View Full Version : Game Random Closing

09-19-2022, 01:08 AM
As far as i can tell its all random but the game will just close. No errors no nothing. it just closes.

I have dgvoodoo installed
i run in admin and compatibility pack 3

Windows 11
Nvidia Geforce 3070ti

Not sure what other info would be helpful to know so let me know if you need some mreo info to help with my issue.

Thanks in advance.

09-20-2022, 06:28 PM
well noone seems to have any input on this but for an update i reinstalled the game and moved it out of program files and it is still randomly closing for no apparent reason at all.

i opened cmd prompt and had it clean any bad files and still it closes randomly without any warning.

If anyone has any info that could help or anything to try then please by all means let me have it.

09-20-2022, 07:28 PM
Nothing in event viewer for eqgame.exe after it "closes"?


10-03-2022, 02:19 AM
Nope nothing at all. I thought i had fixed it by switching it to run in Win 7 mode but it seemed to only temp fix the issue. I had it close on me 3 times today. once while i was afk in Nektulos and twice while i was running around in EC.