View Full Version : Miscellaneous: Target box on some specific mobs

03-25-2010, 03:49 PM
Bats, in particular. Seen this happen in Misty, Freeport, Gfay.. They have massive target areas sometimes so much so that you have to actually stand a good distance from them to target things again.

Seems to happen a lot more in third person than it does in first person.

03-25-2010, 06:55 PM
I'm not sure i'm understanding you right, but from what I can tell, this is a client issue. Not something we can change.

03-25-2010, 08:15 PM
If I'm stood facing a bat, and way over to the left at the side of my vision is something else and I try to target it, I'll target the bat instead. No amount of clicking on the screen if the bat is in my vision will target anything other than the bat. It just keeps refreshing the bat as my target.

I've tried this with a different machine and had the same problem; tried on live servers and not had the problem.

My understanding of the targeting system is that its the same as the hitbox system. You have to imagine it as a big invisible ring - if you're within the radius of the invisible ring you can hit the target, if you're outside the radius you get the out of range message. My concern is that the target box of certain objects is too big.

Sorry about the explanation, I'm not too good at explaining what I mean :)

But I guess if I'm the only one seeing it it must be a fault with my client /shrug.

03-25-2010, 08:44 PM
Im sure this has been a problem since the beginning of EQ time and is still the same problem currently on live... Not going to be fixed possibly.