View Full Version : Different UI Settings for Characters

05-28-2022, 01:12 AM
I have an enchanter and a monk. They need entirely different UI settings for nearly everything from chat colors/font, keybinds, etc. I was wondering if there was some file I could save for my enchanter's UI/monk's UI and I could hotswap them between character switches by over-writing maybe an EQ file before I log in? Is this something people do?!

Thanks in advance.

05-28-2022, 11:26 PM
Easiest solution would be to just have 2 separate EQ folders, one for each character. Not sure how else to accomplish what you are looking for.

05-29-2022, 09:04 PM
you talking about the eqclient.ini file? keep other named versions of each, monk.ini, enchanter.ini and then have two copies of the launch titanium batch

the one - launchmonk.bat

copy monk.ini eqclient.ini
start eqgame patchme

the other - launchenchanter.bat

copy enchanter.ini eqclient.ini
start eqgame patchme

make sure if you are editing settings for stuff for a class that when you are done you copy the eqclient.ini back over the particular class version of the file to update the stock version before you launch again or you would overwrite your newest settings with the stock version

05-30-2022, 03:09 PM
you talking about the eqclient.ini file? keep other named versions of each, monk.ini, enchanter.ini and then have two copies of the launch titanium batch

the one - launchmonk.bat

copy monk.ini eqclient.ini
start eqgame patchme

the other - launchenchanter.bat

copy enchanter.ini eqclient.ini
start eqgame patchme

make sure if you are editing settings for stuff for a class that when you are done you copy the eqclient.ini back over the particular class version of the file to update the stock version before you launch again or you would overwrite your newest settings with the stock version

Nice solution!

06-02-2022, 04:06 PM
I don't know how/why but all my characters have different UI setup and they are always there when I log into them. I haven't altered any files or anything. I do use /log on for GINA so do not know if that plays a role. When I start a new character I do need to set everything up. Once I do it stays so there is a way to keep each characters UI saved and independent of eachother.....I just dont know what it is haha.

06-02-2022, 04:22 PM
Right, every toon has a toonname_project1999.ini and a UI_toonname_project1999.ini file the first one is friends, ignores, macros, and buttons you have set up, second one is layout of your ui, where the windows are, sizes, shading, etc.

There is a global settings file, eqclient.ini, that has many game settings... sound, video/gfx, but also includes the keymappings, and the color mappings for various text which if you wanted to have different colors and key maps for diff toons that's what the workaround is for.

You can set up a default toon and ui_toon file so that when you create new toons they have a prefab set of windows and macros, but I just copy and paste a previous toons files and rename then to the new toon name.