View Full Version : weird memory error?

06-07-2010, 12:13 AM
idk wth is going on but i get this weird error now when i boot up EQ


06-07-2010, 12:55 AM
I saw your other post about being back, I'm assuming you just did a fresh install?
I just had a similar problem when I installed on my work computer(shhhhh!).

I had to go to my eqclient.ini file and change it to windowed mode and a few other things. There is another thread lurking somewhere here about crashes that has somebody's full eqclient.ini in it - I just copy/pasted it and edited it to match my screen size. I did this because his had like 30 more lines of code than mine, and I remember seeing some error towards the end of installation that didn't let me do the normal options thing, so that most likely messed up the eqclient.ini file.

It's worth a shot if you think you did everything else correctly.

06-07-2010, 12:12 PM
thanks girth :P ill try it when i get home in an hour