View Full Version : "/Q" is rewinding me.. and functions different depending on zone?..

12-15-2021, 08:56 PM
Since the last update, something odd has happened.

Some background: I camp Siren's Grotto as an enchanter, and utilize "/q" to avoid a faction hit. I'll run somewhere out of line of sight, /q out, and return to the same location. Easy.

Since the last update, when I /q out, I'll log back in at a different location, which will get me killed without fail. In high level dungeons like SG, this is problematic as it will put you in line of sight of a KoS mob, causing near immediate death.

Has anyone else had this issue? is this a bug?

Side note: I've found that different zones have different "/Q" rules (?). Cobalt scar for example, you can log back in either immediately or within one minute. In Siren's, it will take 3 minutes every time.

12-15-2021, 10:36 PM
Sirens might be because youre pissing off the seahorses and then they "reset" but maybe youre getting stuck in combat in a buggy mannor? or is it 3 min, no matter what. if you are aggroing seahorses then /qing out of the water. i could see how thats keeping u in for 3 min

edit: in key raid zones i have not noticed this variance in /q times.

12-15-2021, 10:45 PM
Sirens might be because youre pissing off the seahorses and then they "reset" but maybe youre getting stuck in combat in a buggy mannor? or is it 3 min, no matter what. if you are aggroing seahorses then /qing out of the water. i could see how thats keeping u in for 3 min

edit: in key raid zones i have not noticed this variance in /q times.

Yep - just tested this in SG. If you are out of combat, then 1 min or less, in combat is 3 mins. Probably applies to all zones. Will edit the post.