View Full Version : Miscellaneous: Pet Info Window

08-05-2012, 04:05 AM
With the compass being removed in the next patch it would make sense to remove the Pet Info Window also.

It's not classic -- Added July 24, 2002

New Interface Available:

The new EverQuest user interface is now available for use on Live servers. Many of you will find that it runs faster than the old interface. It is extremely customizable, and offers all sorts of features including resizable windows, fading windows, a pet control window, and flexibility through the XML files. We decided to offer it for optional use as a sort of Beta II for folks on the Live servers that haven't had the chance to try it out on the Test server.

To activate the new interface:
Log into the game.
Type /newui into the chat bar and hit enter.
Log out and exit to your desktop and then log back in.

Before you log in:
Open the EQclient.ini file in your EverQuest folder with a text editor (notepad works fine).
Find the [Defaults] section of the file.
Add a line that reads: NewUI=TRUE.
Log in.

We want to thank all the folks that have helped us test the interface and have offered a wide variety of useful ideas.

Enjoy the interface!


Before this was added you needed to put all of the pet commands into hotkeys.

You definitely could not use the Hotbar while casting a spell.

Manually typing them out would work I think?

Unsure if this didn't work and was changed later though.

Small Note also -- Pet only buffs should not automatically target your pet:

Changed Specter pets so they're able to equip items and armor.
Pet-only buffs now automatically attempt to target your pet if you cast them with the wrong target or no target at all.
Fixed a bug that would prevent the creation of Familiars and Warders if the caster had created more than 99 in the same zone during the current game session.
The limit on the amount of haste that can be applied to a pet has been changed (aka. The Pet Haste Cap). The amount of haste that can be placed on a pet now scales with the level of its owner. The scaling occurs in a way that is consistent with how much haste a given caster can place on his own pet (using a Level 56 Magician as an example: The idea is that both Burnout IV and Muzzle of Mardu should be useful).


08-08-2012, 02:53 PM
Tested the pet commands on EQMac with the old interface.

It is possible to use them while casting through the chat bar.

However it is not possible to use them through hotkeys, it results in:

You can't use that command while casting...

08-09-2012, 05:45 PM
that would be nice / however the /pet report /pet who is your leader are not working , as they did in classic your pet would report his hp and buffs.

08-14-2012, 12:27 PM
that would be nice / however the /pet report /pet who is your leader are not working , as they did in classic your pet would report his hp and buffs.

This is not exactly true.

/pet report health should only report the % of hp your pet has, not any buffs, debuffs or timers.

/pet who leader does work. That's the way I always used it. Should "/pet who is your leader" function the same?

08-15-2012, 02:40 AM
Fixed, pending update.