View Full Version : NPC Spawn Issue: respawn on named in Kedge Keep

02-01-2012, 10:38 AM
Recently, ive seen back to back respawns on some of the named sharks in Kedge Keep (in under 30 mins) and knew that this was not my experience with them on Al'kabor.

I related blurb from alakazams:

The other monster type is the long respawn.. these monsters are on 6 hour timers, though most of them also have placeholders, making them truly rare. The 5 monsters like this are Cauldronbubble, Cauldronboil, Estrella of Gloomwater, Undertow, and Phinigel himself (who's on a 12 hour timer). Estrella and Phinigel never have placeholders, the other 3 do.

At least cauldronbubble and cauldronboil should be on far longer respawn timers then they are now.

02-01-2012, 11:40 AM
Undertow is on a 8 hour, Estrella is on like a 2.5-3 day. Phinny is 12 hours.

Bubble/Boil are currently about 25min. Show a link other than that quote you have / the time of that link because I certainly never remember those 2 being on a long timer.

02-01-2012, 04:18 PM
The post is half way down the Kedge Keep page on the allakazams entry


The Kedge Guide

#Aug 26 2000 at 3:12 PMRating: Excellent


Dated year 2000.

Ive spent a lot of time in Kedge Keep on the EQmac server (late Shadow of Luclin code acording to a recent Hobart posting) and would be happy to kill cauldronboil/bubble (or their PHers) in front of anyone who wants to sit in there and wait for 30 mins to see if they respawn (they wont). Thats why when I saw the named shark respawn back to back I knew something was off. (unless things were different in Kedge before the above year 2000 post or different from what EQmac currently has, if so, ignore this bug report)

12-13-2012, 08:40 AM
At least cauldronbubble and cauldronboil should be on far longer respawn timers then they are now.

Fixed, pending update.

6 hours.