View Full Version : Game Mechanics: EQType 6000

05-14-2010, 09:04 AM
I don't know if this is a bug, or if in Titanium it was never implemented.

EQType in .xml for custom templates...

6000 = Merchant Slot 0


6079 = Merchant Slot 79

In Fabbe's UI it uses these to display the old merchant buying style. However, when interacting with a merchant, this window freezes. When using this style on EQ Live, this window works fine. I'm wondering if these eqtypes are not in the source yet.

I think this would help Project 1999, since we would have a very nice classic UI we could all use. I'm working on fixing a lot of the UI at the moment to get it much more closer to classic.

05-14-2010, 09:10 AM
Client, We can't modify.

05-14-2010, 09:11 AM
What file holds that information?

05-17-2010, 04:04 PM

Says its serverside...

05-17-2010, 08:07 PM
I think you misunderstand what the post means. The data that is displayed by the client in the actual fields is in a database, yes. For example, when you click on a mechant and get loaves of bread, water flasks, and muffins, is stored on the server in the database. However, the server doesn't tell the client "display the buy window in the following graphical way". Thats all client side, and something we can't change unless it can be modified through the UI options.