Project 1999

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Project 1999 Rules
Global Forum Rules

The Project 1999 forums serve as a hub of the community where players can discuss all aspects of the game. Please review the rules below to ensure that your posts say within these bounds.

Although the administrators and moderators will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and the owners, operators, and moderators will not be held responsible for the content of any message.

The following rules apply to all forums, including Rants and Flames.

Stay out of Real Life
Many people expect to keep personal and real life matters seperate from those that happen on the Internet. We expect all forum members to respect eachother's privacy. You may not ever post any real life information about another user, including but not limited to, name and address, phone numbers, pictures, employers, associates, etc. This also extends to protect other forms of communication including IM Aliases and E-Mail addresses.

Those that violate this rule will be banned for RL Information and ALL posts will be deleted as spam.

Server Negativity
Spreading negative propaganda about the server and serving no purpose other than to slander the community and it's staff will not be allowed. This goes hand in hand with trolling however it does extend to the Rants and Flames forums. The staff work hard to provide this experience to you, and we will not tolerate negative conjecture about our agendas or actions.

As always, questions and comments can be made to our petition forums or via PM directly to management.

Any threads that contain content unsafe for work should be marked as NSFW.

Avatars and Signatures
All Avatars and signatures must not contain any explicit or NSFW content. Signatures must be no higher than 150 pixels, and no wider than 500 pixels. If there are multiple images, or images as well as text, the combination must not exceed the height of what a single 200 pixel image would cover.

Regular Forum Rules
The following rules apply to all forums excluding Rants and Flames.

Swearing/Cursing is allowed to an extent. Don't overdo it.

Racism will not be tolerated.

Argue the point, not the poster. Do not attack, slander, or bash fellow forum users.

Content is expected to remain work friendly. Do not post graphic/gross/disturbing images. This includes forum avatars and signatures.

The moderators reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

All times are GMT -4. The time now is 02:46 AM.

Everquest is a registered trademark of Daybreak Game Company LLC.
Project 1999 is not associated or affiliated in any way with Daybreak Game Company LLC.
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