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HarrisonIsStillPosting 05-28-2012 09:27 PM

90% of the shit you just cried about (again) is all not able to be changed. There are limitations because of the client EQemu uses and can't be changed, some things we simply have no records of before changes were made to them like paineel.

Exploits aren't valid reasons to complain because that is a USER originated problem. It's faggots like you and your guild who can be to blame for exploits, not the devs/server.

In closing, cry more. You have like 5 level 50s anyways. You need to go outside.

Mornin3.0 05-28-2012 09:35 PM

What the bluebie retards dont quite grasp is all the people wanting an exp bonus dont want it for their own benefit.... we are all 50 already retards... dont need to level anymore.. I would be in all favor of classic exp if the box could hold a good pop but it obviously cant.. I wouldnt even be in favor of a perm exp bonus.. just something drastic over a few months to help boost pop..if it fails.. server already has failed..

This server has so much potential being wasted but fixes not being fixed and devs (giving the impression that they are) ignoring the server are killing it.

Kunark would do nothing but bring back people that are already 50 for a few weeks until they quit again.. not a long term solution..

Never once has a hard headed power hungry Dev asked the population their opinion and then acted in a timely accordance... tho i do GREATLY APPRECIATE the free server... the waste of potential disappoints..

Maze 05-28-2012 09:37 PM

Put in beta exp, 40 people isnt fun.

Ames_High_King_Gaddafi 05-28-2012 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mornin3.0 (Post 654850)
bout the reaction to expect from these project managers.... I have put a lot of time into this box and to be quite frank I was expecting more interaction from the devs.. Since your in charge and you can pull the plug on my enjoyment any time you want, i have to watch my tongue.. but just maybe you could realize you would actually benefit from listening from someone like me or others in the community.. even if the truth isnt pretty or flattering...

hagard 05-28-2012 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by HarrisonIsStillPosting (Post 654846)
Come to Classic EQ server
Complain about experience in Classic EQ

The server shouldn't change because you don't have the time. You're just going to have to deal with having low playtime, like people did on live. They didn't change experience rates on live because you were busy. Entitled whiny pussies lol

Xp was easy in classic because there was groups. 40 online primetime. . . Was 40 in most zones but I'm sure you are unable to comprehend that

jdklaw 05-28-2012 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by jdklaw (Post 654609)
If anyone actually wanted a healthy server and to bring pop up; they would stop saying the sky is falling and shitting all over the threads.

all of your bandwagoners sitting in a bathtub of tears are whats killing pop, not the devs

hagard 05-28-2012 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sektor (Post 654839)
I love ya Rett but I disagree with you an xp bonus will bring a lot of people back, including a bunch of people I brought with me when I first came here.

I work between 38-42 hours a week, currently been with the same girl for almost four years, I'm not 15 years old anymore where I could play the game 10+ hours a day. Only reason why I got 50 was Saidin and Shocker basically helped me level through my 40's and I was a druid none of the less.

Some people just don't have the time, or if they do it will take them maybe 6+ Months to get 50. (If they stick with it)

Adding more xp bonus wont even come close to being like wow, this game is pretty hard when it comes to leveling, unless you have tons of time.

Spot on between work gf aggro and school can't grind like it's 19 99

Dullah 05-28-2012 10:12 PM

This is honestly a really simple situation, and no, changing exp mechanics in EQ doesn't fix anything as can be seen by the last exp patch.

This game is about progression. Some is done on your own, some require guilds.

Right now, the progression for casuals has been completely tapped out. Theres about 300-500 lvl 50 toons on this server fully decked in classic gear, with half of them being in planar. Theres nothing left to accomplish except for latecomers to join up for some casual raiding and pvp. Legacy is gone, so that was the last of the reasons to pvp outside of planes/dragons.

Kunark will give us months of leveling and grinding, not to mention months of raiding. That means a lot of pvp worthy stuff for quite a while. When was pvp best on r99? When the general population were competing over dungeons (solb/lguk). Now, its just left to the hardcore to fight over dragons while the rest of the casuals are stuck solo leveling, twiddling their thumbs playing other games, or forced to join a raiding guild.]

A bunch of nerds will talk about bluebie this and that - kunark wont do anything etc, but without progression, we don't have shit to pvp over. Notice how the people talking about bluebies are all in pvp gear that took 100s of hours to acquire... EQ is a game about personal advancement (pixels). If you're hardcore, go farm bg and arenas in wow or play a FPS. This is not that game.

In conclusion, please bring out sky to expedite kunark. Sky won't bring the masses, but it puts us closer to the promised land.

swagdaddy 05-28-2012 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Maze (Post 654855)
Put in beta exp, 40 people isnt fun.

Maze 05-28-2012 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dullah (Post 654876)
This is honestly a really simple situation, and no, changing exp mechanics in EQ doesn't fix anything as can be seen by the last exp patch.

This game is about progression. Some is done on your own, some require guilds.

Right now, the progression for casuals has been completely tapped out. Theres about 500 lvl 50 toons on this server fully decked in classic gear, with half of them being in planar. Theres nothing left to accomplish except for latecomers to join up for some casual raiding and pvp. Legacy is gone, so that was the last of the reasons to pvp outside of planes/dragons.

Kunark will give us months of leveling and grinding, not to mention months of raiding. That means a lot of pvp worthy stuff for quite a while. When was pvp best on r99? When the general population were competing over dungeons (solb/lguk). Now, its just left to the hardcore to fight over dragons while the rest of the casuals are stuck solo leveling, twiddling their thumbs playing other games, or forced to join a raiding guild.]

A bunch of nerds will talk about bluebie this and that - kunark wont do anything etc, but without progression, we don't have shit to pvp over. Notice how the people talking about bluebies are all in pvp gear that took 100s of hours to acquire... EQ is a game about personal advancement (pixels). If you're hardcore, go farm bg and arenas in wow or play a FPS. This is not that game.

In conclusion, please bring out sky to expedite kunark. Sky won't bring the masses, but it puts us closer to the promised land.

TLDR, beta exp 40 people isnt fun

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