View Full Version : NPC Spawn Issue: Trissa Whistlesong

10-19-2009, 01:07 PM
This is obviously low priority, but I know she was an important character in the original everquest world.

There is a level 35 bard in the Hogcaller Inn of West Freeport named Trissa Whistlesong. In classic EQ she was level 15 and one of the most hotly contested spawns in the game for people level 12-20. In fact, there were so many people fighting over her spawn (and making petitions) that they just buffed her to level 35 and a bazillion HP so that they no longer had to deal with it. I believe this buffing occurred after Velious was released. I doubt overpetitioning regarding sharing her spawn will ever be a problem on our server so I was thinking returning to the old values for her would add to the classic feel. Killing her seemed to be a rite of passage for all necros and magicians.

Correct stats:
-Level 15
-280 hit points
-Hits for up to 32
-Does not play any bard songs
-6 minute respawn time
-ALWAYS drops a mandolin
-Randomly drops words, runes, pages or instruments (often another mandolin)
-Drops 10 copper to 4 gold according to one website (or whatever is average for a level 15 monsters)
-No one assists her, but Lady Shae (who is often KOS to evil race/classes) will path into the room every 20 minutes (this is currently way too fast when I looked).
-Faction hits are so small as to almost be nonexistant.

One final note, the reason her xp was so amazing is that the newbie zones had a tremendous ZEM. Is that the case here?


- http://eq.stratics.com/content/gameplay/classes/necromancer/classes_nec_hu.shtml
Look at level 12-16 heading. Talks about her drops. Talks about Lady Shae and her spawn time (and roaming around time). However, he is wrong when he says Lady Shae assists the bard, its just that Lady Shae was KOS to him.

- http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=1080
Look at the older posts. They talk about her drops, they also mention how insignificant the faction hits are.

- http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/whitewind/gtxt/guides/tricks.htm
Search for Whistlesong. Mentions her spawn time is 6 minutes. Tells you her HP. Tells you her level.

- http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5766
Stupid post about fighting over the spawn, but the important thing is he verifies the 6 minute respawn.

- http://www.adminpage.net/eq.nsf/NPC%20List%20nach%20Klasse?OpenPage&Start=1&Count=150&Expand=29&ResortDescending=0
Awesome page showing the level, HP and loc of all mobs in the game before velious I believe. Might be useful for fixing the newbie guards and other bards besides Trissa Whistlesong back to lower HP and level (if they arent already).

- http://siipi.com/files.nsf/7b273d77dcd3135cc22568e8004b0f62/19374aabecfa34b2c2256c150060cfdf/$FILE/EQSpawns.xls
An excel file of what is probably that same information as above.

10-19-2009, 01:10 PM
I remember that camp. I also remember killing her on my Necro in Velious. The camp nerf, or mob buff, however you'd like to put it, was definitely post Velious.

02-03-2010, 11:34 PM