View Full Version : Do you have Avast antivirus and are unable to see your characters? Here's the fix.

09-01-2011, 08:45 PM
Ok, I've compiled a few peoples messages and can say 100% this works (as it worked for me)

First up: Open Avast. (There should be a small icon in your system tray, the far right of your windows bar on the bottom of the screen)

1st Step:
Once Avast is open, click on Real-Time Shields on the left side.
Then click on File System Shield. In there, click on Expert Settings, then on Exclusions in the new window that pops up.

From there, click on add and select the folder that your game is installed in. For me, it was this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Project 1999\*
I guarantee that yours isn't in that directory, so choose the one it is installed in and go from there.

2nd Step:
Exit out to the main screen of Avast, and click on the Real-Time Shields again. From there, select "Behavior Shield", and again click on Expert Settings.

Click on Trusted Processes, then add a new exception for the eqgame.exe file. For me, it looked like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Project 1999\eqgame.exe
Yours will not look like that, so choose the proper location and it will work.

3rd Step:
Return to the main screen of Avast, and click on "Settings" located on the top right.
Select Exclusions from the new window, and add an exclusion for your games directory. This will look the same as the 1st step of this guide.

4th Step:
go back into the main screen of your Avast and click on Real-Time Shields for the final time.
Select "File System Shield" and then click on Stop, choosing the 10 minute time frame.
Then click on "Web Shield" and click Stop again, choosing the 10 minute time frame.

5th Step:
Now you just need to download the file again, and you'll be good to go. Click on this link:
Once it opens, extract the file wsock32.dll and copy it to your desktop. It's important to copy it to your desktop first, because the game will randomly rename the file if you attempt to extract it straight into the game directory.

Once you see it on your desktop, you simply have to open the game directory using Windows Explorer, and drag the file into that directory.

Congratulations, now your Project 1999 game will work once again without disabling your Avast Antivirus.