View Full Version : NPC Spawn Issue: Larik the Necromancer in Lesserfay

03-29-2010, 08:28 AM

I know there are many, many issues and bugs that are more important than this one, but its been broken for so long I am hoping for a fix soon since we have been so patient. Larik V'Zole the necromancer in lesserfaydark is broken and will never spawn. Because of this no one on this server has been able to complete thier tunare discipline quest which results in a very useful item for clerics and druids of all lvls that can finish the quest. I have posted several times about this, and have heard a few responses about the day/night issues being looked at in lesserfay as Larik on live only spawned at night as did the ghasts. Both started out broken on the EMU, but for some reason when the ghasts were added in as static spawns, Larik was ignored which does not make sense. Those that want the necklace are teased into only finishing 1/3 of the quest.

All I am asking is that Larik gets same treatment as the rancorous ghasts and he gets added to spawn table even if its not a classic way of spawning. Just allow him to pop at anytime, I dont see this as a big deal, make him however rare u want. Allowing him to spawn would let those who have had this quest for 30+ lvls to finnaly finish it. Also note though, if you do make Larik spawn make sure the dark elf messager or courier ( cant remember which) works too and will indeed be triggered to spawn on his death because again if Larik spawns and no messager pops there is no point because the quest cant be advanced.

Thank you very much for your time,
