View Full Version : Install?

08-31-2012, 12:22 AM
does the old way to install still work or do I have to use the new way?

1.) Go to Run Type in "%HOMEDRIVE%Program FilesSonyEverQuesteqhost.txt"
Without the Quotes (ok basically what this means is locate your everquest folder within your computer usually C:>>program files>>Sony>>Everquest once you find that open up the eqhost.txt file with like notepad or something. Delete everything you see in that file and replace it with what you see below.

2.) Now Modify the file to look like.

Host=eqemulator.net:5998 (paste this entire line just as it appears in the eqhost.txt file, with the exception of what I just typed in)

Goto File, Save and close the File now. (close and save)

3. Now Modifying the EverQuest Shortcut.

Right Click the EverQuest Shortcut the Install Made. Goto: Properties (right click on the EQ icon on your desktop, go to properties and change the extension as it appears below)

Now Change Target

From: "C:Program FilesSonyEverQuestEverQuest.exe "
To: "C:Program FilesSonyEverQuesteqgame.exe" patchme -w (use this one exactly as it appears, including the patchme -w)

Click Ok Button.

That is it for getting on, now you need a login server account.

Ok if you made it this far you are like 3 minutes away, all you have to do now is set up your login account. see below.

Creating your Login Server Account: How To

1.) Goto "http://www.eqemulator.net/forums" And Register an Account without Quotes. it's FREE

2.) Next, Goto "http://eqemulator.net/forums/profile.php?do=newlsaccount" page without Quotes.

3.) Pick a Login Name, Login Pass ( You May have up to 3 Account Per EQEMU Username. )

thats it Your Ready to Play EQ for Free.

This is kinda confusing, all you basically do is go to www.eqemulator.net/forums and register like any other forum, they will email you to verify it, do that, then log in with your user name and password like you are going to make a post. now on the left hand side of the screen there is a button labeled "USER CP", click that. that will take you to your control panel, now on the left side scroll down and you will see a link to "login server" click that. once you do that it will have you set up your actual login for getting on the Emulator servers. you can have up to 3 login accounts. once you set that account up you can log in and start playing.