View Full Version : Packet receiving errors in TT (Traks Teeth)

07-27-2011, 12:58 PM
Was going to go get myself keyed up for Seb the other day and when I zoned into Traks Teeth I discovered that I could do nothing (Cast spells, talk, see chat) was also registering an unusually high latency on screen upon opening my connection I could see I was receiving small amounts of errors every time the server was sending information? what could be the cause of this? It always lets me zone in, But I can't function. Any info would be helpful, thanks.

07-27-2011, 01:05 PM
TT is notorious for being buggy. It is the one zone that I consistently have issues in. As soon as I zone my PC goes haywire, ping rate jumps, packet loss occurs and the graphics start to jump and glitch out. I generally don't have the game lock up but know of others that do have it happen. =/

07-27-2011, 02:20 PM
lucky you guys.. EJ/TT is hell for me since last patch.. as soon as i zone in my client crashes then it crashes windows 7 as well. the only solution i have found to my problem by reading the forums is logging onto a alt that is in a diffrent zone, then logging back on main and seems to fix my issues. Again my hasnt been a packet loss issue but you never know. =)