View Full Version : Quantum physics makes it possible to secure cloud computing

01-21-2012, 09:33 AM
Quantum computer with quantum cryptography unite researchers from the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) at the University of Vienna and the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. They show in the latest issue of "Science" that allow quantum effects completely secure cloud computing. In one experiment it was possible to construct a quantum computer so that all data and results of calculations the computer itself remained hidden.
Quantum computers over classical computers have a significant advantage: faster calculations based on quantum effects. Because of their complexity, they exist only as a basis for such experiments in the laboratory of the Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna. Therefore, it is obvious that this technique will be the future first only in a few specialized centers available - similar to today's mainframes.

Outsourcing in the "cloud computer"
This strategy follows the current trend of cloud computing, where IT services are in the "cloud computer" can be outsourced. Users could make inquiries from outside of a quantum computer and quantum calculations to perform. The new cloud over current solutions has a significant advantage, which can only be achieved by quantum effects: It is absolutely safe.

Code, or Phonebook?
Viennese researchers, working in cooperation with international research institutes for the first time realized that absolute security of data in a basic experiment. It takes a quantum computer by invoices, but can not even find out what they are. "A quantum computer can not distinguish, for example, if he had just deciphered a code, or looking for an entry in a phone book," said Stefanie Barz, lead author of the recently published in "Science" study.

"Blind" is calculated
This might work in the future as follows: A user prepares qubits - the smallest units of the quantum computer - a condition known only to him and sends it to a quantum computer. This entangled qubits on a consistent basis. The quantum calculations are now being realized by measurements. For this, the user sends instructions to the various measuring quantum computer.

These instructions are adapted to the state of the qubits and give only one meaning, even if the state of the qubits is known. Because of the quantum computer that does not know, for him, the bills are a disjointed sequence of operations. Therefore, he can draw any conclusions about the time, which account he is in the process - he counted "blind." At the end of the calculation results are sent back to the user. "The user can interpret the results and the only way, because only he knows the initial states of the qubits," says Barz.

At the Vienna experiment single light particle (photon) were used as qubits. Whose polarization plane of vibration of light is the basis for the photonic qubit and photon are perfect because they are ideal information carrier and can be sent over long distances.

International research cooperation
The project is an international Koperation of researchers from the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) at the University of Vienna, the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the University of Edinburgh, the Institute for Quantum Computing ( University of Waterloo), the Centre for Quantum Technologies (National University of Singapore) and University College Dublin.

Demonstration of Blind quantum computing. Stefanie Barz, Elham Kashefi, Anne Broadbent, Joseph Fitzsimons, Anton Zeilinger, Philip Walther
DOI: 10.1126/science.1214707

Research Group Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information of the Department of Physics, University of Vienna and Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ)

Background information on press release

Principles of the quantum computer
A fundamental advantage of quantum computers over classical computers are faster calculations based on quantum effects. Something quick to run here means that a quantum computer is very much less processing steps are necessary to obtain a result. A classic bit on a conventional computer, the states 0 (power off) or take one (power on). A quantum computer can now use not only these two states, but are infinitely many ways, he called superposition - are available. While the classical bit always has a defined value, can the quantum bit (qubit), are in a superposition of different states. Only one measurement provides a definitive result, the possible responses each occur with certain probabilities. After the measurement, the qubit has lost its original condition and takes depending on the measurement result is 0 or 1.

Another essential ingredient for quantum computers is the property of entanglement. This describes an effect where the number of quantum particles are connected in a complicated manner. If a particle is affected by a measurement from the outside, so does the state of the entangled particles with it, no matter how far these may be removed.

These two effects, superposition and entanglement, together form the basis of the quantum computer. They allow calculations and algorithms to perform as fast as even with the fastest conventional computer would never be possible.

One-way quantum computer
The realization of the blind quantum computer based on the model of one-way quantum computer. In this first one highly entangled quantum states of multiple qubits is generated. This so-called "cluster state" must be so rich in information that it contains all the possible outcomes of the proposed principle calculations. The quantum computation is then performed are carried out in each of the qubits of the cluster-state measurements. Depending on which task to perform the computer, a different sequence of measurements is necessary. Thus, a quantum calculation, divided into many small quantum computations - the measurements. The final state of the remaining qubits, then reveals the results of the calculations. As a measurement of a qubit whose original quantum state is destroyed, this type of quantum computer is called one-way quantum computer.

Example of a quantum computation
The advantages of a quantum computer are very clear in the case of a long search in a list. If you take a phone book with 10,000 entries and looking for a name to a phone number, so you have to sift through the middle half of the phone book, so 5,000 entries. A quantum computer performs this task by only 100, ie 50 times less, evaluate entries, must, until he gets the right result. The bigger the phone book, the more powerful is the advantage of the quantum computer. In a telephone book with a million entries in the classic computer already takes about 500 times as long as the quantum computer. Another interesting application is the deciphering of codes, which can decode quantum computer code, which fails on a conventional computer.

Scientific contact
Stefanie Barz
Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology
Faculty of Physics
University of Vienna
1090 Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5
T +43-1-4277-512 06
stefanie.barz @ univie.ac.at

Further inquiry note
Alexander Mag Dworzak
Public relations
University of Vienna
1010 Vienna, Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1
T +43-1-4277-175 31
M +43-664-602 77-175 31

01-21-2012, 10:57 AM
University of Vienna

No, that's a lie.

I am 100% positive that this article was written by the same guy who is filling my inbox with fake mists of pandaria beta test emails.

01-21-2012, 12:29 PM

01-21-2012, 12:33 PM
I guess scientists don't have very strong language skills.