View Full Version : Quest Issue: Rogue Epic

01-03-2012, 03:51 AM
You say, 'Hail, Anson McBale'

Anson McBale says 'Beat it, _____, unless you have something for me.'

You say, 'I need to see Stanos'

Anson McBale says 'This better be important.'

Stanos spawns. Hand him the two pieces of parchment you pickpocketed.

Stanos Herkanor says 'Excellent! With this document I can..' (He pauses for a moment). 'Damnation! Curse my tired old mind, I forgot that I could not read the document. It is written in some obscure code or language. I can't decipher it, but I know someone who can. Seek out one called Eldreth, an Erudite who used to do work for me. I know not where he may be found these days, only that he will not be found in Erudin, as they want his head for some misdeed in the past. Give him the complete parchment, and tell him I sent you. He owes me.'

This part of the quest I received Stained Parchment, instead of Combined Parchment.

01-03-2012, 05:05 AM
Next step of quest will function with the Stained Parchment currently, so you can continue with the quest. Pending update, Stanos will give the Combined Parchment and Eldreth will be expecting Combined Parchment.

01-03-2012, 05:10 AM