View Full Version : WoW had to add in mercs.

11-20-2023, 09:55 PM
Cuz they trashed their game with their shitty twitchy instant repetitive dopa hit high APM data spreadsheet robot AI design skinner box bullshit.

top lELz :eek:..

:Bonus content!: https://news.google.com/articles/CBMiqgFodHRwczovL3d3dy5wY2dhbWVyLmNvbS93b3dzLXRlbG VncmFwaHMtYXJlLXNvLWNsdXR0ZXJlZC10aGF0LWV2ZW4tdGhl LWJlc3QtZ3VpbGQtaW4tdGhlLXdvcmxkLWlzLXVzaW5nLWRhcm tlbmluZy1wb3Rpb25zLWR1cmluZy1yYWlkcy1zby10aGV5LWNh bi1maWdodC1tb3JlLWVmZmVjdGl2ZWx5L9IBAA?hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen

11-21-2023, 01:15 AM
Can you link to WoW mercs?

Mad funny if they went exactly as stupid as EQ ended up.

11-21-2023, 01:29 AM

11-21-2023, 01:39 AM
Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.

11-21-2023, 12:03 PM
i dont get why they added bots

isnt lfg basically insta queue anyway?

11-26-2023, 04:54 PM
Yep especially if you're a healer or tank.

11-26-2023, 06:28 PM
Queing with jocks and sweaty degenerates and noobs sucked big balls if u where a tank or healer.

11-26-2023, 07:06 PM
Imagine being instaqueued with an Origen or Horza bot, which then instantly starts probing you for opportunities to provocate and antagonize instead of actually playing the game, and then when you get annoyed with it, you get banned for saying anything.

Now, imagine expanding this software universally across all internet venues, and virtualizing Internet interaction in the process, to fully usurp control of, and redirect, perspective and morality.

Now, imagine if you weren't imagining this scenario at all.

11-26-2023, 07:19 PM
I've always said Horza/Botten/Origen have very strong bot-like vibes. It's as if they're paid to push and promote the most insane rhetoric in an attempt to normalize psychotic concepts and behavior. Then they'll gaslight anyone who calls them out, pointing fingers like theyre the crazy ones.

11-27-2023, 01:44 AM
Then they'll gaslight anyone who calls them out, pointing fingers like theyre the crazy ones.

Azeth's deleted comment magically restored

If you're being sincere in this post, people like you will be the undoing of America. Stunning detachment from reality

Literally does exactly what Evia Babe-Truth'd in response to the same post Evia Babe-Truth'd it in.

Gold, Dead Internet Theory verifier.
That's a pretty fragile "America" you have there, Hoss, where a couple of nobody old ladies thinkin' wrong on the interwebs can threaten it's entire power structure and topple it.

Who's America are we talking about, again?

Stop verifying things.

11-27-2023, 05:32 AM
The other players in groups weren't passing Turing test anyways.

11-27-2023, 10:06 AM
Imagine being instaqueued with an Origen or Horza bot, which then instantly starts probing you for opportunities to provocate and antagonize instead of actually playing the game, and then when you get annoyed with it, you get banned for saying anything.

Now, imagine expanding this software universally across all internet venues, and virtualizing Internet interaction in the process, to fully usurp control of, and redirect, perspective and morality.

Now, imagine if you weren't imagining this scenario at all.

I'm still 50\50 that Origen\Horza et al is doing a character of all the most repulsive extreme leftist positions in order to hurt them reputationally, because irl he believes the opposite of everything he posts. I can't believe anyone is genuinely that completely, perfectly wrong on every single topic.

It's like the inverse of when leftists show up at a JK Rowling book signing dressed as generic cartoon nazis with a fresh-from-the-store nazi flag that still has creases in it, and they walk around chanting "Hey check us out, totally real nazis over here! And we also love JK Rowling!".

It's so on the nose that it outs itself as being fake, and for the sake of humanity I hope that's what he's doing.

11-27-2023, 10:09 AM
The other players in groups weren't passing Turing test anyways.

best response lol

11-27-2023, 11:04 AM
I probably won’t be posting here as often because I’m bored of some pussy, troll-loving mod following me around and deleting threads I post in like a fuckin stalker

11-27-2023, 11:27 AM
It's so on the nose.

Cool it with the antisemitism

11-27-2023, 03:57 PM
I probably won’t be posting here as often because I’m bored of some pussy, troll-loving mod following me around and deleting threads I post in like a fuckin stalker


prob the same one that permbanned me from P99 discord out of nowhere for zero reason

11-27-2023, 05:11 PM
I'm really curious to live in the world that they think will exist once all the naughties are banned

11-27-2023, 05:18 PM
I'm really curious to live in the world that they think will exist once all the naughties are banned

They won't need to ban them (us or whoever) once the hybridized virtualization of the internet is complete. They'll just force all venues of discourse to comply with hosting virtualized consensus bots anywhere public interaction is possible under the threat of punitive action for allowing "potentially harmful" speech to occur without their presence.

And once determined to be a hazard under the above mentioned clause, the person "banned' will just be quarantined to a sterilized and virtualized version of that internet venue.

This is the future of the internet; a corporate bulletin board with a semblance of social interaction virtualized for your safety, and soapbox of corporate and state-sponsored morality.

12-02-2023, 02:15 AM
Moms For Lesbian Titty.
New conservative group. I like it.

12-02-2023, 09:38 AM
As someone who played years ago, I watched a video the other day of someone healing a dungeon. It was amazing to watch the bot tank come over and even tell the human healer "I will wait till you recover some mana".

It's only for "normal" dungeons something that was even hard to find groups for years ago.

12-02-2023, 10:55 AM
Bots are nicer than hoomans lol...

It's because blizz ruined their game and promoted degenerate shitlords to the meta instead of making a fun game.


And it has nothing to do with skill. It's not skillfull to go on a wiki or wowhead and download the meta template to fill out your characters. There is no skillgap between world first and casuals.

It's all about gambling and making ppl sink time to gamble. They leaned hard into the alogorithms instead of making a fun game with world building and strategy and secrets.

They ruined D3+++ and later with this same very mentaility.

The games are fun for a little bit until you hit the end game and are forced to interact with people on a competitive level. And I'm not saying there shouldn't be competitive gameplay. That isn't the message here. It shouldn't be that competitive gameplay is the CORE end point for an MMO or adventure RPG. It's an extra- bonus for those that wish to partake and shouldn't reward the community with special status and power over other players.

12-02-2023, 11:00 AM
Bots are nicer than hoomans lol...

It's because blizz ruined their game and promoted shitlords to the meta instead of making a fun game.

And it has nothing to do with skill. It's not skillfull to go on a wiki or wowhead and download the meta template to fill out your characters. There is no skillgap between world first and casuals.

It's all about gambling and making ppl sink time to gamble.

It's for normal dungeons only, which even years ago no one hardly runs.
And are meant to gear people for hardmodes, and for classes to learn how to tank / heal etc.

It's also funny how Blizz ruined the game now for 10+ years.

12-02-2023, 11:10 AM
It's been in steep decline for 20 years, and hardmode should be the only mode. The problem was making normal into something they expected ppl to just solo or not do at all. It got completely neglected as a mode and just left to rott in favor of M+

M0 as well.

M0 should be like M+20 without the affixes an reward like +15 gear

ALso in luie of developing actual content they just started this mode of recycling content through M+ style mechanics, and also what they do in diablo now.

3 modes is fine. Story-normal-and m0 is sufficient and 90% of the player base should be able to complete mythic. It should be like other games too where you can compensate for crap gear with skill. You can't do that on the M+ track, it's and endless treadmill of getting enough gearscore so u can roflstomp an +20 to a +30 depending on ur comp and the affixes that week and it make the game shit for anyone who actually has a brain and individuality.

The way to recycle content would have been to let people scale old expansions up to their level with an optional toggle so people could go back and do old raids for relevant current content gear and experience and stuff. The whole chromie time scaling content down to people and time walking scaling down stats to ppl was dumb and bad backwards way of doing it.

Ion is a mechanics freak tho and he couldn't stand someone doing someone elses old raid mechanics for gear or progression tho lol. I'll give him one thing, he did a good bit of design on eternal palaces raids, he went completely shit tho after that. Also the level squish was dumb. They should have just left the level at 120 and added new content. Squishing ilvl may have been appropriate for older content outside of the scaling system.

Anyway wow is in the same boat as EQ live now. They've bloated themselves into a wall where they can't get new players and the OG players are so gambling addicted they aren't fun to play with anymore because they don't care about RP or adventure or community, just ilvl, builds and gearscore. And using scripts kiddy programs to goblin the auction house. EMU is suffering this too with the advant of people botting and farming and trying to circumvent the rules. And EMU's limited resources to put a kibosh on it.

Do me a favor and watch that youtube vid he explains it better than me. It's worth your time if you are a long time MMO player.

Vanilla EQ- luclin is somewhat resiliant to this because the game can mostly be enjoyed without raiding and end game gear by soloers and small grps of players. It starts to degrade by Pop and afterwards. And i'm not excusing Veeshans Peak or NTOV they are bad zones in that they are just high gearscore loot pinatas.

12-02-2023, 11:38 AM
I have a friend who introduced me to EQ. I introduced him to WoW. He still plays WoW and it makes me sad to see him still grinding away in that chore of a game.

12-02-2023, 03:32 PM
I have a friend who introduced me to EQ. I introduced him to WoW. He still plays WoW and it makes me sad to see him still grinding away in that chore of a game.
They have trauma counselors and medication for that.