View Full Version : Compromising with the online Left

Whale biologist
09-02-2021, 02:21 PM

09-02-2021, 02:25 PM
What does the teacher union do? Protect boomer teachers?

All the teachers I see now are onlyfan creators and communist rabble rousers that get payed like a dollar an hour.

09-02-2021, 02:25 PM
that guy can't ever be a tranny must suck for him

09-02-2021, 04:04 PM
Public schools are government run facilities that brainwash kids through repetition and lack of parental guidance.

09-02-2021, 04:06 PM
At this point the only compromise is for the left and the right to kill each other so the rest of the world can enjoy stand up comedy again.

09-02-2021, 05:01 PM
Teacher's union kills charter schools, which are by and large much better at educating kids. It's also almost impossible to fire a public school teacher, no matter what garbage they're teaching or how badly their students are failing.

Education, especially during k-12, is incredibly influential on the outlook of any child, because their brains are still elastic and developing. That's why many people never change their mind about anything, ever, due to what they learned during their formative years. And it's just as bad post-highschool. Teachers and professors are supposed to teach you *how* to think, not what to think. How to reason, be skeptical, be self-critical, interrogate all ideas to distill what is actually true, no matter how uncomfortable the conclusion. That's what education should be.

09-02-2021, 05:07 PM
Teacher's union kills charter schools, which are by and large much better at educating kids. It's also almost impossible to fire a public school teacher, no matter what garbage they're teaching or how badly their students are failing.

Education, especially during k-12, is incredibly influential on the outlook of any child, because their brains are still elastic and developing. That's why many people never change their mind about anything, ever, due to what they learned during their formative years. And it's just as bad post-highschool. Teachers and professors are supposed to teach you *how* to think, not what to think. How to reason, be skeptical, be self-critical, interrogate all ideas to distill what is actually true, no matter how uncomfortable the conclusion. That's what education should be.

For profit schools are obviously better, I mean just look at the high quality education we got from ITT tech and Globe University. Profit motive could never possibly be more important to these institutions than a good solid high quality education.

And I am sure it has nothing to do with the consistent de-funding for public schools (by primarily republican legislatures, who by no coincidence receive campaign money or are invested in the charter schools). Or the fact that republicans in power just have no desire for a well educated electorate, because we dont want people actually exercising critical thought and challenging the notion that they are being fooled by social/cultural issues into voting against their own self interests.

09-02-2021, 05:10 PM
At this point the only compromise is for the left and the right to kill each other so the rest of the world can enjoy stand up comedy again.

I would be down for this.

09-02-2021, 05:25 PM
For profit schools are obviously better, I mean just look at the high quality education we got from ITT tech and Globe University. Profit motive could never possibly be more important to these institutions than a good solid high quality education.

And I am sure it has nothing to do with the consistent de-funding for public schools (by primarily republican legislatures, who by no coincidence receive campaign money or are invested in the charter schools). Or the fact that republicans in power just have no desire for a well educated electorate, because we dont want people actually exercising critical thought and challenging the notion that they are being fooled by social/cultural issues into voting against their own self interests.

I don't think you know what charter schools are. They are not the same thing as private universities and colleges.

The stats speak for themselves. Not *all* charter schools are successful, but the cost\benefit analysis is completely clear, especially in poor urban communities which are the most in need of quality k-12 education. Public school teachers barely give half a shit what happens to the students, because they get paid the same no matter what. Private schools are incentivized to perform because the faculty makes more money when they do.

Gravydoo II
09-02-2021, 08:25 PM
Republicans are not honest actors so, I wouldnt trust them to make a deal at all for anything, period.

I mean its true they do hate teachers, science, expertise, and everything else that comes from academia until its them or their family who needs help. Then they come begging omg cure meeeee!!! They dont beg god, they dont beg their pastor, they beg the doctor.

09-02-2021, 10:21 PM
Hmm, seems that the teachers union can't stop public school teachers from getting fired for trying to indoctrinate kids into their politics instead of simply teaching them science and arithmetic like they should be

Keep. Yo. Politics. Out. Of. Our. Schools.

Teacher fired for taking down American flag and making kids pledge to pride flag: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9950923/California-teacher-told-pupils-pledge-allegiance-pride-flag-removed-classroom.html

Teacher fired after going on Trump rant: https://www.foxnews.com/us/teacher-utah-trump-video-no-longer-employed

Public school teacher fired after praising antifa and attempting to turn his students into "revolutionaries" https://nypost.com/2021/09/02/pro-antifa-teacher-gabriel-gipe-reportedly-will-be-fired/