View Full Version : Couple of bard charm questions.

04-24-2012, 01:27 AM
Just like to ask regarding bard charming here in P99.

1) level 39 charm song, does it last 1 min or 3 ticks? And is the max charm level 51 or 55?

2) in live, a popular charm kiting method is to pull a bunch of mobs using proximity agro, run them into a circle and then charm one of them, and in doing so the rest of the mobs will beat down the charmed pet and then when charm breaks, the bard dots the ex pet to death. Will this method work here?


04-24-2012, 01:28 AM
couple bard charm threads

couple bard charm threads

lol sry had to

04-24-2012, 01:31 AM
Just like to ask regarding bard charming here in P99.

1) level 39 charm song, does it last 1 min or 3 ticks? And is the max charm level 51 or 55?

2) in live, a popular charm kiting method is to pull a bunch of mobs using proximity agro, run them into a circle and then charm one of them, and in doing so the rest of the mobs will beat down the charmed pet and then when charm breaks, the bard dots the ex pet to death. Will this method work here?


The max level is 51, it lasts 3 ticks, and "swarm kiting" (the method you mentioned in your last paragraph) does not work here. There's been very little comment from the devs about it but the server's a work in progress so maybe one day it will be implemented.

04-24-2012, 05:30 AM
Pet aggro is very weak in p1999. It seems they have zero proximity aggro. All adds go right for the pet owner. Bonus is real charm/pet classes can aggro kite with super low level spells and use no mana.