View Full Version : question about ac softcap etc

11-19-2012, 08:07 PM
Ive been searching far and wide for definitive information on the AC softcap and have found only conflicting information.

As of right now in the server your ac softcap seems to be determined by a combination of level, class (whether you can use cloth, leather, chain, plate), and anything else? is there any way to calculate the softcap for a given level? I am a 28 ranger and probably cant even get to the cap, but am just curious about how it all works under the hood.

Also Ive heard ac doesnt even matter from some people and heard others say hp is useless and go hp all the way.... would you say there is a definitive "this much ac is worth this much hp" for my level or say lvl 30 - 40 in general?

There was also a really long and elaborate post about how the ac and softcap mechanics work, but im not sure if that was just live, or if it has changed since kunark, or even if the other thread i saw where someone tried to refute that is true.

Has the community come to a consensus on any of these issues? I wanna know how i should aim to buy for myself afterall!

11-20-2012, 06:20 AM
As a SK lvl 40 I'm really curious about all this stuff too. AC remains a mystery for me and I've heard a bit of everything, it's quite confusing indeed.. Let's see if someone can supply a solid answer to your questions. From what I can tell from my pathetic little experience though, AC doesn't seem to be that much wonders and I would favor HP over AC on gear, in a reasonable measure (dont throw 25 AC away on a piece to get 2 AC and 5 HP for example.).

So, min-maxers, speak up please.. :D