View Full Version : Regarding pet aggro

05-31-2010, 06:59 AM
Hey folks,

If I engage 2 mobs and command my pet to attack one of them, it will not stay on its target by all means. Pet aggro seems to work exactly like with all NPCs: Very often the second mob will come on top of the pet's aggro list and the pet will switch its target. Even telling the pet to back off and to attack its original target won't help.

Is this working as intended? This behaviour causes a lot of trouble for the pet caster. I remember the pets to stay on their target regardless what happened. They fought their target until it died, they died themselves or they were commanded to attack something else. Is this memory wrong because I started playing with the Kunark release and not "Classic"?

Thanks for your clarification!

05-31-2010, 08:10 AM
No sir, pets would switch based on the damage dealt to them. IF you had the pet discipline AA it was a lot easier to manage pet agro. But still, thats the way they where! :D

Or at least, that's what this raiding magician remembers. 8)