View Full Version : Miscellaneous: Heretic Faction

11-06-2011, 12:20 PM
Currently, the only way to get heretic faction is to kill guards, kill a couple of nameds in tox, or do the noclin's femur quest (assuming you're dubious). None of these are viable ways for non-kos's to get enough faction to get a key into the city.

On live (and after paineel was released) the kobolds would give +heretic faction and +erudin guards when killed. Is there a possibility for getting this back in?

11-06-2011, 06:35 PM
one of those huts in tox is missing all skeletons. NFI.

11-06-2011, 07:02 PM
I don't think the kobolds gave +heretics faction, but if they did you need to prove it. Also, there are lots of other ways to gain heretics faction but I guess they technically involve needing a key first (like the snake fang/bat wing quest)

edit: I confirmed via everlore archives that the kobolds do not give faction hits in classic.

12-04-2012, 07:09 PM
the only way to get heretic faction is to kill guards, kill a couple of nameds in tox, or do the noclin's femur quest (assuming you're dubious). None of these are viable ways for non-kos's to get enough faction to get a key into the city.

On live (and after paineel was released) the kobolds would give +heretic faction and +erudin guards when killed. Is there a possibility for getting this back in?

Killing Erud Guards is a very viable way to gain Heretic faction. There is a price to pay going that route though, so pick your poison or wait for The Warrens.

WAD, move to resolved.