View Full Version : Bad dog

02-12-2023, 06:05 PM
There was an element of the dog that caught the car in the whole affair. (https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2013/11/21/246602362/filibuster-vote-marks-escalation-in-d-c-s-partisan-wars)

The Dog Who Caught The Car (https://www.courant.com/opinion/hc-gop-controls-senate-20141107-story.htmlhttp://)

They might be on the cusp of being “the dog what caught the car” on any number of issues. (https://thewiddershins2.wordpress.com/2015/06/19/dog-catches-car/)

Pro-Brexit politicians are the dog that caught the car. (https://www.vox.com/2016/6/24/12024706/brexit-immigration-effect)

After opposing healthcare reform and Obamacare for 8 years, like the dog that finally caught the car, the Republicans realised they had to propose an actual bill instead of just vetoing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5565852/)

“I’m like a dog chasing cars, I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one.” (https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/07/06/republicans-fear-reversing-roe-abortion-supreme-court-kennedy-trump-column/759349002/)

Not found

President Joe Biden: “The Dog that Caught the Car” (https://oaklandsocialist.com/2020/11/09/president-joe-biden-the-dog-that-caught-the-car/)

Now That The Dog Has Caught The Car (https://blogforarizona.net/now-that-the-dog-has-caught-the-car-those-who-took-reproductive-rights-for-granted-will-be-motivated-voters-in-2022-midterms-updated/)

‘The dog that caught the car’: (https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/25/the-dog-that-caught-the-car-republicans-brace-for-the-impact-of-reversing-roe-00042387?curator=MediaREDEF)


02-12-2023, 06:30 PM
well, i mean, as much as everyone likes to feel a sense of national pride, we aren't a "complete" nation, our sub-territories are not provincial governments, they are states, within a union.

jumping into the roe controversy here, while removing the federal requirement to allow abortion will absolutely 100% make it harder for alot of women to seek their desired reproductive care, this is absolutely what the framers had in mind. Every idea isn't going to be popular in every state, and those states should have the ability to decide on their own what is permissible or not within their state. This isn't a pro-choice or pro-life rant, its a "This is how democracy is supposed to work rant"

by the same logic, any state should be able to make gun purchasers jump through hoops and prove an entire lifetime history of mental stability and pass a federal top secret clearance to purchase a BB gun.

It's definitely not pretty, but that idea of a democratic utopia has always been a pipe dream, because when my freedom to do something, becomes oppression for someone else, thats a real problem requiring immediate solutions.

This, "freedom" we pursue in the US isn't a pretty little package tied with a nice pink bow, its a dynamic, always evolving and often ugly business that requires constant analysis to determine, "Is our course of action, really the best for our interests and constituents"

the idea that we could achieve a political harmony with this system is another pipe dream. We just hope that we can make it through the quagmire of everyone's political beliefs, and come out the other side with a fair and balanced platform.

and yeah, that is going to require cooperation with people that we vehemently disagree with and revile.

I believe that it can be done, but we're going to need to start electing people with an emotional maturity over 12 years old, for both political parties.

I feel bad for those politicians out there who got into the field because they had goodness in their hearts and desired to work for changes to improve the lives of all citizens, they had no idea that the system they put themselves into was stacked to be sure that nothing of note, actually gets passed.

02-12-2023, 06:45 PM
we should have 2 united states.

dems hate america

republicans hate the west coast

lets just draw a line already who gives a crap

02-12-2023, 06:50 PM
I do not like the time-traveling dog. He makes messes of things.

02-12-2023, 06:57 PM
There was a robotic time traveling dog in Doctor Who.

02-12-2023, 06:59 PM
can someone eliretarted this thread?

02-12-2023, 07:10 PM
can someone eliretarted this thread?

I'm mad about the dog catching the car continuously on repeat.

02-12-2023, 07:20 PM
filibustering is real? i only heard it on south park

02-12-2023, 07:44 PM
well, i mean, as much as everyone likes to feel a sense of national pride, we aren't a "complete" nation, our sub-territories are not provincial governments, they are states, within a union.

jumping into the roe controversy here, while removing the federal requirement to allow abortion will absolutely 100% make it harder for alot of women to seek their desired reproductive care, this is absolutely what the framers had in mind. Every idea isn't going to be popular in every state, and those states should have the ability to decide on their own what is permissible or not within their state. This isn't a pro-choice or pro-life rant, its a "This is how democracy is supposed to work rant"

by the same logic, any state should be able to make gun purchasers jump through hoops and prove an entire lifetime history of mental stability and pass a federal top secret clearance to purchase a BB gun.

It's definitely not pretty, but that idea of a democratic utopia has always been a pipe dream, because when my freedom to do something, becomes oppression for someone else, thats a real problem requiring immediate solutions.

This, "freedom" we pursue in the US isn't a pretty little package tied with a nice pink bow, its a dynamic, always evolving and often ugly business that requires constant analysis to determine, "Is our course of action, really the best for our interests and constituents"

the idea that we could achieve a political harmony with this system is another pipe dream. We just hope that we can make it through the quagmire of everyone's political beliefs, and come out the other side with a fair and balanced platform.

and yeah, that is going to require cooperation with people that we vehemently disagree with and revile.

I believe that it can be done, but we're going to need to start electing people with an emotional maturity over 12 years old, for both political parties.

I feel bad for those politicians out there who got into the field because they had goodness in their hearts and desired to work for changes to improve the lives of all citizens, they had no idea that the system they put themselves into was stacked to be sure that nothing of note, actually gets passed.

Only Madison

02-12-2023, 08:00 PM
Only Madison

james madison? what about him?

02-12-2023, 08:10 PM
james madison? what about him?

The independent states union thing. You're describing Federalism.

02-12-2023, 08:15 PM
Yeah real actual federalism would have a very good chance at being the closest thing to a democratic utopia, and for those reasons they will not allow it.

02-12-2023, 08:31 PM
Yeah real actual federalism would have a very good chance at being the closest thing to a democratic utopia, and for those reasons they will not allow it.

