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12-12-2021, 09:24 PM
So I'm new to Red99 former newt from SZ and I'm wondering who the most despised player was to ever roam this server?

I'm sure everyone has someone they hated, hell we had a lot of hated players on Sullon, but a few stick out from the rest. I was wondering who they might be on this server. The kinda guy who everyone just universally agrees, was the worst of the worst.

Not to confuse with the most skilled or best assassin, just the most hated!

12-13-2021, 09:51 PM

12-13-2021, 09:54 PM

Will you GTF off of harrison blackbilly, how long has it been since qeynos hills battles, cmon. Every time I saw Harrison, qeynos hills, like WTF are you always doing in the hills? Fucken Macosa naming harrison over here!

12-13-2021, 10:17 PM
Kerwin will give you an STD while you sleep.

12-13-2021, 10:20 PM
Kerwin will give you an STD while you sleep.

LOL ya know I gotta hand it to ya beast I think you should win an award for least rustled player of all time.

Everytime I went slaying with ya, always cool as a cucumber, a solid concise methodical killer, and I respect that. Wish I had that ability, but I just can't seem to shut up.

12-13-2021, 10:23 PM
Tune. Lol. Hes a good guy. Really creepy tho. I never hated him.

Honestly the better question to ask would be "most wierd". Or most feared.

Everyone wanted to swing from Nizar's nutz.

Maybe Casey hurt someone's feelings.

12-13-2021, 10:26 PM
Tune. Lol. Hes a good guy. Really creepy tho. I never hated him.

Honestly the better question to ask would be "most wierd". Or most feared.

Everyone wanted to swing from Nizar's nutz.

Maybe Casey hurt someone's feelings.

I can't give ya that because Tune is too nice and he is as silent as a church mouse, sure he killed a lot of people, but he didn't really piss anyone off too much. Lite prolly pissed off more people on his bard.

I would even place Ragnaros and Agatha higher on the piss off lvl.

12-13-2021, 10:28 PM
MrBigs was a fun guy.

12-13-2021, 10:35 PM
MrBigs was a fun guy.

Don't know um, but then again I'm new here, just a new guy.

12-14-2021, 04:03 AM
It’s been long enough that anyone I happen to remember from red 1.0 I remember fondly just because they were on the server back when it was fun.

12-14-2021, 08:44 AM
It’s been long enough that anyone I happen to remember from red 1.0 I remember fondly just because they were on the server back when it was fun.

I can think of some great candidates.

I was expecting more like...


Ya know people who were really despised!

12-14-2021, 10:27 AM
There was like a dwarf rogue with the name Zimmerman or something. Or Trayvon Zimmerman. They were actually really nice to me tho.

I don't know anyone who in game was mean.

Just a few ppl on forums called me a flame agate. Which wasn't entirely wrong.

Probably half the dwarf rogues on the server were Agatha's powerlvld alts tho.

Original and real vaporize was 1337

and so was Mellowyellow.

And that halfling druid friend of Chewies I forgot her name she eventually hated me tho.

Titanuk was a huge faygate and still is but I think they are OK too probably.

Lite was awesome for letting me be his groupy for 5 minutes, and I always loved battling nizzar the two times I did, it was good fun.

Gloinz/champ was a kewl dude too even tho I made fun of him and he hated me.

And that troll warrior in unrest which I think was just a chewie alt. And had the david hassleholf avatar.

Basicaly its hard telling who people were and were not too so basically everyone who played red99 like gustoo said was alright in my book.

12-14-2021, 10:40 AM
There was like a dwarf rogue with the name Zimmerman or something. Or Trayvon Zimmerman. They were actually really nice to me tho.

I don't know anyone who in game was mean.

Just a few ppl on forums called me a flame agate. Which wasn't entirely wrong.

Probably half the dwarf rogues on the server were Agatha's powerlvld alts tho.

Original and real vaporize was 1337

and so was Mellowyellow.

And that halfling druid friend of Chewies I forgot her name she eventually hated me tho.

Titanuk was a huge faygate and still is but I think they are OK too probably.

Lite was awesome for letting me be his groupy for 5 minutes, and I always loved battling nizzar the two times I did, it was good fun.

Gloinz/champ was a kewl dude too even tho I made fun of him and he hated me.

And that troll warrior in unrest which I think was just a chewie alt. And had the david hassleholf avatar.

Basicaly its hard telling who people were and were not too so basically everyone who played red99 like gustoo said was alright in my book.

Sodapop lol Chewies RL dame. Agatha was like 400 people on this server, I caught him on once for like 48 hours straight. A lot of people hated Nihleim but not Nizzar so much, he had the personality of dry toast kinda hard to hate, unless your Lite.

Gloinz and Mellow were actually pretty universally well liked, even by their enemies. Vaporize got a lot of hate but that's because he was a hothead who would blow up a lot.

12-14-2021, 11:47 AM
Miguel lol.

12-14-2021, 11:49 AM
When nizzars best in slot human monk lost to a basic geared iksar monk in the BOTB it sure sounded like people hated nizzar the way he got made fun of.

A lot of people wanted nihilum to fail

12-14-2021, 01:39 PM
who was it that beated him

i remember this bulletproofx monk who talked a lot of shit too lol yet i beated him on my cleric with just nukes sliding left and right with strafe at like lvl 54 while waiting for a port up to sky

12-14-2021, 02:15 PM
When nizzars best in slot human monk lost to a basic geared iksar monk in the BOTB it sure sounded like people hated nizzar the way he got made fun of.

A lot of people wanted nihilum to fail

Nobody really hated Nihilum that much except Lite, being a part of the zerg is not something strong PvP'ers do, it's for Blues who want lootz.

Most Nihilum wouldn't even venture out in the world for PvP without a raid force, and those that did usually got wafflestomped by better players.

12-14-2021, 03:25 PM
gustoo and starkind dont even play on red or probably ever did

12-14-2021, 04:24 PM
gustoo and starkind dont even play on red or probably ever did

How do you know if you don't play on red? All I see is a shitsmear of blue carebear sadness under your sig.

12-14-2021, 04:46 PM
I'm 1% away from lvl 15 on green Tunabros. I'll post again when I get there! Looking forward to it.

I don't play red anymore because I want a high lvl on each server and twinking a new red character with my 54 wizard seems like a lot of trouble. I could spend months farming basic resist gear and then would just wind up soloing most of the time anyway or not even finding someone with a free enchanter alt to help me make cultural for an alt.

I think the next character I make will be my Prexus Half Elf warrior and it's probably best to just do that on green or book red or duel.

If red has a thriving sub lvl 20-30 community of untwinked or classic geared characters I'd probably be back to red in a heartbeat. I'm not interested in looting velious gear. Or fighting velious geared toons. Or spending 6 months to get a fungi tunic and cool swords and hastehands.

12-14-2021, 04:50 PM
I'm 1% away from lvl 15 on green Tunabros. I'll post again when I get there! Looking forward to it.

I don't play red anymore because I want a high lvl on each server and twinking a new red character with my 54 wizard seems like a lot of trouble. I could spend months farming basic resist gear and then would just wind up soloing most of the time anyway or not even finding someone with a free enchanter alt to help me make cultural for an alt.

I think the next character I make will be my Prexus Half Elf warrior and it's probably best to just do that on green or book red or duel.

If red has a thriving sub lvl 20-30 community of untwinked or classic geared characters I'd probably be back to red in a heartbeat. I'm not interested in looting velious gear. Or fighting velious geared toons. Or spending 6 months to get a fungi tunic and cool swords and hastehands.

Well with that attitude you don't belong on red. A real pvper doesn't wait till they are geared sufficiently to engage in pvp.

A true pvper has to stop themselves from attacking people on a corpse run, because the bloodlust overrides their senses.

12-14-2021, 05:58 PM

12-14-2021, 06:04 PM

Deadlycupcakez why is that name so familiar?

12-14-2021, 07:56 PM
How do you know if you don't play on red? All I see is a shitsmear of blue carebear sadness under your sig.

no clue what you said

#cope and seethe

12-14-2021, 08:56 PM
Well with that attitude you don't belong on red. A real pvper doesn't wait till they are geared sufficiently to engage in pvp.

A true pvper has to stop themselves from attacking people on a corpse run, because the bloodlust overrides their senses.

Tru :eek::(:o

I'm bad at pvp! :(

12-14-2021, 10:41 PM
Tru :eek::(:o

I'm bad at pvp! :(

Everybody who started PvP was once bad at it, the secret to becoming the greatest killer, is shrugging off a death and wading back into the fray.

On Rallos you lost a piece of gear every time you died, for a long time I was fighting with my Johnson out. But every death taught me something and after a while I was the one kneeling on others.

12-15-2021, 03:00 AM

Nizzar - Shouldn't have threatened the staff. Otherwise a standard neckbeard who understood time invested was more important than anything else.
Lite - Super uncomfortable experiences regarding sharing account info with anyone as when Lite would ask for my shit to solo Vox, Naggy and Ragefire. Dude's heart was in the right place, but I could never trust him. Play by play was a solid shotcaller, but had very little long term focus. "Call me crazy, but grats Sektors!"
Vaporize - Super intense, but super distracted. He'd be 1000 mph one second and gone for 6 months the next. But if he didn't like you ... fuck, have fun waiting that one out.
Agatha - Drugs are bad. Ask him why. This will help - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT17uFri5F0&t=2s
Colgate - Honestly? Good player making a difference on a small server. Dude fucked butts pre-Velious, and then helped run Empire pretty well. Nothing but complements for the guy.
Ragnaros - Not a fan. Top 3 people on server I didn't get along with. Singlehandedly got me to quit <Friends> for <Empire>. Kid could play, but kid was a two timing piece of shit. Good Guys voice chat was basically guild leadership telling us to cool our jets on flaming each other. Fuck that guy.
Chewie - You cant convince me he wasn't using 3rd party software. Multiple times in LGuk he would literally log in on top of me for the slam dunk. It'd be one thing if I was at a major camp. It's totally another when I'm bats in bedroom.
Beastagor - Top 5 players ever to grace our server. Loved the game, played hard, gave no fucks. A+ P99 individual; we will be lucky if he chooses to come back. Pray he plays on your team.
Stryker - who the fuck is Stryker?
Sickpuppy - Definition of time invested = skill. Mrbigs was a textbook case of a toon with a ton of gear dominating a zone with PvP but no actual skill in the game.

You're missing some major players thought. Twerk? Barcode?

12-15-2021, 08:32 AM
Nizzar - Shouldn't have threatened the staff. Otherwise a standard neckbeard who understood time invested was more important than anything else.
Lite - Super uncomfortable experiences regarding sharing account info with anyone as when Lite would ask for my shit to solo Vox, Naggy and Ragefire. Dude's heart was in the right place, but I could never trust him. Play by play was a solid shotcaller, but had very little long term focus. "Call me crazy, but grats Sektors!"
Vaporize - Super intense, but super distracted. He'd be 1000 mph one second and gone for 6 months the next. But if he didn't like you ... fuck, have fun waiting that one out.
Agatha - Drugs are bad. Ask him why. This will help - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT17uFri5F0&t=2s
Colgate - Honestly? Good player making a difference on a small server. Dude fucked butts pre-Velious, and then helped run Empire pretty well. Nothing but complements for the guy.
Ragnaros - Not a fan. Top 3 people on server I didn't get along with. Singlehandedly got me to quit <Friends> for <Empire>. Kid could play, but kid was a two timing piece of shit. Good Guys voice chat was basically guild leadership telling us to cool our jets on flaming each other. Fuck that guy.
Chewie - You cant convince me he wasn't using 3rd party software. Multiple times in LGuk he would literally log in on top of me for the slam dunk. It'd be one thing if I was at a major camp. It's totally another when I'm bats in bedroom.
Beastagor - Top 5 players ever to grace our server. Loved the game, played hard, gave no fucks. A+ P99 individual; we will be lucky if he chooses to come back. Pray he plays on your team.
Stryker - who the fuck is Stryker?
Sickpuppy - Definition of time invested = skill. Mrbigs was a textbook case of a toon with a ton of gear dominating a zone with PvP but no actual skill in the game.

You're missing some major players thought. Twerk? Barcode?

The reason why didn't mention people like Twerk, Barcode, Runya (who were all solid skilled killers with some serious achievements under their belt) is because they were so damned likable.

Nether of those guys were big on trolling, and they were all funny as shit and good natured. Unlike someone like Ragnaros (who I put all three above in skill) who was hated by even his own team mates. I wanted to rip my goddamned ears off every time he talked in chat.

I lost track of how many times I spite killed Ragnaros, he even challenged me to two duels, both of which he lost miserably. He refused to admit defeat after that and I went on to kill him 5 more times and he still acted like he won some prize for being the worlds biggest dumbass.

Oh and I LMFAO at some of those descriptions because they are so spot on. Except Colgate, fuck that dude, I enjoyed every minute of torturing him and still chuckle about the times I made him my bitch.

OMFG I forgot sickpuppy was Mr. Bigs! There is still a video floating around by gamergirl that recorded Sickpuppy flipping his shit as I solo wafflestomped him, Gyno and Gongshow were laughing at him, good times.

12-15-2021, 10:20 AM

agreeing here.

vyrenoth for beating a poor fucking dog and girl with a homemade mace.

and a light as fuck sentence too.

better pray to god he never runs into someone who recognizes his schitzo looking ass

12-15-2021, 10:21 AM
The reason why didn't mention people like Twerk, Barcode, Runya (who were all solid skilled killers with some serious achievements under their belt) is because they were so damned likable.

Nether of those guys were big on trolling, and they were all funny as shit and good natured. Unlike someone like Ragnaros (who I put all three above in skill) who was hated by even his own team mates. I wanted to rip my goddamned ears off every time he talked in chat.

I lost track of how many times I spite killed Ragnaros, he even challenged me to two duels, both of which he lost miserably. He refused to admit defeat after that and I went on to kill him 5 more times and he still acted like he won some prize for being the worlds biggest dumbass.

Oh and I LMFAO at some of those descriptions because they are so spot on. Except Colgate, fuck that dude, I enjoyed every minute of torturing him and still chuckle about the times I made him my bitch.

OMFG I forgot sickpuppy was Mr. Bigs! There is still a video floating around by gamergirl that recorded Sickpuppy flipping his shit as I solo wafflestomped him, Gyno and Gongshow were laughing at him, good times.

Anybody else who hurt your feelings?

12-15-2021, 10:23 AM
disease why are you reading actual paragraphs from these freaks.

go suck your bf's cock or find something better to do with your time. tks

12-15-2021, 11:18 AM
Anybody else who hurt your feelings?

Do you often project your abuse fantasies on your assaulter? Tell us more!

agreeing here.

vyrenoth for beating a poor fucking dog and girl with a homemade mace.

and a light as fuck sentence too.

better pray to god he never runs into someone who recognizes his schitzo looking ass

I was trying to steer clear of the RL madness that has gone on behind the curtain here, because sad to say they're more horrible bed time stories than just that sick fuck posting his bloody mace.

12-15-2021, 01:06 PM
disease why are you reading actual paragraphs from these freaks.

go suck your bf's cock or find something better to do with your time. tks

Wow actual paragraphs!

12-15-2021, 01:10 PM
Do you often project your abuse fantasies on your assaulter? Tell us more!

I was trying to steer clear of the RL madness that has gone on behind the curtain here, because sad to say they're more horrible bed time stories than just that sick fuck posting his bloody mace.

Please the pain is to hard. I hate my father damnit!

12-15-2021, 01:25 PM
aliens abducted and did sexual things to me


12-15-2021, 01:59 PM
aliens abducted and did sexual things to me


Shut up you liked it!

12-15-2021, 02:18 PM
her makeup is badass in that video cover, but the astronaut wierd dress outfit is kinda wierd

12-18-2021, 06:09 AM
MrBigs was a fun guy.

I was confusing Mr. Bigs with Dreyo if I'm correct Mr. Bigs was Stryker.

Cwall 146.0
12-18-2021, 04:30 PM
who was it that beated him

i remember this bulletproofx monk who talked a lot of shit too lol yet i beated him on my cleric with just nukes sliding left and right with strafe at like lvl 54 while waiting for a port up to sky

that was me (colgate)

I also griefed that bulletproofx guy off the server: he spammed for a 1v1 in KC for weeks on end, we agreed to an IFS only duel, he shows up with a trorsmang, but I still beat him 90-0

he logged off in shame for a few weeks, and by sheer coincidence, he logged in again on top of me at the frontier mountains zoneline

I killed him, he threatened to show up at my house with a shotgun, then he logged off, and he was never seen again

Cwall 146.0
12-18-2021, 04:31 PM
Oh and I LMFAO at some of those descriptions because they are so spot on. Except Colgate, fuck that dude, I enjoyed every minute of torturing him and still chuckle about the times I made him my bitch.

I have no idea who you are, but this sounds like some weird fantasy that never happened

Cwall 146.0
12-18-2021, 05:31 PM
When nizzars best in slot human monk lost to a basic geared iksar monk in the BOTB it sure sounded like people hated nizzar the way he got made fun of.

A lot of people wanted nihilum to fail

I actually didn't even fight Nizzar in the best of the best, but I routinely beat his ass in the open world before and after that

Nizzar lost on the other side of the bracket to Nothxu, who I faced in the finals

the only good player in that tournament was Gongshow, who I faced in the first round

12-18-2021, 05:37 PM
The reason why didn't mention people like Twerk, Barcode, Runya (who were all solid skilled killers with some serious achievements under their belt) is because they were so damned likable.

Nether of those guys were big on trolling, and they were all funny as shit and good natured. Unlike someone like Ragnaros (who I put all three above in skill) who was hated by even his own team mates. I wanted to rip my goddamned ears off every time he talked in chat.

I lost track of how many times I spite killed Ragnaros, he even challenged me to two duels, both of which he lost miserably. He refused to admit defeat after that and I went on to kill him 5 more times and he still acted like he won some prize for being the worlds biggest dumbass.

Oh and I LMFAO at some of those descriptions because they are so spot on. Except Colgate, fuck that dude, I enjoyed every minute of torturing him and still chuckle about the times I made him my bitch.

OMFG I forgot sickpuppy was Mr. Bigs! There is still a video floating around by gamergirl that recorded Sickpuppy flipping his shit as I solo wafflestomped him, Gyno and Gongshow were laughing at him, good times.

Yeah I am just going to go ahead and guess this probably didn't happen.

12-18-2021, 05:41 PM
Ragnaros - Not a fan. Top 3 people on server I didn't get along with. Singlehandedly got me to quit <Friends> for <Empire>. Kid could play, but kid was a two timing piece of shit. Good Guys voice chat was basically guild leadership telling us to cool our jets on flaming each other. Fuck that guy.

I don't really remember, or care but If I recall anything from this situation, I bullied you ingame because you consistently brought your useless non-windstrikered ranger to guild pvp and events instead of your rogue. I stand by my choice.

12-18-2021, 05:58 PM
I have no idea who you are, but this sounds like some weird fantasy that never happened

NOPE, all true offered to duel you for a year but you refused, so you hid in groups, finally I had to bindcamp you because you were such a bitch about it.

Then you cried to Sirken so much he finally changed my name because my name was (get this hilarious shit) corporate trade marked lol that is right folks a guy named Colgate had my name changed, because it was the name of a corporation.

Getting that sinking feeling in your little Asian belly as you realize who this is?

Yeah I am just going to go ahead and guess this probably didn't happen.

LOL oh Rag I honestly lost track of how many times I crowned you.

All of this was posted in screenshots to these very forums, every death of Rag and Colgate well documented, funny your little ego's still try to lie.

12-18-2021, 07:38 PM
I don't really remember, or care but If I recall anything from this situation, I bullied you ingame because you consistently brought your useless non-windstrikered ranger to guild pvp and events instead of your rogue. I stand by my choice.

The ranger wasn't 60 until I was in Empire, so you're full of shit there.

12-18-2021, 07:45 PM
The ranger wasn't 60 until I was in Empire, so you're full of shit there.

LOL it's Ragnaros calling him a pathological liar would be an understatement. I killed Rag and June posted screenshots and he still tried to deny it.

He was literally caught three times trying to doctor screenshots on people he didn't kill, like there wasn't a leaderboard that recorded all this shit.

Oh and let's not forget his constant cheating, dude used to plug and reconnect all the time to ghost his character and save himself from a death, I think he lost an account for that one.

Cwall 146.0
12-18-2021, 11:27 PM
NOPE, all true offered to duel you for a year but you refused, so you hid in groups, finally I had to bindcamp you because you were such a bitch about it.

Then you cried to Sirken so much he finally changed my name because my name was (get this hilarious shit) corporate trade marked lol that is right folks a guy named Colgate had my name changed, because it was the name of a corporation.

Getting that sinking feeling in your little Asian belly as you realize who this is?

LOL oh Rag I honestly lost track of how many times I crowned you.

All of this was posted in screenshots to these very forums, every death of Rag and Colgate well documented, funny your little ego's still try to lie.

sorry bud I still have no idea who you are

12-18-2021, 11:49 PM
The ranger wasn't 60 until I was in Empire, so you're full of shit there.

Agree to disagree. Also, I specifically do remember an incident in Azrael where I spent 12+ hours monitoring Veeshan's Peak and setting up everyones characters for a VP snipe, to help you get your SoW Sword. I don't really want a thank you, just weird to hear about some elf beef years later that I dont remember happening, especially from someone that usually did not contribute more than I did in a guild, and actually benefited from my presence.

LOL it's Ragnaros calling him a pathological liar would be an understatement. I killed Rag and June posted screenshots and he still tried to deny it.

He was literally caught three times trying to doctor screenshots on people he didn't kill, like there wasn't a leaderboard that recorded all this shit.

Oh and let's not forget his constant cheating, dude used to plug and reconnect all the time to ghost his character and save himself from a death, I think he lost an account for that one.

Going to go out on a limb here and guess youre that psychopath Syft/Burgerking/Orym/Fell/?. None of what you are saying is true, and that you can prove, but I'll just leave this here. You are a pretty weird dude and should calm down.

Ragnaros Holocaust Orym Azrael The Overthere 0.54 March 09 2015 9:40:41 PM
3vs1 below was probably my favorite though.
Ragnaros God's Work Burgerking Holocaust Karnor's Castle 0.83 November 29 2014 3:35:45 PM
Ragnaros God's Work Snicklefritz Holocaust Dreadlands 0.33 November 29 2014 3:32:54 PM
Ragnaros God's Work Murda Holocaust Dreadlands 0.38 November 29 2014 3:32:10 PM


12-19-2021, 01:23 AM
Burgerking still grills whoppers better than me.

Pretty sure they spray their patties with pharmaceuticals. Before and after.

12-19-2021, 10:01 AM
sorry bud I still have no idea who you are

If my self esteem relied on my imaginary exploits on a 25 year old elf sim I would probably try to deny the most embarrassing ass whooping of all time.

I'm sure everyone who played here at the time remembers you getting dunked on, but gratz on your mutant ability of delusion, that will serve you well in life.

12-19-2021, 10:09 AM
Agree to disagree. Also, I specifically do remember an incident in Azrael where I spent 12+ hours monitoring Veeshan's Peak and setting up everyones characters for a VP snipe, to help you get your SoW Sword. I don't really want a thank you, just weird to hear about some elf beef years later that I dont remember happening, especially from someone that usually did not contribute more than I did in a guild, and actually benefited from my presence.

Going to go out on a limb here and guess youre that psychopath Syft/Burgerking/Orym/Fell/?. None of what you are saying is true, and that you can prove, but I'll just leave this here. You are a pretty weird dude and should calm down.

Ragnaros Holocaust Orym Azrael The Overthere 0.54 March 09 2015 9:40:41 PM
3vs1 below was probably my favorite though.
Ragnaros God's Work Burgerking Holocaust Karnor's Castle 0.83 November 29 2014 3:35:45 PM
Ragnaros God's Work Snicklefritz Holocaust Dreadlands 0.33 November 29 2014 3:32:54 PM
Ragnaros God's Work Murda Holocaust Dreadlands 0.38 November 29 2014 3:32:10 PM


LOL yup there it is those doctored shots! He actually edited screenshots to make it look like a one on one when it was a 40 v 60 battle and the only dmg done by him was a disc blow when I was already going down. But if you need that kiddo roll with it.

Did you take screenshots of the 2 duels I killed June in? Or how about the three duels I killed Ragnaros in?

Or the 18 other times Burger King crowned you? All one on ones.

But hey gratz on the 40 vs 60 shots.

Runya is Murda, Murda also killed you way more times then you ever killed him and Snicklefritz is a totally separate person, you really think I would ever play a Cleric? Cmon.

12-19-2021, 01:56 PM
my for real most hated is Syft, hope he doesn't roll on this upcoming vztz box

12-19-2021, 02:16 PM
lol i called this dudes bluff and it didnt disappoint.
OP is a habitual loser, as seen by the previous logs posted i actually dunked him and his whole possy 3 vs 1, and bitched him multiple times ingame (see screenshot) OP also suffers from insane delusionals and psychopathic tendencies, see first post as he introduces himself as a new player then spirals out of control.

12-19-2021, 04:58 PM
my for real most hated is Syft, hope he doesn't roll on this upcoming vztz box

YES! The most hated man on this box was the infamous Syft aka the Mighty Burger King!

(No really they had a poll almost everyone on the server voted, I won by a landslide!)

BTW you should just ignore Ragnaros

I could always tell when he was lying on the forums and ingame, because he was typing.

12-19-2021, 08:46 PM
Going to go out on a limb here and guess youre that psychopath Syft/Burgerking/Orym/Fell/?

New Guy is Andis

12-19-2021, 09:13 PM
New Guy is Andis

LoL no although I got along with Andis he pissed a lot of people off and I respect that.

IDK why Rag would ever bring up Fell, considering Fell killed June something like 32 times.

Personally I take the psychopath comment as a compliment, especially from someone who literally got banned on his first account for cheating.

It really warms my black heart when confirmed cheaters have to resort to lies in an effort to abnegate reality-because the truth is; he was nothing more than a nylon bone I used to sharpen my fangs, my own personal chew-toy.

12-19-2021, 10:40 PM
According to this thread, Syft has killed me a total of 52 times. He has yet to post any logs or proof. I have posted evidence of me killing him however. I am also not banned, please stop with the weird fantasies man.

12-19-2021, 11:00 PM
According to this thread, Syft has killed me a total of 52 times. He has yet to post any logs or proof. I have posted evidence of me killing him however. I am also not banned, please stop with the weird fantasies man.

They have already been posted this is already settled history everyone knows. The problem with always lying and never admitting to losing is, eventually everybody knows you're FOS.

You lost three duels to me, not one, or two, but three. You even tried to get healed the last duel back to full TWICE! And still lost.

You aren’t the mythical holder of the Reality Gem able to rewrite documented history, you’re just a delusional sore loser stomping around in your big ole clown shoes.

12-19-2021, 11:05 PM
so weird fantasy, got it.

12-19-2021, 11:11 PM
so weird fantasy, got it.

Rag you got banned for ghost plugging and you tried to lie about it, until Sirken outed you.

And then you tried to call Sirken a liar, LMFAO!

Denying every time you got your ass beat doesn't fool anybody, it just makes you look like a whiny bitch.

12-19-2021, 11:44 PM
I don't know what ghost plugging is, and I am currently not banned. You have no evidence to support any of your claims. You have never killed me, but I have killed you multiple times and proven it. Stick to your fantasy of being a "new player" on the forums. hehe.

12-20-2021, 01:14 AM
I don't know what ghost plugging is, and I am currently not banned. You have no evidence to support any of your claims. You have never killed me, but I have killed you multiple times and proven it. Stick to your fantasy of being a "new player" on the forums. hehe.

hmm who should we believe?

On one hand we have Ragnaros, confirmed cheater and box clown who has denied every death he has ever taken and been caught in an incalculable number of lies?


Top ten ranked player on the most populated PvP server of Everquest live. Member of the top ranked PvP guild of all time. A person who has proved every claim he has ever made with a horde of screenshot evidence on these very forums.

Hmm, tough one, who do you think everyone is gonna pick?

Chortles Snortles
12-20-2021, 01:42 AM
pretty sure swyft/syft/burgerking was one of the few universally disliked players iirc
also Harrison

12-20-2021, 02:03 AM
hmm who should we believe?

On one hand we have Ragnaros, confirmed cheater and box clown who has denied every death he has ever taken and been caught in an incalculable number of lies?


Top ten ranked player on the most populated PvP server of Everquest live. Member of the top ranked PvP guild of all time. A person who has proved every claim he has ever made with a horde of screenshot evidence on these very forums.

Hmm, tough one, who do you think everyone is gonna pick?

Can you please post a poll? My vote is for you, my top tener.

12-20-2021, 02:07 AM
pretty sure swyft/syft/burgerking was one of the few universally disliked players iirc
also Harrison

Oh god you have no idea, I would have to scroll up every time I logged in to see where the hate tells began.

I got real life death threats daily, they even hacked my friends FB thinking it was me because we shared an old allkazams that had Syft listed on it. They called his work, home, even threatened his wife. I had to literally release my own FB and RL pictures so the clowns understood that it wasn't me.

Legally I'm not even allowed to stream on Twitch because the FBI had so many false reports sent, all in an attempts to swat me.

And I never cheated or broke a single rule on this server, never lied either(only about my identity for guild infiltration) all I ever did was tell people I was going to kill them in 1v1, proceed to do exactly what I said and then I would and troll them with screenshots in a post. And they would lose their minds.

But the server pop grew and grew as my antics and exploits grew, everybody loves to hate a true villain and that's what I gave them. An unconquerable, indomitable force, that fed on their misery, thriving on the hate as I drank down their tears.

12-20-2021, 02:24 AM
hmm who should we believe?

On one hand we have Ragnaros, confirmed cheater and box clown who has denied every death he has ever taken and been caught in an incalculable number of lies?


Top ten ranked player on the most populated PvP server of Everquest live. Member of the top ranked PvP guild of all time. A person who has proved every claim he has ever made with a horde of screenshot evidence on these very forums.

Hmm, tough one, who do you think everyone is gonna pick?

i mean i literally posted proof retard

12-20-2021, 02:34 AM
Oh god you have no idea, I would have to scroll up every time I logged in to see where the hate tells began.

I got real life death threats daily, they even hacked my friends FB thinking it was me because we shared an old allkazams that had Syft listed on it. They called his work, home, even threatened his wife. I had to literally release my own FB and RL pictures so the clowns understood that it wasn't me.

Legally I'm not even allowed to stream on Twitch because the FBI had so many false reports sent, all in an attempts to swat me.

And I never cheated or broke a single rule on this server, never lied either(only about my identity for guild infiltration) all I ever did was tell people I was going to kill them in 1v1, proceed to do exactly what I said and then I would and troll them with screenshots in a post. And they would lose their minds.

But the server pop grew and grew as my antics and exploits grew, everybody loves to hate a true villain and that's what I gave them. An unconquerable, indomitable force, that fed on their misery, thriving on the hate as I drank down their tears.

What that mouth do?

12-20-2021, 02:41 AM
i mean i literally posted proof retard

I'll never deny a kill anyone claimed on me or lie about it, take notes, that's how you succeed at manhood.

But trying to compare 2 raid engagement kills vs the album of death and torture I bestowed on you in duels and 1v1's, is like trying to wish your 4 inch penis into a BBC.

12-20-2021, 02:43 AM
What that mouth do?

I wasn't 100% sure you were Gyno until now, only Rag and Gyno were stupid enough to keep lining up for another clear shot.

You cannot troll that which has no soul and you never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty, only the pig likes it.

12-20-2021, 12:05 PM
I wasn't 100% sure you were Gyno until now, only Rag and Gyno were stupid enough to keep lining up for another clear shot.

You cannot troll that which has no soul and you never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty, only the pig likes it.

You got me. Jesus your good.

12-20-2021, 12:31 PM
thanks guys 5 stars.

12-20-2021, 12:57 PM
You got me. Jesus your good.

Its you're, yup definitely Gyno.

thanks guys 5 stars.

To be honest it's getting alil dull for me, starting to feel like Billy Madison playing dodgeball with toddlers.


12-20-2021, 01:07 PM
You cannot troll that which has no soul and you never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty, only the pig likes it.


12-20-2021, 01:10 PM
afaik syft and pumped had the most pvp kills on the box

12-20-2021, 01:36 PM
afaik syft and pumped had the most pvp kills on the box

Coming from Beastagor, that's a compliment.

When I think of the most deadly PvPer's on this box, you'd have to argue all day where this guy ranks in the top 3.

No BS or lipservice kiddos. I've watched this guy dismantle people.

12-20-2021, 01:42 PM
Im not beastagor but he is pvper #1

12-20-2021, 01:45 PM
Im not beastagor but he is pvper #1

Oh that is surprising, I always thought this tag was Beast, Lithium?

I remember PvPing with Beast and Murda outside of Howling Stones. We were fighting like 10 Holocaust and split off two from the pack, we split up to track um down and I was like WTF are these guys and then I see...

has been slain by Beastagor!

I was like you son of a bitch.

12-20-2021, 01:48 PM
nah does the leaderboard still exist? Im more like 60.40 I played a druid named some misspelling of dubious that I cant remember.

I killed people killing sea furies mostly.

This is what beastagor looked like to me most of the time:


12-20-2021, 01:53 PM
Im not beastagor but he is pvper #1

That's something Beastagor would say.... Anyway what's up Beast? It's Gyno.

12-20-2021, 01:54 PM
I fuckn love gyno eat a small dog for me

12-20-2021, 02:08 PM
nah does the leaderboard still exist? Im more like 60.40 I played a druid named some misspelling of dubious that I cant remember.

I killed people killing sea furies mostly.

This is what beastagor looked like to me most of the time:


Nah they wiped it every season, they should have archived it tho. I remember Dubious, yea you were at Sea furies a lot.

That's something Beastagor would say.... Anyway what's up Beast? It's Gyno.

It's honestly hard to tell who Beast is, dude was like Birdperson and measured his words carefully. Meanwhile I was like Rick Sanchez and never STFU.

Cwall 146.0
12-20-2021, 05:08 PM
oh this guy is Burgerking?

my only recollection of this guy is his incessant spamming of /ooc and that time he died to someone at our gorenaire raid, so I popped a gate pot to firepots and 1 shot him with innerflame while he sat there shit talking /ooc

he didn't log on for a long time after that

12-20-2021, 05:24 PM
oh this guy is Burgerking?

my only recollection of this guy is his incessant spamming of /ooc and that time he died to someone at our gorenaire raid, so I popped a gate pot to firepots and 1 shot him with innerflame while he sat there shit talking /ooc

he didn't log on for a long time after that

One of those things I spammed in /ooc was: "wanna duel Colgate?" everyday for a year, but you were always too chickenshit.

Which actually put you lower than Ragnaros because he at least dueled and lost.

And I won't deny that kill, but the record was Burgerking 2 Colgate 1, Burgerking 2 Cwall 0.

And after I crowned you, you cried to GM's to have my name changed lol sperglord. But tell everybody how mad you weren't when you blew a 1k potion just to coin me after I gated on 40 Holocaust, I love bedtime fairytales ;)

12-20-2021, 07:11 PM
One of those things I spammed in /ooc was: "wanna duel Colgate?" everyday for a year, but you were always too chickenshit.

Which actually put you lower than Ragnaros because he at least dueled and lost.

And I won't deny that kill, but the record was Burgerking 2 Colgate 1, Burgerking 2 Cwall 0.

And after I crowned you, you cried to GM's to have my name changed lol sperglord. But tell everybody how mad you weren't when you blew a 1k potion just to coin me after I gated on 40 Holocaust, I love bedtime fairytales ;)

Dropping facts... Yo if you were ever to come back to red, could you teach me some pointers? I always mess up.

Cwall 146.0
12-20-2021, 07:39 PM
I don't remember dying a single time to this guy? maybe he bind camped me once or something weird

also I did not play the character Cwall; that was Nirgon's brother, Bundy

12-20-2021, 07:48 PM
I don't remember dying a single time to this guy? maybe he bind camped me once or something weird

also I did not play the character Cwall; that was Nirgon's brother, Bundy

Yea you have a very selective memory, I guess you forgot everyday for 365 days when I asked you to duel and you refused.

Forgot when I posted the screenshots of me killing you, forgot sperging out and begging Sirkan to change my name.

But you remember you blew a gate pot for a guy, who, a day ago you couldn't remember. Did you blow 1000 plat on everybody you fought? Seems expensive.

Now it wasn't you on Cwall, but here you are posting on, Cwall! LoL you're sinking below Rag lvls of pathetic real fast.

12-20-2021, 07:59 PM
This thread is a great example of why a r99 relaunch is never happening and if it did it would be terrible

12-20-2021, 08:07 PM
This thread is a great example of why a r99 relaunch is never happening and if it did it would be terrible

Well maybe when you try actually playing on red we will give a shit about your opinion, but all you did was raid.

You had best in slot and less kills than a guy who spent 2 months here.

12-20-2021, 08:21 PM
rest in power Nirgon champion of p99


12-20-2021, 08:28 PM
rest in power Nirgon champion of p99

Pras Kimm, mighty slayer of Nirgon!


12-21-2021, 04:32 PM
This thread is a great example of why a r99 relaunch is never happening and if it did it would be terrible

This thread reeks of red99 thru and thru. A bunch of guys who’s in game identities are known almost only to them fighting about pvp results. I think it’s top quality.

It’s not my dream but two teams with limits on character creation and stuff could be cool I dunno if staff could imagine policing team balance but who cares we should try

12-21-2021, 05:26 PM
This thread reeks of red99 thru and thru. A bunch of guys who’s in game identities are known almost only to them fighting about pvp results. I think it’s top quality.

It’s not my dream but two teams with limits on character creation and stuff could be cool I dunno if staff could imagine policing team balance but who cares we should try

Nihilum/Holocaust/Empire are not PvPer's their only goal is to kill the server pop so they can farm without having to share raid rotations.

when did i ever say i wanted competition

everquest pvp sucks

competitive everquest means you have to do things like raid for the better part of a day or stay up way too late on a frequent basis

They don't even try to hide it. Disease/Gyno is happy as fuck to farm a dead server and if you don't stop them from open recruiting, they will fill a raid with warm bodies until sheer numbers overwhelm all competition.

Doesn't matter how bad you are at PvP when it's 100 vs 30, and trust me they are terrible! I killed 70% of their roaster with a lvl 52 wizard in a Flowing black robe.

Cwall 146.0
12-21-2021, 06:48 PM
very weird obsession about this guy being littlegyno

12-21-2021, 07:09 PM
very weird obsession about this guy being littlegyno

I never thought he would've found out I was Gyno. His pvp and detective skills are definitely above normal.

12-21-2021, 07:22 PM
very weird obsession about this guy being littlegyno

You don't have to be a mathematician to connect these dots.

did u hear the part i called you an illegal immigrant 8-9 times?

been to your teamspeak 10 times u fuking columbian

She is from shit hole Taiwan. Only thing they are known for is getting a nuke dropped on them and then giving up. Terrorists of asia

12-21-2021, 08:48 PM
You don't have to be a mathematician to connect these dots.

Mathematicians connect dots?

12-21-2021, 08:56 PM
Mathematicians connect dots?

Haven't you exceeded your allotment of cringeworthy fails for the month?

At this point I feel like a baby seal clubber taking shots at you.

12-23-2021, 05:50 PM
They don't even try to hide it. Disease/Gyno is happy as fuck to farm a dead server and if you don't stop them from open recruiting, they will fill a raid with warm bodies until sheer numbers overwhelm all competition.

Doesn't matter how bad you are at PvP when it's 100 vs 30, and trust me they are terrible! I killed 70% of their roaster with a lvl 52 wizard in a Flowing black robe.

Oh god lol is that why you can tell littlegyno has digital shivers running through his posts like please dont take away my server. I would have nothing to say if the server was alive, or even if they didnt announce a new server but as it is its kind of funny.

12-24-2021, 01:32 PM
op giving off real schizo vibes

12-24-2021, 01:58 PM
op giving off real schizo vibes

I think you are confusing Christmas Eve with ask a moron day.

It's still three months till we take off your rubber helmet and let you out the enclosure, now settle down before you get the hose.

12-24-2021, 02:05 PM
If you think all races are bad does that make you a racist?

12-24-2021, 02:09 PM
If you think all races are bad does that make you a racist?

yes if ur basing ur opinoin good or bad about race its racist even if its just preferential

now... are u a bigot... idk

it is straight up racism if race matters in anyway shape or form

so when I say gnomes are awesome cuz their dex score - that is racist


12-24-2021, 03:23 PM
oh this guy is Burgerking?

my only recollection of this guy is his incessant spamming of /ooc and that time he died to someone at our gorenaire raid, so I popped a gate pot to firepots and 1 shot him with innerflame while he sat there shit talking /ooc

he didn't log on for a long time after that

That would be me. I played a rogue named Purse snatcher, which I thoroughly sucked at, yet even I was able to kill ol burgerking. This was during the Holo days I believe. Was close to the druid portal if I remember.

Good times, Burgerking got stomped in about 3 seconds as he frantically tried to spam gate away. Forgot about how much man/child drama was on these forums. It has been missed. I believe he was a troll shaman?

12-24-2021, 04:14 PM
That would be me. I played a rogue named Purse snatcher, which I thoroughly sucked at, yet even I was able to kill ol burgerking. This was during the Holo days I believe. Was close to the druid portal if I remember.

Good times, Burgerking got stomped in about 3 seconds as he frantically tried to spam gate away. Forgot about how much man/child drama was on these forums. It has been missed. I believe he was a troll shaman?

LOL Hatelore you were terrible, you didn't stomp anybody, Rag literally made you his bitch and I bested him in 3 out of 3 duels.

I killed you on Fell, Burger King and Syft many many times, the only thing you were known for on this server was whining and making shit up and you got laughed off the forums for many a claim you couldn't back up.

IF and that is a big IF, by some miracle you did get a kill on me it was during raid engagement where you got the last shot or I was linkdead, because you weren't killing anybody 1v1.

12-24-2021, 04:21 PM
I can understand how drugs have affected your memory. It's okay, just a old game on a server that is dead. I understand how it could upset you though. No one likes losing their memory, or losing to pvp in elf simulators.

12-24-2021, 04:38 PM
I can understand how drugs have affected your memory. It's okay, just a old game on a server that is dead. I understand how it could upset you though. No one likes losing their memory, or losing to pvp in elf simulators.

Because you were really really bad dude and such a claim is like a 9 year old saying he knocked out Mike Tyson with a single shot.

And you were literally the biggest known liar on the box, the only thing you were known for was getting your shit pushed in and then lying on the forums.

I'v raped you twice now, whtchoo gone do bout it. On both my chars.


Nope Rag put a leash on you and put you in pretty dresses.

Purse 8 3 2.67 vs Ragnaros 96 15 6.40 Friends

True Story you were bad. Meanwhile I was ranked in the top 10 with a fucking Shaman!

I used to blow you up until you sent me endless rage tells. Man, I used to bust you up good. What's your point?


Change your name

You tried to deny that to, but there were boards to prove it, you just pretended you were the only one who could see them. But you had 8 kills dude EIGHT! vs my 1000+ across my toons, that is why nobody is buying this BS.

12-24-2021, 05:30 PM
You seem heavily invested in this, and unfortunately I am not so I will keep this short. I just stopped by the forum because I haven't been here in ages, and saw these posts.

First off- zero idea who super hater is. I was always a straight up guy, as anyone that knew me would attest. I have zero need to hide behind forum account names.

Secondly- Merry Christmas, it happened and you were upset about it back then.

12-24-2021, 05:35 PM
You seem heavily invested in this, and unfortunately I am not so I will keep this short. I just stopped by the forum because I haven't been here in ages, and saw these posts.

First off- zero idea who super hater is. I was always a straight up guy, as anyone that knew me would attest. I have zero need to hide behind forum account names.

Secondly- Merry Christmas, it happened and you were upset about it back then.

You never upset anybody, you tried to troll everyone and then sperged out, it was like reverse trolling because you only ever trolled yourself.

I killed Hatelore so many times you rerolled to Purse and then you would follow me around on the forums trying to flame me and embarrassing yourself daily.

No one remembers you as a stand up guy, everyone remembers you as a terribad sperglord.

But enjoy your fictitious Holiday that was merged with Pagan Yule for marketability, Bah Humbug!

12-24-2021, 05:38 PM
Hah, Okay dude. Merry Christmas.

12-24-2021, 05:45 PM
Hah, Okay dude. Merry Christmas.

Since you're so fond of fairytales, maybe ask Santa for some Ginko Biloba to help with your early onset dementia.


12-24-2021, 06:09 PM
who beat up who on red 5 years ago

he beat up that rogue
no the rogue beat he up!!! two!!! awwoooww

12-24-2021, 06:24 PM
who beat up who on red 5 years ago

he beat up that rogue
no the rogue beat he up!!! two!!! awwoooww

Yet here you are trying to get your woke award for bashing the same hate concert you bought a ticket to.

I'd rather argue with nerds over who killed who, then have zero stories on a red server because I hid in the zerg playing pixelquest.

If I'm gonna show up to the whorehouse, you best believe I'm gonna bring a hardon or keep my ass at home.

Israel Adesanya
12-24-2021, 08:07 PM
New guy got some brain worms

12-25-2021, 12:51 AM
New guy got some brain worms

Ya know I teach trolling for the learning impaired, I usually don't take on prospects with this level of mental retardation but since it's Christmas I figure I'll get in the spirit and help the handicapped.

12-25-2021, 08:52 AM
Is it OK to not hate jesus?

12-25-2021, 10:31 AM
Is it OK to not hate jesus?

Jesus was awesome, it's Christians that suck, and sadly Christmas has nothing to do with him.

12-25-2021, 10:38 AM
Yet here you are trying to get your woke award for bashing the same hate concert you bought a ticket to.

I'd rather argue with nerds over who killed who, then have zero stories on a red server because I hid in the zerg playing pixelquest.

If I'm gonna show up to the whorehouse, you best believe I'm gonna bring a hardon or keep my ass at home.


12-25-2021, 10:39 AM
please tell me some more red stories sir-ji

thanks u

12-25-2021, 02:02 PM
please tell me some more red stories sir-ji

thanks u

Ok Kiddies I’ll give you a story of Yuletide glee!

Here is the tale of Holocausts Champion!

After Nirgon, Colgate, and Holocaust refused to duel, a Champion was chosen and he really was a tool.

Yulath the Bard, an armed disco warrior with a mighty dance card.

At first, I refused, for only another songstress can kill a bard, but for honor and glory The King did fight the mighty bard.

Chant and Chant he did, and heal and heal I did. But poor Yulath made a mistake, charming a guard to fight alongside the snake. But the King did dispel, as the Golems arrived and all went to hell.

Alas, things were looking bad for poor Yulath, but refusing to die in honorable way, he called the vile Holocaust to continue the fray. But little did they know, the Kings own men showed, as grand battle ensued betwixt mighty Azrael and villainous Ho's.

But more and more did the enemy grow, until the loyal Azrael were outnumbered and had to go.

As the king prepared to sacrifice himself in this terrible trap, worse than any hooker that had given him the clap. The King let out a cry and a mighty curse did fly, as a Bane of Nife claimed poor Yulath's life.

But that was not all for the King, for the luck of the Bristlebane was upon his side, leading 40 Holocaust to the ocean, where he started to glide. Once upon the waves he called to the mighty Prexus, who answered his plea! Water dancing away with the speed of a cheetah, as he gated to safety.

But the tale is not done, for the King was vile and filled with scorn. He used a pot at the bottom of the sea, to fly to Yulath’s bind and get vengeance over thee.

Many times Yulath died, as all his friends cried, from Norrath was he flung, as his story went unsung. And so went the tale of Yulath, Champion Bard, whom in the end it turned out, was just a simple retard.

12-25-2021, 03:09 PM
This guy is dead serious.

12-25-2021, 03:13 PM
This guy is dead serious.

Well that was 100% a True Story, many can confirm, but you gotta make a it fun or what the hell are we all doing here!

12-25-2021, 04:49 PM
Good sir new guy, sing me a song about the epic adventures of nirgon darkman and his treasury of pills

12-25-2021, 08:18 PM
Good sir new guy, sing me a song about the epic adventures of nirgon darkman and his treasury of pills

LOL I try not to delve into RL attacks, most of these nerds can't handle dying in an elf sim.

12-25-2021, 09:28 PM

12-25-2021, 09:43 PM

Insanity's Edge now there's an Old Rallos Guild, brings me back to my Darkenbane Days.

12-26-2021, 11:33 AM
I had several run-ins with DB members. What was your name on RZ / SZ?

12-26-2021, 04:20 PM
I had several run-ins with DB members. What was your name on RZ / SZ?

I kept getting banned on Rallos, first time was with Kerrygetz for guard charming. But I often played Ganlore who was piloted by like 5 people.

Mainly I played a necro named Hiddukel who co-leadered Dark Unity the Darkenbane recruiting guild(Because I kept getting banned) alongside Shaee. Then I played Syft, my longest account, a wizard in Darkenbane.

I was also Syft on Sullon who got to like rank 4 on the Leaderboards in Darkenbane Company.

12-26-2021, 05:40 PM
forumquest admin is still the GOAT


12-26-2021, 05:54 PM
I kept getting banned on Rallos, first time was with Kerrygetz for guard charming. But I often played Ganlore who was piloted by like 5 people.

Mainly I played a necro named Hiddukel who co-leadered Dark Unity the Darkenbane recruiting guild(Because I kept getting banned) alongside Shaee. Then I played Syft, my longest account, a wizard in Darkenbane.

I was also Syft on Sullon who got to like rank 4 on the Leaderboards in Darkenbane Company.

Nice, I remember a lot of those names. Kerrygetz Busy... lol. I think I killed you 1 time when we were both noobs at the Nektulos newbie log.

Shaee was a female halfling druid? Ganlore was a wood elf druid? Can't remember. Hiddukel definitely sounds familiar... erudite? For the life of me I can't remember Syft.

I played a few characters... Djanis was my highest lvl, a druid tagged in IE. Miolnir was a warrior I played sometimes & Ginnungagap was my self-righteous "anti-pk" enchanter.

I also played a Good team shaman named Miolnir on SZ, tagged in Sanctus Lumen.

12-26-2021, 06:15 PM
Nice, I remember a lot of those names. Kerrygetz Busy... lol. I think I killed you 1 time when we were both noobs at the Nektulos newbie log.

Shaee was a female halfling druid? Ganlore was a wood elf druid? Can't remember. Hiddukel definitely sounds familiar... erudite? For the life of me I can't remember Syft.

I played a few characters... Djanis was my highest lvl, a druid tagged in IE. Miolnir was a warrior I played sometimes & Ginnungagap was my self-righteous "anti-pk" enchanter.

I also played a Good team shaman named Miolnir on SZ, tagged in Sanctus Lumen.

LOl Ganlore was the terror of highhold pass he was actually a crappy human, shaee was a halfing druid yes.

I never played for a long time I would play for like a year, quit or get banned and then start again years later.

I don't remember most of the goods on sullon because I was always fighting Kirban, Cattiebrie, Jocelyn, Macken and the Ruin crew. The name Miolnir sounds familiar, I sometimes invaded Katta the goods home from Tenebrous Mountains but most of my days were spent fighting evils.

12-26-2021, 06:20 PM
forumquest admin is still the GOAT


Yea Sirken went on this forumban quest in an effort to make the server seem less toxic, while simultaneously making the server toxic accepting boobies for pixels.

GM's here are concerned only with optics, while they themselves smear shit on every window looking in.

95% of the red server has eaten more than 3 forum bans, most more than 10.

Being honest was always the most bannable offense on red 99 forums.

12-26-2021, 07:21 PM
Thats why my account here is tradesonred not Ecoli or something, my first account, which was banned.

They seem to be alot less heavy-handed these days and the forums are better for it. It was stupid anyway to let someone like Casey and chortles snortles take diarrea dumps all over the forums for years and then ban others like me for pecadillos (i dont remember the offense but im sure it was pretty mild compared to the sort of racist shit Casey would post).

Anyone taking a peek at the forums during that abandon era would be inclined to think they had a glimpse of the average population and hard pass that shit.

12-26-2021, 08:21 PM
Thats why my account here is tradesonred not Ecoli or something, my first account, which was banned.

They seem to be alot less heavy-handed these days and the forums are better for it. It was stupid anyway to let someone like Casey and chortles snortles take diarrea dumps all over the forums for years and then ban others like me for pecadillos (i dont remember the offense but im sure it was pretty mild compared to the sort of racist shit Casey would post).

Anyone taking a peek at the forums during that abandon era would be inclined to think they had a glimpse of the average population and hard pass that shit.

Sirken had some weird bi-curious relationship with Gyno, Heartbrand, Nirgon, and Colgate. He was banning anyone that trolled them for awhile.

Like when they posted Colgates RL info and pic and Sirken took it super serious banning anyone who commented on it. Half of Azrael ate bans for that, I think Snortles/Kimm ate a ban for that, alongside Murda, Rag and me.

Meanwhile everyone else it happened to, he didn't do shit about.

Or like the time he banned my ingame name Burger King for being trademarked while leaving Colgates name untouched, right after I killed Colgate.

Dude was super fucking corrupt, like most GM's here, on red GM enforcement came with a RL price tag.

Israel Adesanya
12-26-2021, 10:55 PM

12-27-2021, 03:40 AM

Feeding me rustle is like trying to cure an addict with heroin.

12-27-2021, 06:24 PM
I would say Secrets is by far the worst piece of human trash to ever play emulator EQ. This vile tranny should be in a gulag somewhere.

12-27-2021, 07:33 PM
Sirken had some weird bi-curious relationship with Gyno, Heartbrand, Nirgon, and Colgate. He was banning anyone that trolled them for awhile.

Like when they posted Colgates RL info and pic and Sirken took it super serious banning anyone who commented on it. Half of Azrael ate bans for that, I think Snortles/Kimm ate a ban for that, alongside Murda, Rag and me.

Meanwhile everyone else it happened to, he didn't do shit about.

Or like the time he banned my ingame name Burger King for being trademarked while leaving Colgates name untouched, right after I killed Colgate.

Dude was super fucking corrupt, like most GM's here, on red GM enforcement came with a RL price tag.

Sirken is my brother in law jack ass, why wouldn't he favor me lol?

12-27-2021, 08:16 PM
Looks like new guy is working on a fresh ban with the GM attacks.

I miss the red server and hope the 2.0 will be even more fun and more
Importantly it’s end of timeline situation being more than 30 players. Zero new people are gunna hop on the 30 pop stepchild

12-28-2021, 10:16 PM
Looks like new guy is working on a fresh ban with the GM attacks.

I miss the red server and hope the 2.0 will be even more fun and more
Importantly it’s end of timeline situation being more than 30 players. Zero new people are gunna hop on the 30 pop stepchild

No attacks would be slander, can't be slander if it's the truth.

Now they can ban me for being honest but they can't make me give a shit, or keep me off these forums. I have like 10 banned accounts and 37 more for them to go through, I'll be back in seconds.

What I definitely will do is grief anyone who sucks GM swantz off the server. Hiding in a zerg won't spare you from me.

12-28-2021, 10:41 PM
I think digging up old bones is a bit frowned upon but I wish there was a stickied “official GM history of red” thread so people who weren’t there can clearly see how red had the carpet pulled out from under it on numerous occasions, from two consecutive corrupt GMs to the disbandment and full banning of the two largest guilds on separate server destroying occasions.

each event like cut the pop in half.

I just casually pursued small game goals with gustoo and a few alts but I was disappointed basically day one when it was clear there would be no meaningful pvp engagement sub level 60 except griefers parked at unrest basically.

FFA pvp with a level range just doesn’t make sense without item loot. People afraid of losing their banded tunic aren’t seeing the big picture.

12-28-2021, 10:49 PM
I think digging up old bones is a bit frowned upon but I wish there was a stickied “official GM history of red” thread so people who weren’t there can clearly see how red had the carpet pulled out from under it on numerous occasions, from two consecutive corrupt GMs to the disbandment and full banning of the two largest guilds on separate server destroying occasions.

each event like cut the pop in half.

I just casually pursued small game goals with gustoo and a few alts but I was disappointed basically day one when it was clear there would be no meaningful pvp engagement sub level 60 except griefers parked at unrest basically.

FFA pvp with a level range just doesn’t make sense without item loot. People afraid of losing their banded tunic aren’t seeing the big picture.

See there you go missing the big picture.

The banning of the guilds wasn't the problem, they were guilty as fuck, it was the selective enforcement and allowing them to RMT and use ShowEq for as long as they did.

Sirken mentioned Gyno's RMT of AoN's on live stream and did nothing to enforce it, he allowed certain people to break every rule and banned others for being a meanie poo.

Enforcing the rules is never a bad thing, allowing corruption and your feelings to select who the rules get enforced on, is what kills a box.

If Rogean gave a shit about how his GM's destroyed this box, he'd wipe it clean and start anew, you see any fucks given?

and BTW Rogean is more likely to ban you for kissing ass and passive aggressively taking shots than showing testicles, true story.

12-29-2021, 11:56 AM
I agree that the selective enforcement and eventual blanket dumpster activity was the biggest problem besides the inherently flawed rule set with no item loot ffa, variable level range for pvp engagement and exp loss from pvp death probably implemented originally to curtail pvp death as a way to avoid pve death a classic pve mindset when rule choosing.

And then not fixing anything for years and worse not changing anything while we were in beta. I didn’t even get to play server launch I just kept checking back for beta changes to test out and one day I came back and the server had launched I was flabbergasted because based on the speed at which server changes were happening to beta I figured I had like twenty years before live launch.

12-29-2021, 04:41 PM
I agree that the selective enforcement and eventual blanket dumpster activity was the biggest problem besides the inherently flawed rule set with no item loot ffa, variable level range for pvp engagement and exp loss from pvp death probably implemented originally to curtail pvp death as a way to avoid pve death a classic pve mindset when rule choosing.

And then not fixing anything for years and worse not changing anything while we were in beta. I didn’t even get to play server launch I just kept checking back for beta changes to test out and one day I came back and the server had launched I was flabbergasted because based on the speed at which server changes were happening to beta I figured I had like twenty years before live launch.

I would be all for item loot, but these blue carebear neckbeards would lose their minds. They can't handle posting screenshots of you killing their elf sim toon, imagine posting what you stole off them.

LOL trust me I would love the rustle factor.

12-29-2021, 05:36 PM
The blue neck beards that the original shit rule set was supposedly catering towards did nothing to make the server healthy any ways so who gives a shit. People playing on a decent server with decent rule set will allow it to survive organically.

But your sentiment is why I’ve also strongly supported a 2 teams Sullon server where the only non classic aspect is the team arrangement and possibly starting locations for the two teams and possibly limits on character creation which would have to be bannable so people don’t lock up player slots from enemy team and try to game the system.

That server doesn’t fit my dreams of an actually enjoyable low level eq pvp experience so I think it’s ultimately more doomed than a regular rallos server but at least it solves some of the problems of the current rule set.

12-30-2021, 12:20 AM
Fun blast from the past.

Colgate dying on Cwal you can see he almost escaped but the King rooted and blinded um and dropped a poison rain over his head.


LOL I remember Lite screaming how I broke his mez with the rain and I was like STFU he's blind, malo'd, malosini'd, tashed and rooted, kill away.

12-30-2021, 01:44 AM
I would be all for item loot, but these blue carebear neckbeards would lose their minds. They can't handle posting screenshots of you killing their elf sim toon, imagine posting what you stole off them.

LOL trust me I would love the rustle factor.

I wish we could get a full item loot perma death server. I'd still be playing there. Something to keep things interesting and ensure no raid mob ever dies.

12-30-2021, 02:02 AM
vanilla discord with secret black ops power level sessions and assassinations would be the best way for murder to thrive no question.

At some point some squad might lock it down and the only hope would be a defection but who knows. Hasn’t been tried since like 2004 live discord it’s the simplest way to have a rule set without holes.

With 2021 psychotic drug enhanced leveling tactics it might get pretty hairy for a couple weeks till someone comes out way on top.

12-30-2021, 06:05 AM
I would love item loot and no rules

Training legal
Corpsecamping yup
No loot and scoot

Remove AoN's to erase 95% of the RMT temptation. Honestly don't understand why this item has been left in, it's the most RMT'd and makes pvp a shitshow with everyone as a skelly.

GM's could focus on Screendraggers and Showeq

12-30-2021, 02:42 PM
Thousand percent agree on the AOn

Training is tough because it favors monks necros and sks and bards so heavily but I guess every time you see enemy in zone you pretty much get ready to receive the train.

If you cast a spell on or hit a flopper do the NPcs immediately re hate?

12-30-2021, 02:45 PM
Corpse camping is always a funny one because the corpse camper gets to be called a psycho loser with no life for patrolling his enemies corpse. It regulates itself. If you get hated enough to earn a corpse camp you better have an alt to play on. Fairs fair.

But ya really not sure how I’d like a training enabled server mostly I’m thinking of dungeon crawling and constantly getting a pile of ghouls dropped off by a troll sk lol

But I agree if it means GMs only spend any time on show eq and screen dragging and never on any petty bullshit I’ll take the training enabled server any day

12-30-2021, 06:04 PM
Corpse camping is always a funny one because the corpse camper gets to be called a psycho loser with no life for patrolling his enemies corpse. It regulates itself. If you get hated enough to earn a corpse camp you better have an alt to play on. Fairs fair.

But ya really not sure how I’d like a training enabled server mostly I’m thinking of dungeon crawling and constantly getting a pile of ghouls dropped off by a troll sk lol

But I agree if it means GMs only spend any time on show eq and screen dragging and never on any petty bullshit I’ll take the training enabled server any day

Honestly I think corpse camping is fair because it allows you to limit the play time of scumbags like me, plus they put in a mechanic to retrieve lost corpses, so you never lose it.

If you can't get it back you just let it rot and recover it later. No one has prolly ever been corpsecamped more than myself, Vaporize sat on my body with Nihilum for over 3 days, Holocaust did it again in KC.

That's what you get for inspiring hate.

As for training it's a shit show, GM's ignore the team doing it that they like best. Rag and Colgate were training the fuck out of people yet Sirken looked the other way. But when Lite trained them back on Wanyo he got hit for training. The rule will never be enforced fairly.

I can post videos of people training dead to rites and Sirken was like: "Nothing to see here". Best to let the players sort it out then get a corrupt fuck picking favorites.

12-30-2021, 06:08 PM
Playing red everquest is like driving.

You think you need to stop at red lights and yield for that car that showed up at the intersection .1 seconds after you.

Then one day you start speeding, and realize that there are no police.

Then you start driving over people and realize that that is hilarious.

Then you're playing everquest PVP

Remember, you cant have good guys, if there are no bad guys :o

12-30-2021, 06:29 PM
Playing red everquest is like driving.

You think you need to stop at red lights and yield for that car that showed up at the intersection .1 seconds after you.

Then one day you start speeding, and realize that there are no police.

Then you start driving over people and realize that that is hilarious.

Then you're playing everquest PVP

Remember, you cant have good guys, if there are no bad guys :o

It humbles you too, I been drunk or stoned PvPing, talking way too much shit and got my karmic reckoning.

Just one mistake and then you are getting CC'd and lord knows I deserved it.

12-30-2021, 06:34 PM
I definitely have trust issues now.

12-30-2021, 07:15 PM
I’m leaning towards no rules two teams Sullon for next server.

As an alternative to classic rallos zek rules.

Full brutality but a team to sort of hope helps you sounds like a ball.

There needs to be a reward for best team kill to death ratio so full geared psychos have a reason to keep their poverty team mates from
Being pharmed

12-30-2021, 07:27 PM
I’m leaning towards no rules two teams Sullon for next server.

As an alternative to classic rallos zek rules.

Full brutality but a team to sort of hope helps you sounds like a ball.

I would honestly be for rules, but I've seen when they tried here and it was worse than no rules. When your on POS GM number 5 who fucked up the server and lowered the pop it just isn't worth it.

And I'm really solid on no AoN, AoN's have cost us like 100+ accounts for RMT, almost every scandal with RMT was due to that one item. It is too much temptation that players have shown they just can't handle.

Plus a battle with 100 skellies is dumb as shit, since it removes the nameplate off the toon, it gives a huge advantage to the team with more numbers.

12-30-2021, 07:43 PM
Yeah it’s dumb.

12-30-2021, 07:44 PM
Red is ghey orgy. You can tell by love posts.

12-31-2021, 09:14 AM
Red is ghey orgy. You can tell by love posts.

So in your world all the: "Real" men play farmville?

12-31-2021, 11:24 AM
So in your world all the: "Real" men play farmville?

are u retarted?

12-31-2021, 11:37 AM
are u retarted?

LOL clearly your grammar is, but claiming red is somehow effeminate(which is blatantly homophobic btw) when you play Blue because you're too much of a pussy to handle PvP, is laughable at best.

It's the gaming equivalent of shoving a plunger handle up your ass while screaming you're not into butt stuff.

You also sound like a Trump Supporter so could you please add your characters name to my Magabillies Thread in RNF, so I can add it to my freekills list? Much appreciated thanks!

12-31-2021, 12:02 PM
are u retarted?


12-31-2021, 12:05 PM
LOL clearly your grammar is, but claiming red is somehow effeminate(which is blatantly homophobic btw) when you play Blue because you're too much of a pussy to handle PvP, is laughable at best.

It's the gaming equivalent of shoving a plunger handle up your ass while screaming you're not into butt stuff.

You also sound like a Trump Supporter so could you please add your characters name to my Magabillies Thread in RNF, so I can add it to my freekills list? Much appreciated thanks!

yeah your retarded LOL

12-31-2021, 12:10 PM
yeah your retarded LOL

LMFAO it's: "you're"

But pls keep doubling down.

Now could you add your name? It's clear your most valuable contribution on red will be inflating my KDR.

12-31-2021, 12:26 PM
LMFAO it's: "you're"

But pls keep doubling down.

Now could you add your name? It's clear your most valuable contribution on red will be inflating my KDR.

sorry i only play green

its no fun wandering around looking for one of tunes boxes to fight on red or tracking down meth heads like u lmao (u would lose anyuway)

12-31-2021, 12:29 PM
sorry i only play green

its no fun wandering around looking for one of tunes boxes to fight on red or tracking down meth heads like u lmao (u would lose anyuway)

Why you so mad? I'm not the one who forced you into self loathing whenever you watched male on male erotica.

Oh you're one of those I've never done it but I'd be better at it types.

Who is better at sucking swantz? The girl whose scared to put it in her mouth, or the whore who grabs it like an old pal?

12-31-2021, 12:49 PM
Why you so mad? I'm not the one who forced you into self loathing whenever you watched male on male erotica.

Oh you're one of those I've never done it but I'd be better at it types.

Who is better at sucking swantz? The girl whose scared to put it in her mouth, or the whore who grabs it like an old pal?


;) :rolleyes:

your so silly

12-31-2021, 12:50 PM
im the no. 1 pvper on all of eq btw

12-31-2021, 12:54 PM
im the no. 1 pvper on all of eq btw

And I have a 17 foot cock I use to swing around the city like Spiderman, aren't daydreams fun?

12-31-2021, 02:07 PM
And I have a 17 foot cock I use to swing around the city like Spiderman, aren't daydreams fun?

thats too big, you couldnt even use it

like realistically your body could not pump enough blood into 17 feet worth of vascular material to get it hard. it would just flop around and probably get steppd on. you would have to wrap it around ur waist like vegetas tail.

not even a fun day dream, very plebian teir.

mine on the other hand is the stone cold truth and im no 1. you can feel insecure if you want, dont change nuffin :eek::cool:

12-31-2021, 03:14 PM
Nah I’ve got an 18 foot cock and I can confirm it works just fine and swinging thru the city is great

12-31-2021, 03:32 PM
mine on the other hand is the stone cold truth and im no 1. you can feel insecure if you want, dont change nuffin :eek::cool:

Novels could be written about the many non-factors who claimed to be great PvPers, but refused to name their toons.

LOL this guy is sperging the fuck out, now he's replying to every post I made.


12-31-2021, 04:25 PM
Novels could be written about the many non-factors who claimed to be great PvPers, but refused to name their toons.

LOL this guy is sperging the fuck out, now he's replying to every post I made.


i have am actually o nthe spectrum

12-31-2021, 04:26 PM
im having a sperg attack help

12-31-2021, 05:45 PM
Double post the rustle is rising!

12-31-2021, 08:17 PM
all talk..... no walk......

typical.............. red 99 wanna-B E

12-31-2021, 09:16 PM
all talk..... no walk......

typical.............. red 99 wanna-B E

lol not knowing who I am speaks volumes about your nonfactor status.

If your testicles ever drop for Red 2.0 you can have the pleasure of watching me kneel over those you consider box legends.

12-31-2021, 09:43 PM
lol not knowing who I am speaks volumes about your nonfactor status.

If your testicles ever drop for Red 2.0 you can have the pleasure of watching me kneel over those you consider box legends.

im sure u kneel for some "box legends" from time to time huh LOL

12-31-2021, 10:26 PM
im sure u kneel for some "box legends" from time to time huh LOL

I can't, I just feel bad for you at this point, it's like watching a retard hump a doorknob and then try to act cool as he asks you to smell his finger.

01-01-2022, 06:20 AM
I can't, I just feel bad for you at this point, it's like watching a retard hump a doorknob and then try to act cool as he asks you to smell his finger.

admitting ur inherant weakness.

i would smell the finger

01-01-2022, 07:29 AM
admitting ur inherant weakness.

i would smell the finger

You fucked a doorknob, your finger smells like pinesol. Jesus Christ do I really have to draw a diagram to make my fucking jokes land.

01-01-2022, 12:51 PM
You fucked a doorknob, your finger smells like pinesol. Jesus Christ do I really have to draw a diagram to make my fucking jokes land.

yea i might need one for this "joke" becaus its dumb as hell lmao


01-01-2022, 08:09 PM
yea i might need one for this "joke" becaus its dumb as hell lmao


I'm sorry I don't speak retart.

are u retarted?


01-02-2022, 07:46 AM
I was a newt on SZ, ToW

01-02-2022, 10:11 AM
I'm sorry I don't speak retart.


like i said ur retarted lmao

so i know u speak it :rolleyes:

please try to keep up with the convo ur embarasing you're self

01-02-2022, 11:59 AM
There is a lot if drugs in this thread.

01-02-2022, 01:42 PM
There is a lot if drugs in this thread.

dont do drugs never did drugs im high on life

high on life and pretty brunette gurls :cool:

01-02-2022, 09:21 PM
thread reeks of autism and delusions

01-02-2022, 09:38 PM
thread reeks of autism and delusions

Hey Rag I was just laughing with Fandango about that time he whooped your monkey ass in a duel because you were too noob to equip a bow. lol good times!

01-03-2022, 08:37 AM
So much virg up in this bitch

01-03-2022, 09:13 AM
So much virg up in this bitch

Some casual scum up in this piece, nice.

01-03-2022, 12:15 PM
According to this thread, Syft has killed me a total of 52 times. He has yet to post any logs or proof. I have posted evidence of me killing him however. I am also not banned, please stop with the weird fantasies man.


When you refused to accept the duel and we fought 1v1, later I joined God's work and we dueled 3 times, you lost all three.

One of your bitch moves was to hold the duel and if you won you would hit accept before the last shot, but you never won vs me to pull that trick.

Fell also killed June like 30+ times when I tried to grief you off the box and you kept lying about being June.


You lost your duel to Murda as well and tried to cheat during that one getting heals.

Seems like Holocaust/Empire's only skill was dying and lying about it.

01-06-2022, 06:34 PM
Popped in to take my award ..

01-06-2022, 06:41 PM

When you refused to accept the duel and we fought 1v1, later I joined God's work and we dueled 3 times, you lost all three.

One of your bitch moves was to hold the duel and if you won you would hit accept before the last shot, but you never won vs me to pull that trick.

Fell also killed June like 30+ times when I tried to grief you off the box and you kept lying about being June.


You lost your duel to Murda as well and tried to cheat during that one getting heals.

Seems like Holocaust/Empire's only skill was dying and lying about it.


I see you’re dating again. Good luck!

01-07-2022, 06:49 PM
Good thread Syft!

Can’t wait to see all of this pent up aggression spill into red 2.0 lol

Lots of hurt feelings out there still, cracked me up seeing screens from 8 years ago getting dragged into this. Definitely totally cool and normal behavior.

Never hated anyone or even disliked anyone here but my rl bro is retarded so my tolerance skill is maxed out. I did/do love some folk tho. Loudog, Quil and his lover, and Zadepal and a bunch of others. Almost feels like I won Everquest sometimes when I look back at it, 100% fun rate and I still keep up with a lot of pals 10 years later. Pretty sure I only raided one dragon tho but who tf cares about that anyway

Slathar and Krazy were standout annoyances for many, those knights Templar made some people rage on the regular too

01-13-2022, 09:57 AM
Good thread Syft!

Can’t wait to see all of this pent up aggression spill into red 2.0 lol

Lots of hurt feelings out there still, cracked me up seeing screens from 8 years ago getting dragged into this. Definitely totally cool and normal behavior.

Never hated anyone or even disliked anyone here but my rl bro is retarded so my tolerance skill is maxed out. I did/do love some folk tho. Loudog, Quil and his lover, and Zadepal and a bunch of others. Almost feels like I won Everquest sometimes when I look back at it, 100% fun rate and I still keep up with a lot of pals 10 years later. Pretty sure I only raided one dragon tho but who tf cares about that anyway

Slathar and Krazy were standout annoyances for many, those knights Templar made some people rage on the regular too

Slathar and Krazy are cool people, bless those wooden legs.

And me hating 99% of this servers pop is cool and normal, because you're all awful people that only contribute to society in your absence.

You think it's my fault they can be so easily goaded and not their own lack of mental maturity for allowing it to happen? While simultaneously listing some of the worst human beings on this server as your personal friends.

Loudog was a mentally handicapped narcissist unable to find the humor in anything who would sperg at every death as I easily goaded him into his 4 or 5th consecutive kill. The rest you listed were sociopaths who pretended to be enlightened and peaceful while always stirring up drama and feeding on negativity like emotional fucking vampires.

Yea you're right, I torture people like that because I'm doing God's Work and ensuring my holy medal of honor for abusing real world demons and I'm glad that I made every person you listed sperg and rage quit for long periods of time ;)

01-13-2022, 11:42 AM
Somehow this Bhariava guy or w/e his name is looks like the biggest loser in the thread. Blue player talking about his very anime characters dick size. Yikes

01-13-2022, 12:20 PM
Somehow this Bhariava guy or w/e his name is looks like the biggest loser in the thread. Blue player talking about his very anime characters dick size. Yikes

RL exploits, hell, that's for normies, they all about that elf sim flex.

01-13-2022, 12:38 PM
if you havent noticed yet Bhariava is that weirdo starkind on his alt account aka his

alter ego

01-13-2022, 03:29 PM
if you havent noticed yet Bhariava is that weirdo starkind on his alt account aka his

alter ego

Unless he is at evil genius lvl I doubt he could change his spelling and sentence structure syntax between accounts.

01-13-2022, 08:23 PM
Did I win the vote yet

01-17-2022, 11:03 PM
Did I win the vote yet

You'd still be behind Andis and myself.

01-18-2022, 01:00 AM
You'd still be behind Andis and myself.

Not even sure who you are . And everyone loves andis except for anyone that can cast a buff

01-18-2022, 05:50 AM
Who could hate andis cmon. Hes the reason for the #1 joke that was posted on these forums, i almost had to call 911 because the oxygen wasnt entering my lungs for some long, long seconds from laughing so hard.

01-18-2022, 08:01 AM
Not even sure who you are . And everyone loves andis except for anyone that can cast a buff

Oh I still hold the number 1 slot my friend, for I am Syft, also known as the infamous Burgerking.

Although I am still a great fan of your work, truly another lord of rustle.

01-19-2022, 10:16 AM
Who could hate andis cmon. Hes the reason for the #1 joke that was posted on these forums, i almost had to call 911 because the oxygen wasnt entering my lungs for some long, long seconds from laughing so hard.

Sure Andis is the #1 joke pal. You literally were a comedy show when you went mental and that was often. Glad you got the helium swells to your brain controlled kid.

01-19-2022, 12:36 PM
Sure Andis is the #1 joke pal. You literally were a comedy show when you went mental and that was often. Glad you got the helium swells to your brain controlled kid.

I always liked Andis, once you got to know um he was a cool guy. He just liked to piss people off and did it well.

I always liked Ecoli too though, his posts were often weird but also original and less morning then recycled garbage I read here.

I liked Krazy too, was a funny character who caused some good rustle.

Not even sure who you are . And everyone loves andis except for anyone that can cast a buff

See what I mean, and yes Andis drove me fucking nuts with buffs, I was like dude you don't even need a fucking nimble.

As for enemies guild, Gongshow, Gream and Strydur were surprisingly awesome dudes who made me laugh, I was shocked by that after chilling with them in TS.

01-19-2022, 12:56 PM
I remember Andis asked for buffs I RV once on guido or w/e then immediately attacked me lol. I gated to safety and he sent me a tell thanks for the buffs. What a guy!

01-20-2022, 10:32 PM
I remember Andis asked for buffs I RV once on guido or w/e then immediately attacked me lol. I gated to safety and he sent me a tell thanks for the buffs. What a guy!

I probably encouraged him to do it .

Janlain's ghost
01-22-2022, 09:00 AM
Best red chat talk in a long time. Keep it up.