View Full Version : WTS Lot o Stuff High to low end - take a peek I got what u seek.

12-10-2012, 02:01 AM
Prices are firm. Firm like _________

Blade of the black dragon eye botbde 180k
Cloak of flames cof 95k
Fungi tunic fungus 65k
Rune-branded girdle RBG 50k
Necklace of superiority NOS 40k
Fingerbone hoop FBH 30k
Warding Star 40k 14/24 war usable YEAH BABY think about it.
Wurmslayer 5k
Earring of essence 4k eoe
Darkscale greaves 15k
Hardened clay bracelet HCB 13k
wurm scale coat 8k
bracer of hidden 8k
gauntlets of firey mighty 25k gofm
tinker bags x2 5.2k each
sebilite croaking dirk SCD 13k
lammy 2k
bloodfire 7k
truncheon of doom ToD 15k
zealot's incarnadine sword 5k
gem encrusted ring GER 8k
DAR djarn's amethyst ring 10k
dragon bone bracer DBB 7k
idol of the thorned 7k

pms get at me. i will ignore any price less than listed. sorry.

12-11-2012, 08:17 PM
Shot you a PM, hit me back.

12-11-2012, 08:25 PM
Thats all sold mate. gl to ya