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View Full Version : Game Mechanics: Selo's "will not take hold" timer

02-08-2012, 11:21 AM
Most of the time a minor nuisance, but has caused death, probably someone else has noticed this as well at some point, but haven't seen a post so thought I'd bring it up.

If one gets an equal or greater selo's effect placed upon them as a bard, either by another bard with higher effect or by singing accelerando and then trying to switch to song of travel naturally the effect does not take hold as a stronger effect is currently already in effect. However, I've noticed a bug where even if you click off the other one to try and sing your new song, the "will not take hold" message persists until the timer for the removed song runs its course as if it were NOT clicked off.

Ex. I was trying to kill a mob in skyfire that had a chance of being a summoner, social aggro range is huge picked up a few friends and it ended up being a summoner. I popped accelerando to run for the BW zoneline, once far enough ahead from the pack of mobs (I left just after a summon so I had the full timer to get out), I clicked off accelerando and started singing song of travel so as to continue to the zone out without picking up more unwanted friends along the way. I had no effects on me whatsoever after clicking off accelerando, and no mobs were even remotely within range to hit me to knock off travel, but for 5 casts in a row I got "your song will not take hold". I double checked, and triple checked that there were no songs/spells/procs on my character over the course of this snafu. It was only after approximately 18-20 seconds (the normal duration of a song and about how long my accelerando would have lasted had I not clicked it off) that I was able to finally get the song to take hold.

I ended up being summoned back to the middle of the zone when I was maybe 5 feet from the BW zoneline, had I had speed for those 18 seconds, I would not have died.

I have had similar near misses grouping with other bards aoe kiting, and this bug is really quite frustrating sometimes. If I click off the other effect, it should no longer block my own from being placed.

02-11-2012, 06:01 PM
Fixed, pending update, so long as the buff you're trying to click off is not the same song you are currently singing.