View Full Version : Sir Lucan D'Lere

10-15-2012, 02:45 PM

Recent weeks of investigation bring up matters that need solving in the City of Freeport. After battling with several corrupt Freeport Militia it has come to light who is the source of the corruption and dishonesty. Sir Lucan D'Lere was left in charge when Valeron Dushire left to investigate the Estate of Unrest, another troublesome area in these lands, he had grown quite an ego by employing his own set of mercenaries to take over the city. A fellow Paladin resisted, but to no avail. The Paladin in question will remain anonymous but sadly he fell in combat, when Valeron Dushire returned he was stripped of his divine powers. With each new Warrior in the City of Freeport begins a life of corruption. These inquiring beings are not aware what they are about to enroll in.

I shall cut to the chase of this bulletin. Sir Lucan D'Lere is in Freeport. He needs to be stopped, and I have been tasked of his disposal. I am not of sufficient power to complete this task.. but he has an item I require for a mission to create the legendary weapon soulfire. From one adventurer of Norrath to another, is there anyone willing to assist with his dispatch? I shall be adventuring in the Commonlands until and if such a force exists to assist.

May Mithaniel Marr aid you in your hour of desperation.

10-15-2012, 03:42 PM
I'll help you sir, message Kaludar in game.

10-15-2012, 03:50 PM
A 53rd Circle Barbarian Mystic and 51st Year Vicar have joined the squad to be deployed to end this madness and corruption, the question to thee remains, are you strong enough to play a part in this historic event that will be passed along through generations to come?

10-15-2012, 04:11 PM
Inquiring minds also would like to know what force, if any, should be capable of felling the evil Master of Arts of War?

10-15-2012, 04:15 PM
wouldn't mind lending a hand either.

10-15-2012, 04:18 PM
Make haste M'Lord! We are preparing a squad now to eliminate this evil.

10-15-2012, 05:56 PM
4 brave adventurers on Sunday, August 08, 3101 - 11pm finally freed the chains of evil and corruption that Freeport bared. They were from many walks of life all with the same goal. Kaludar - 53rd Circle, Mystic. A brave barbarian prepared to risk his life for the good of this land.
Ramblin - 60th Grade, Grandmaster. A mighty and powerful Iksar who aided the battle in the hope to one day make these parts of the land safer to travel once this story breaks loose.
Vianna - 60th Year, High Priestess. A noble High Elf, Holy Priestess who shares the same goals of the Paladin guild, to cure this land from the sickness and curse it bares.
Vlasic - 47th Circle, Shaman. A strong and surprisingly rather intelligent Ogre who aided the battle with his 'Majik' to keep many forces at bay as the fight was in full force.

It was a warm, calm evening in East Commonlands Tunnel. Little did Sir Lucan Dlere know it would be his last evening of reigning evil upon the large city known as Freeport. As 4 Adventurers prepared for a long battle, Sir Lucan was busy recruiting more mercenaries for his Militia. Once the band of adventurers, soon to become heroes of these lands, were prepared they set off with one thing in mind only. To free the Civilians of Freeport. Upon approaching the gate Vlasic, Ramblin and Kaludar were cautious. They could see a threatening glare from the Militia guarding the front arch.

Once the plan was decided Ramblin charged into the enemy lines, blasting the door open to the Freeport Militia House, "founded on sweat & steel" which Sir Lucan resides in with a fly kick. Upon entering, with a quick *sniff* he picked up the scent of Sir Lucan. Upon reaching the door which he was behind, Ramblin used the skill taught to him by Master Raska. He steadied his heartbeat and fell to the ground. The Militia laughed as they returned back to their duties with one arranging for the corpse to be disposed of. In quick time, Ramblin crept back up bust the door open, quickly turning on his heels he ran outside and performed the same trick not too far from the arch, but to the right near an abandoned camp outside of the arch view. Sir Lucan decided to make sure he did the job correctly and Ramblin took a blow, as the guards on duty turned their back up like shot.. Ramblin had his fist in Lucans lower back. The other guards were unaware, creating such a noise in the distance of laughter.


The battle begun and Brother Jentry had come running out of the gates to assist. Vlasic, quick witted as he is was fast off the mark and had him entangled in roots, rendering him useless as his master was slain.


Vianna the noble High Elf and Kaludar the mighty barbarian were on hand to heal the wounds of Ramblin as he was struck blow by blow from Sir Lucan and also slowing the blows thrown by Sir Lucan. The battle was long, hard and tiresome but the heroes had prevailed. Sir Lucan made one final attempt to run from combat like the coward he is, but with a final blow of the fist he fell.


As he fell he screamed that his Testimony of Truth would never be claimed, an undead version began to rise from his corpse. He was not as strong as his original form, even with the assistance of a nearby guard Bonlo. It was of this hour that the final form "Sir Lucan D`Lere" was slain, Freeport freed from the evil chains holding back a City from blossoming. Four Mighty Adventurers became Four Brave Heroes.


As news spread quickly throughout the city, the Militia dispersed, even the toll booth guards in the West Commonlands were nowhere to be seen. Civilians took to the streets in celebration, ale was in abundance and even Ping Fuzzlecutter was giving out free bottle of Fuzzlecutter Formula 5000. The city danced and celebrated for three whole days and nights straight. This tale is one of such epic proportions it has been written in many different languages, in many scriptures and stowed away within crypts to preserve this moment in history for future generations to come.

The quest for SoulFire is coming close to an end, these lands soon to be purged from the curses and abominations that walk the very ground we know as Norrath.

[[ Big thankyou to Full Circle, specifically Kaludar, Vianna, Ramblin and Vlasic! Kind players who persisted in trying to split the guards up. Thanks to you guys I will soon have an awesome paladin weapon! <3 ]]

10-15-2012, 06:03 PM
Congratulations, all of us.

10-15-2012, 07:53 PM
Glad to help.

10-15-2012, 08:57 PM
prime example of good people here.

10-16-2012, 12:15 AM
+1 this thread for helpful community

10-16-2012, 01:14 AM
More adventures please! The screenshots are a welcome addition as well!

10-16-2012, 01:38 AM
Glad to help.

10-16-2012, 01:41 AM
Awesome. Or, as we say in Halas, awesome.

10-16-2012, 07:36 AM
My next quest leads me to the forests of Faydark, to settle a dispute between the orcs and the Fier`Dal.

10-16-2012, 08:13 AM
Simply great

10-16-2012, 08:17 AM
I begin this day given to me by the lord himself Mithaniel Marr with a peaceful session of fishing at the Eastern Freeport docks, sipping upon a short beer in the early hours of dawn. The area is not so plentiful with fish, but atleast I will make some coin from these old sandals I have retrieved.

From the Port Authority a fresh, familar face appeared. It was my good druid friend Thornymofo. He and I continue to fish into the night, sharing stories, beer and food.


10-16-2012, 01:44 PM
When does the chap known as Tykar Renlin come to drink at the Seafarer's Roost? I have waited several days to no avail. I am so close to wielding my soulfire, this chap is setting me back quite a pace.

10-16-2012, 04:27 PM
Keep the updates coming, nice to have these for a change of pace.

10-17-2012, 08:57 AM
My quest for the almighty SoulFire continues. When Sir Lucan found out about this blade it was bad news. Luckily in the nick of time, a band of mighty heroes prevented him from claiming the blade and having even more power over Freeport.

My Paladin testimony was long over due, the time to prove myself was now. For years I have been training under the Hall of Truth yet to prove myself. The person in charge of setting my testimony was Merko Quetalis. He told me that a lone trader Altunic Jartin had a problem that needing tending to. I set off on my travels and by the time I'd arrived to the Commonlands it was nightfall. Pulling a tinderbox and a torch from my rucksack I lit my torch. This fended off many of the dangerous creatures of the nocturnal realm, the light blinding their eyes.

After what could have been an hours walking I finally found the lone trader, he was pacing up and down outside of the hut. As I approached him, I passed the letter I was told to deliver upon meeting the gentleman. He let out a big sigh and with that he turned his back to walk into his hut. From the shadows a figure appeared, it was only at that moment I recognised who this figure was. Squire Narl, a human rogue. There was a wanted poster for him in North Freeport. It was said that a week prior to the time when I saw him he ransacked a Paladin on his way home from guard duties in North Freeport. The Paladin was stripped of his armor, coins and even as far as a few trinkets one a lock of the Paladins daughters hair. He was left in a back alley inbetween the buildings in the Freeport Market area. His head completely removed from the torso, the surrounding area covered in blood splats and a pool of congealed blood. I drew my sword from the sheath and charged at the rogue, caught by surprise he did not get to his blade in time and felt the full wrath of Obsidian Scimitar. The merchant turned around in fright of the sound of battle and dropped to his knees, he was expecting the rogue and he was in some kind of trouble. I severed the head of Squire Narl and handed it to Altunic Jarn. In reply he asked for a medium-sized tunic. An odd request from a gentleman who was just about to be ambushed and dispatched of in the same manner as the Paladin the previous week. Without question I retrieved a medium-sized tunic and returned it to Altunic Jarn within the next day, it was that moment he withdrew a coin shaped item from his pocket. A token of generosity. Hallelujah!! My first part of my testimony complete!

Returning to Merko, flashing him my token of generosity he smiled, then pulled me to one side and explained my next task in a hush voice. To the deserts of North Ro I was dispatched to slay a Giant Tarantula causing grief to a nearby village, from this spider I was expected to retrieve a spider venom sac. I knew I had to get on the case quick, borrowing some journeymen boots from the Paladin storage I set off to North Ro.

From the distance as soon as I had left the lands of Freeport, in the distance I could see a Giant Desert Tarantula. It was attacking a travelling merchant. With another rub of the journeymen boots the magic released from the boots making my feet travel just that extra bit quicker. This time I had taken my axe of the ironback that was a recent bargain of mine that I had managed to haggle down from a Tier`Dal in the East Commonlands Tunnel. Retrieving it from the strap on my back I ran at the spider, swinging the axe high above my head.

The first blow was to its hind leg, I heard a crunch as the axe landed, as I lift for yet another quick swift blow the leg completely detached. The spider turned and hissed as it's poisonous venom hit me in the face, blinding my vision for the time being and causing me great sickness. I was not going to allow a spider to defeat me and as I rolled to the side the spider followed me. As it face forward with a mighty swing of my axe I caught the spider right in the eyes. The creature was blinded and now was my chance, I lept upon the Giant spider and with my bear hands tore it apart piece by piece until with the final cut of my axe, had freed the spider venom sac.

I fell off the carcass of the tarantula and lay on the floor next to it, looking into the bright sun high in the sky. The sun was blocked from my vision as a nearby merchant lent over me and offered me an antidote. The poison took an hour to heal from my system and within two hours I was up and prepared to make the journey back to the Hall of Truth. The villagers thanked me several times, offered me a hot meal and even a bed for the night but I kindly refused determined to complete my testimony as quickly as possible. With a final rub of the journeyman boots I set off back to the Hall of Truth.

Upon arrival Merko saw I was weak but did not care for the matter he had at hand could not wait, upon giving him my token of bravery he handed me my testimony. Then he proceeded to discuss urgent matters in the Lesser Faydark. A castle had been discovered nearby with great evil harboring within, a troll shadowknight named Xicotl. Transport had been arranged so this matter could be dealt with as quickly as possible, it was then I noticed the pint sized gentleman standing just next to Merko. A druid of the vale, Urbanzkopf had arrived to cast a circle to take me to the mountains of Steamfont. He wasted no time, within seconds a circle was stable and we was taken from one part of the land to the next.

Casting the Spirit of Wolf, Skin like Nature and other gifts from Mother Tunare herself we set off in a hurry to reach Castle Mistmoore. Upon arrival the battle was already at large. Several Faydark Champions were battling the rising horde of Dark Elves around the entrance pond. The battle started to create a parting in the middle, the biggest, ugliest and smelliest troll in the shiniest plate armor come charging out chasing an Iksar chap named Dreymon of Bregan D`Aerth. He fell to the ground in an attempt to confuse the troll but he just continued to slash away at the 'corpse'. Dreymon was quick to his feet, tail whipping, raking and punching his foe. Urbanzkopf began to cast a mighty fire, that the druids know as starfire smiting the troll. I cast yaulp and ran into the fight for assistance. My Obsidian Scimitar cut through his plate armor as if it was a chunk of the finest mature cheese, it's magical abilities glowing within my sweaty palm. A final blow to the head from Dreymon fell this evil and as he dropped to the floor, I was quick to prise the glowing hilt from his hands.

That day marked the start of a new beginning, as the trail for SoulFire fell dead, with the discovery of the glowing hilt.. I was quickly set back on track with what I must accomplish to recreate this magical blade.

[[ Have not yet spell checked ]]

10-17-2012, 10:30 AM
Quest complete!!

All hail Aegnarion, wielder of Soulfire!


Random snaps of me with my broski Hayle



10-17-2012, 10:58 AM

But you totally wasted that half elf...Tunare or GTFO (http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=4646):

10-17-2012, 11:02 AM

But you totally wasted that half elf...Tunare or GTFO (http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=4646):

Fiery Defender is much harder, but also a little better.

10-17-2012, 11:04 AM
Mithaniel Marr is the only way a Paladin should go.

Being shunned by my Elf parent I was hesitant to become a follower of tunare.

10-17-2012, 11:14 AM
Fiery Defender is much harder, but also a little better.

But only 3/4 the swag factor.

Anyways, grats on the Soulfire! Its pretty awesome to see you in bronze and particle effects.

10-17-2012, 11:19 AM
But only 3/4 the swag factor.

Anyways, grats on the Soulfire! Its pretty awesome to see you in bronze and particle effects.

Agree to disagree I suppose. Nature's defender looks nice, but a sword of solid flame it is not.

10-17-2012, 11:19 AM

I am punishing evil.... In the name of the trees!


10-17-2012, 05:27 PM

I am punishing evil.... In the name of the trees!


[[ Ya as a roleplayer.... this doesn't tie in well with me : )) ]]

10-17-2012, 06:19 PM
lol, you take Mithaniel Marr that seriously yet you beg for help as a Paladin from an Iksar, Ogre, etc to kill Lucan to loot the quest item for Soulfire?


Well, they were awfully nice Iksars and Ogres. Why do you only see race?

10-17-2012, 07:27 PM
Just lolin' @ super srs roleplaying deity bros, but beg for help from Cazic-thule worshippers.

[[1) quote me where I beg? I thought I just asked /shrug
2) It's an MMORPG, I can't play the game as one of the hardest classes to level (hybrid) by being an outright ass saying "I won't group with you because you are an evil race" bla bla
3) don't like what you see in the thread please don't read, I don't ask you to take part in my roleplay I never ask others to either, if they respond to my roleplay it's all good if not I don't force it on them
4) try to read the story that I wrote there, perhaps you would understand why these races are helping me, but oh wait, you aren't that smart right cause you are an 'Ogre'?
5) yes I am mad and yes welcome to ignore arrogant ass.]]

10-18-2012, 04:36 AM
Not to mention asking for help from lvl 60's to do quests he has no business doing yet! No valor or honor in that yet he "roleplays" a Pally, lol.

And quick to insult those who point out his inconsistencies too! I have yet to see anything close to Pally behavior, makes me sad to know he "worships" the same god! Such high hopes from someone who looked like he roleplayed to full immersion ...

10-18-2012, 06:30 AM
Not to mention asking for help from lvl 60's to do quests he has no business doing yet! No valor or honor in that yet he "roleplays" a Pally, lol.

And quick to insult those who point out his inconsistencies too! I have yet to see anything close to Pally behavior, makes me sad to know he "worships" the same god! Such high hopes from someone who looked like he roleplayed to full immersion ...

3) don't like what you see in the thread please don't read, I don't ask you to take part in my roleplay I never ask others to either, if they respond to my roleplay it's all good if not I don't force it on them
5) yes I am mad and yes welcome to ignore arrogant ass.]]

[[Don't like my roleplay again dont read it, like to see you doing it but probably dont have the guts to or even the vocabulary ]]

10-18-2012, 08:45 AM
The trolls are plenty fat (and smelly) Aegnarion. You don't need to feed them.

I don't know about all this god business, but you set a goal and met it. That sounds like a positive thing to me. Hopefully you got some coin out of it.

Regarding these mercenaries you mention in your initial bulletin, you need not worry about them. Any loyalty we had to D'Lere ended when he died.

Erevan Ilesere

10-18-2012, 09:28 AM
Not to mention asking for help from lvl 60's to do quests he has no business doing yet! No valor or honor in that yet he "roleplays" a Pally, lol.

And quick to insult those who point out his inconsistencies too! I have yet to see anything close to Pally behavior, makes me sad to know he "worships" the same god! Such high hopes from someone who looked like he roleplayed to full immersion ...

Pretty sure you're just hating/trolling, and I'm not really sure why. If you've read the Soulfire Quest text, there's nothing in there about being high level. It's all about defeating evil.

As for him calling out people, pretty sure he's doing that OOC. That doesn't make his 'character' less of a Paladin.

10-18-2012, 09:31 AM
Thankyou both for your kind words, Indeed the quest I set upon was about eliminating evil from these lands and releasing the chains of evil and corruption that held Freeport for many years.

10-18-2012, 09:48 AM
Keep up the good work/fight.

Don't let these trolls bother you, they obviously just aren't very good people.

Cheers to you

10-18-2012, 12:12 PM
fail troll tries HARDER!

10-18-2012, 12:21 PM
This message is hidden because Ogre is on your ignore list.


10-18-2012, 12:32 PM
[[ My roleplay brings all the trolls to the yard, damn right I worship Mithaniel Marr damn right I got SoulFiyaa I could teach you but I need a puppet string charge. ]]

10-18-2012, 12:33 PM
[[ My roleplay brings all the trolls to the yard, damn right I worship Mithaniel Marr damn right I got SoulFiyaa I could teach you but I need a puppet string charge. ]]

Well done.

10-18-2012, 12:51 PM

Anonymous troll holds moral superiority.

10-18-2012, 12:58 PM
[[ lol at the fact he took the time to make that, I feel Pretty special :) ]]

10-18-2012, 01:02 PM
Yup, all he has is insults. Plus he brags in his sig and posts that he has soulfire now - Cool story bro.

Ran into lots of this type in live back in the day, pretty sad actually.

10-18-2012, 01:34 PM
All I see in these last few pages of this thread is bullies. Why act like this to someone who brings something good to the server? You act like this, scare players off then complain that there isn't enough low end players and everyone that is on the server twinks their alts, buys PL's and invades your exp zone. Stfu just for one minute and take a look in the mirror you are your own worst enemies. Secondly, how can you call someone a nerd and make fun of them for roleplaying when you are no doubt in your 30's possibly 40's playing an emulator of an old MMO? Come back when you have an original forum name too.

EDIT: Thirdly for thinking that he is a beg for gear and roleplays just for free stuff. You are 100% wrong, he grinded at tonne of bone chips because I set him up with a deal with a friend to buy them all off him. With that he turned in 2gp a time to raise his faction so seriously, go spread that bullshit elsewhere.

10-18-2012, 01:46 PM
What the fuck happened to this thread?

Some of you are sad, sad examples of people.

10-18-2012, 01:54 PM
Go to RnF some funny pics n gifs in there. Yours are shit bro.

10-18-2012, 02:07 PM
Ogre appears to be roleplaying a virgin. :rolleyes:

10-18-2012, 02:17 PM
Soulfire isn't the Paladin epic. It's not even close. It's a small, small part of the Paladin epic. In Kunark era, better weapons (http://wiki.project1999.org/Blade_of_Xalgoz) can be had for a song.

10-18-2012, 02:27 PM
[[ Thanks for siding with me guys, but my thread is ruined now and completely derailed. Would rather it just gets locked / deleted :( ]]

10-18-2012, 02:29 PM
Ogre, Aegnarion never once begged me for anything. I chose to help him because he actually put some thought into his forum post and it was an interesting change of pace. Most people are willing to help others if you approach it in the right way, something you likely have trouble with due to your blatant aspergers syndrome.

10-18-2012, 03:04 PM
Make your haters your motivators.

But seriously dude an enchanter can solo him here I'm sure. Charm a town front guard -> GG

(This needs to be fixed lol)

10-18-2012, 03:19 PM
Make your haters your motivators.

But seriously dude an enchanter can solo him here I'm sure. Charm a town front guard -> GG

(This needs to be fixed lol)

He's always been a pushover. I soloed him as a 60 Paladin (albeit with some AA's), several times. He was only hard when the level cap was 50.

10-18-2012, 03:19 PM
skipped pages 4 through 6. reading page 6 indicates the thread went south...after all the OPs hard work and typing? Bah. OP, bravo! Well done. Kudos to the generous folks in Full Circle who helped you. Loved the pictures and the stories. Happy Hunting.

10-18-2012, 03:24 PM
skipped pages 4 through 6. reading page 6 indicates the thread went south...after all the OPs hard work and typing? Bah. OP, bravo! Well done. Kudos to the generous folks in Full Circle who helped you. Loved the pictures and the stories. Happy Hunting.

[[ Glad to hear some people appreciate it :) thanks ]]

10-18-2012, 04:55 PM
Glad you got those evil lands purged Aegnarion! Congratulations on getting one step closer! I am glad my fellow guild mates gathered to help you out! Great guild indeed!

And that was a great description! You made me feel like I was right there in the fight!