AM

The tone I'm getting from P99 Auctions is that they just don't want to have to deal with it, which is understandable, but I hope they change their mind(s) and take Throxis up on his offer.


We could try some more defensive coding strategies and hope the spammers give up as well...but, this is an elf sim, not a job.
And yeah they could probably prevent the issue by just shutting down the ability for players to upload logs altogether, and setting up a system with their own client on its own IP address, but I'm sure that'd be way more work and way more maintenance than changing code and there'd be significant drawbacks like more downtime, etc.

maskedmelon 11-02-2016 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by kaev (Post 2393331)

More like: P99 is full of assholes, and p99auctions manipulation and ddos victimization reflect this. Also, yours doesn't stink any less than anybody else's despite your apparent belief to the contrary.

What nasty things to say. This community has always been one of the kindest, most welcoming and easily penetrated of any mmo. Your assessment is not only untrue, it is unfair. Most players would drop what they were doing, whatever it was, to lend a hand however they could.

Most would (and do) give away items to new beginners rather than spend their hours sullying their souls in the tunnel. And I would say that even within EC, most are simply there to transact by the accepted rules of fair play and move on. They are not there to scour specific log entries or weigh the merit of every damned unrelated auction. They just want to sell their stuff and go back to playing the gam with their friends and family, making new acquaintances and helping one another bash baddies ^^ They are no more to blame for their unwitting exploitation than p99auctions is for its.

Baler 11-02-2016 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by maskedmelon (Post 2393427)
This community has always been one of the kindest, most welcoming and easily penetrated of any mmo.

I'm sorry but that's not P99 blue. When I first started playing seriously I began to notice how toxic and vile people were here. Then as time went on it grew on me and it's transformed me from a wide eyed noob to a sinister vile forum quester.

I've met several high level players in my time here that say the same thing about the community here. I wish I had logs for all the conversations with them about the subject. Would be more clear then me trying to explain now.

Then there is the crew of goblins who forum quest. *shivers* I'm not sure how between point A and point B the server picked up so many weirdos. At this point I opened a door I wish I never did and just want a way out.

Everquest is addicting however. Questing is addictive.

Red community is even worse, not going to lie.
And of course there are good people here too.

Lhancelot 11-02-2016 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by Baler (Post 2393428)
When I first started playing seriously I began to notice how toxic and vile people were here. Then as time went on it grew on me and it's transformed me from a wide eyed noob to a sinister vile forum quester.

I have had the opposite experience on P99 Blue. It started out great, friendly folk, helping with quests, free ports when I was a lowbie, just overall great experience as I leveled up.

Then I hit 50+.

I joined 2 different raid guilds over a 3 year span. Same shit, different guild. Greedy pixel fiending nerds who happily would screw over "fringe" newer members, or people not kissing the asses/buddying up with the core group that ran the guild.

I went back to my original playing style after leaving the raiding guild, and guess what? No stress, pleasant experiences on P99 again.

I have no doubt the same type of greedy, pixel fiending nerds that run the majority of the raiding guilds also hit P99 with DDOS attacks because only that kind of player does anything it takes to gain more pixels, no matter how their activities disrupt and ruin other gamer's experiences.

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