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Nimmanu 02-15-2015 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Turp (Post 1784446)
Rogean confirm the # please.
but wasn't it like 93% of that guild was RMT.
So blanket painted that one pretty spot on.
93% bad 7% good and Nimmanu says paint it good.

Great call Doil Boil. You was spot on.

If you don't want to be known as one of the biggest RMT guild. I'd rename.
Currently you are <RMT Winter>

Anyone with a lick of sense would know that if it were anywhere near 93%, he would have disbanded us. As we DW people know, it wasn't remotely close to that. We're still chatting away in guild chat like mad. There are loads of us left. We logged right back on and went right back to grouping and talking and most of us didn't even know about this at all.

I honestly wouldn't have a clue what to look for in who's an RMT versus who's not. I seriously wouldn't. I haven't been on the server long enough, in part, and because I meet tons of twinks. How do I know which is a twink and which is an RMT? I have no idea.

What I DO know is that there are tons of GREAT people in DW. And when people group with us, they want to guild with us. People like us; with good reason.

Necabo 02-15-2015 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Nimmanu (Post 1784388)
I apologize if I sound upset. I'm simply standing up for my guild, which I feel very attached to. I care about it, and it's hurtful to see a GM blanket paint it in what seems a casual and uncaring manner.

Those of us good, decent, caring people were painted by that brush. I feel awful! My stomach is twisted in knots thanks to the people who did that while wearing our tag. It's a painful and unpleasant feeling to be exposed to drama and unfair accusations due to horrible behavior by people you can't control.

I'm proud to wear the tag I do, and I want to remain so. My answer to that is to stand up for the guild I feel very good about being part of (and no dirtbags can change that!!). This guild belongs to the good ones in it, not those others.

In my opinion, no apology is needed. Your concern is valid. I would expand; however, I think the cynicism I'm feeling now would skew the intended tone of my words.

Nimmanu 02-15-2015 11:47 PM

And so you understand more clearly, I do not defend what any RMT'r does. I feel betrayed by those who actually did that. I feel very angry that they would join our guild and do that.

Yet I would feel wrong if I said that they are the spirit of this guild. They aren't. I will stand by all the wonderful, good, decent people I've met in DW. For them, I defend the guild, because they are the heart of the guild.

I continue, and will continue, to wear the tag AS IT IS, and with pride, because of the good people who remain there. Together, WE are what make Dark Winter.

We group together. We spend time together. We run screaming for the zone line in SolA and then grovel and buff the people we accidentally trained because we feel bad about that... but GREAT about burrowing into the zone as far as we did.

I do feel icky about the RMTers. And if I had known who they were, or if Healover or if Dibbons, or if ANY of us at the heart of DW had known (and ignorance, while no excuse, is at least understandable to most humane people)... they wouldn't have been in the guild.

While we may have committed the "crime" of not knowing or being able to recognize cheaters for who they are... we're also "guilty" of far better things. Companionship, good feelings, consideration, kindness, compassion. And of these things, I am NOT ashamed. I'm proud.

Pokesan 02-16-2015 12:00 AM

Dark Winter definitely the real victims of this RMT scandal

Nimmanu 02-16-2015 12:33 AM

I am reminded, Raogan, that I haven't thanked you for not disbanding the guild. We who are still there (and there are tons, as I'm sure you know) are very grateful.

We also thank you for weeding out the people we didn't want in there, even though we didn't realize who and what they were.

Thank you!

Byel 02-16-2015 12:33 AM

I'm dying at the novels wrote declaring dark winter a glorious fuzzy and warm guild, after rogean declared them essentially dirtier then any other guild which is saying ALOT. Damnit I wish they would name and shame, give a guild many dark elves banned...anything!

Aeaolena 02-16-2015 12:45 AM

Woot! I get to recycle old gifs!

Aw what the hell, I'll make a new one too ;)

Raijingeki 02-16-2015 12:51 AM

This Dark Winter call out could have been handled more... Professionally, to be blunt. As the server management, you can call all the shots and enforce the rules and we as players have to respect that. But your wording made it seem like a personal attack towards the guild and it certainly had an effect on some of the members.

The fact that you made this public knowledge has now given us the reputation of <RMT Winter>, even though not every single member of the guild supports RMT. A lot of us are unhappy about those who have been caught had done. You're basically giving everyone firing ammo to be negative towards the guild, which can technically lead to verbal abuse from others; something frowned upon according to the Project 1999 Guidebook.

Yes, you can argue that the guild should know more about its players and not invite everyone and anyone. That "the leadership of a guild is responsible for ensuring that all of their members are abiding by the Project 1999 rules. Frequent or Reoccuring violations by members or the guild as whole could result in the guild being disbanded and/or possible action against the leadership." But it's nearly impossible to know every little thing another player does in terms of something like this! People can lie about what they do and we as players do not have tools that server moderators do.

Am I appreciative of what you've done for the server in terms of cleaning up? Yes. You are doing your job as management to keep the server running and making sure the players are being held accountable.

Nimmanu had said it best; "And so you understand more clearly, I do not defend what any RMT'r does. I feel betrayed by those who actually did that. I feel very angry that they would join our guild and do that." We all do. Hell, it's something we've all been talking about this evening because we aren't happy about being name and shamed for those who put us in this uncomfortable situation.

Perhaps next time, as a suggestion, you could manage damage control and speak with the guild leader if this situation does happen again (for Dark Winter or anyone else) to minimize this kind of effect?

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to my drumming.


Pokesan 02-16-2015 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Raijingeki (Post 1784522)
This Dark Winter call out could have been handled more... Professionally, to be blunt.

stopped reading at this point. your whistles were dirty and rogean does not owe you a goddamn thing in the first place anyway.

Zheta 02-16-2015 01:07 AM

People BUY PLATINUM on this server?? Wat.

Anyway, good work GMs!

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