View Full Version : WTB newbie stuff

09-21-2011, 04:25 PM
so just started playing yesterday and was wondering what a full set of banded and a tent whip would cost me? open to ideas of other lowbie items also. cash strapped atm and only have about 5 maybe 6pp after getting to lvl 4 but mostly looking for a ballpark estimate and i'll start grinding for cash

09-21-2011, 04:35 PM
If you can catch me online I will toss some plat your way to help you get started.

However lately you have more chance of catching a leprechaun than me...both green..I am a bit taller tho.

As for your question banded goes for 1pp/ac i think...so like 50-70pp for a set i think...not sure how much ac is on a set.