View Full Version : Another P99 Player

08-17-2021, 02:06 PM
Hello all!

A bard player here. Red has been around a hot minute and everyone is geared with their epics.

Is bard pvp any good? Obviously the dps is lacking, but I figured the CC makes up for it.

A small population is OK as long as those few are neutral evil at worst. How is the leveling and gear farming scene? A bard alone cannot become great.

Sadly no news for a new PvP server. Even if a new server was announced I'd still do a test run on Red just for the giggles. Is there any insight for a new server in the future or will Blue/Green reset before Red?

Looks like it's time to start tradeskills and get that banded armsuckered! Is the market healthy or are prices inflated due to population? I'd hate to overpay just for a weapon to level with.

Cheers Red Community. Got fresh blood coming and I'm not afraid to Highsun some suckers!

08-17-2021, 10:57 PM
Red currently has a prime time max 30 people playing, no gms/guide, hasn't been updated in years. I would try Reign of Thule as there is actually a population, gm/guides and patched every few weeks. It also recently went live.

08-18-2021, 11:35 AM
I would also do reign of thule right now just to bomb around.

Also Nahuelco this is a custom ruleset server, 4 level pvp range, no teams, no item loot, just coin loot.

08-18-2021, 12:02 PM
Thanks for the replies! Started last night and got to level 14 and met 5 people during that time. Unlike other servers, there was more interaction with those few than with a zone filled with players. (It was nice having Crushbone to myself)

I'll check out that server! Since it's newish, I'm sure the pop is healthy!

08-18-2021, 01:42 PM
Level 14 in one night is pretty savage you must have kept your skills up.

The population on non P99 servers is very not- healthy but there will be some action there for sure. More pvp oriented.

08-21-2021, 09:20 PM
Slowly but surely!

Got to 20 and decided to move to OT. I try to stay in Unrest as long as possible, but I only ran into a group full of people there while I was leveling. Ghouls will ruin a swarm.

Met more than a few good people so far. Seen some bad apples as well. Nothing new there.

Here's to level 52.. then the 'fun' begins.