View Full Version : Macro Help

05-13-2010, 04:00 PM
I could use some advice on creating spelling calling scripts. I have a working one right now, but could use some pointers on how to do things more efficiently.

Right now I have...

/cast 1
/cast 2
/g Greater Healing -- %t --
/pause 38

The thing I don't like about this is that the pause after the spell cast really screws things up if I double fizzle or need to duck out of the heal to cast something else.

Is there a way to achieve the same effect without the pause?

Tried looking this up and didn't find much info and I'm sorely out of date on remember the basic rules for this sort of thing from a decade ago.


05-13-2010, 05:31 PM
On my Shaman on Live I used to use something like:

/g Healing %t - Please stand by!
/cast 1
/pause 5
/cast 1

The pause 5 placed a half second wait between attempts to cast the spell, since a fizzle had a minimum time (as I recall) of a half second before you could cast again. This macro wouldn't help if I had a double fizzle, but I made it a point to keep my casting skills up to minimize that risk. If the spell didn't fizzle, the second cast simply never occured since I was still in the middle of casting the first when the 1/2 second pause expired.

05-13-2010, 05:32 PM
i use dis

/pause 20, /cast 5
/pause 35, /cast 5

05-20-2010, 06:54 AM
Much like Kerrik this is a typical spot Healing macro

/Cast 1
/g Random Group Spam msg
/cast 1
/pause 5
/cast 1

line 1: first cast attempt
line 2: Group msg - this also creates a small delay wich should be sufficient to cover recoverdelay if first cast attempt fizzles
line 3: 2'nd cast attempt
line 4: 0,5sec recover delay if 2'nd cast fizzles
line 5: 3'rd cast attempt

If Spell goes off in line 1, only the group msg in line 2 will happen. Line 3-5 will have no effect since your still casting

On raids you will often need a chain macro for CH:
Here we assume you anounce healing in group

/cast 2
/g << 1 >> CH on %t in 10 seconds. < 2 > cast in 3 sec. < 2 >
/cast 2
/pause 5
/cast 2

This assumes people count seconds themself.
Some guilds use the /pause command to tell when next Healer in chain casts, but this can be dangerous since different players may have local latency problems or lag spikes.