View Full Version : Second Chat Window Renders Typing Impossible

05-07-2010, 06:20 PM
So I create a second chat window to isolate OOC and Auction so that it wouldn't clutter what my group was saying or the important combat information. Once I got the second window added and configured, the correct stuff was showing up in each window but I couldn't type in either window.

Clicking the bottom of the window just shows a blinking cursor, but typing doesn't work. Instead I get the shortcut key stuff, "i" brings up inventory, space for jump... As if I don't even have a chat cursor active.

Any ideas? I ended up just deleting the 2nd window, camping and coming back - it worked again but I still only have 1 window.

05-07-2010, 06:22 PM
righclick the first chat window and check the "always chat here" box ..