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Philistine 02-25-2022 12:58 PM

The kiddos and I had a fun time while mom taught a night class :)

Philistine 02-25-2022 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by xosta (Post 3427518)
Honestly, lately it's hard for me to find any positive emotions, because I read a lot of news about what is happening in the world right now, and it makes me terribly anxious. I started taking cbn gummies and I really hope that they will help me, because I have no strength to cope with depressive thoughts.

Obviously only you know what is right for you, but I've found watching/reading less news to be a good thing for me. I feel like it's one thing to be informed, and it's another to be consumed by it.

You need to do what is best for you! You don't have to bear the burdens of the world on your shoulders.

starkind 02-25-2022 01:19 PM

Yep. I agree.

My personal take.. Priority is you and your health and welfare. Then others. Just remember to include yourself and others in the everyday everything welfare and make small changes where you can. Do not punish yourself for not being a god.

Philistine 02-27-2022 11:44 AM

Enjoyed a family movie night :)

Philistine 02-28-2022 11:11 PM

Rode my motorcycle on snow for a very short distance and lived to tell the tale...not a fan though :p

GinnasP99 02-28-2022 11:13 PM

Burned half a face cord of wood and got drunk/high, going to bed, peace out.

starkind 02-28-2022 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Philistine (Post 3429294)
Rode my motorcycle on snow for a very short distance and lived to tell the tale...not a fan though :p

Me either. Glad you made it safe and sound!

I vacuumed half the house. That's gotta count for something!

Philistine 02-28-2022 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by starkind (Post 3429297)
Me either. Glad you made it safe and sound!

Thanks :)

unsunghero 03-02-2022 10:05 PM

One of the requests for another team at work today was a father calling about his hysterical 18yr old son:

“Father reports client is thinking his penis is shrinking and he will die, wearing no clothing, in just his underwear, has been checking his penis since the episode started”

I told my co-worker damn I wish I had gotten that request, that sounds fun. Most likely that guy is DD but if not it’s like damn boy! What drugs you get into?

Then my co-worker said yea it sounds fun until he shows you his dick..

Then I said if he whips his dick out on me I’ll just get him back by saying “oh yeah no that’s totally shrinking man” lol if father thought he was panicking before…

starkind 03-02-2022 10:23 PM

Sounds like a rly fun call. Hope the kid is ok.

Today I got a lot done + Said prayer for everyone + prayer of gratitude + got some good memes in my window. And tbqfh a lot more about animal crossing! (Maybe more than I wanted 2 know)


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