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08-05-2021, 08:43 PM
Role in biowarfare testing Edit
Until the 1950s, S. marcescens was erroneously believed to be a nonpathogenic "saprophyte",[7] and its reddish coloration was used in school experiments to track infections. During the Cold War, it was used as a simulant in biological warfare testing by the U.S. military,[24] which studied it in field tests as a substitute for the tularemia bacterium, which was being weaponized at the time.

On 26 and 27 September 1950, the U.S. Navy conducted a secret experiment named "Operation Sea-Spray" in which balloons filled with S. marcescens were released and burst over urban areas of the San Francisco Bay Area in California. Although the Navy later claimed the bacteria were harmless, beginning on September 29, 11 patients at a local hospital developed very rare, serious urinary tract infections. One of the afflicted patients, Edward J. Nevin, died.[25] Cases of pneumonia in San Francisco also increased after S. marcescens was released.[26][27] (That the simulant bacteria caused these infections and death has never been conclusively established.) Nevin's son and grandson lost a lawsuit they brought against the government between 1981 and 1983, on the grounds that the government is immune,[28] and that the chance that the sprayed bacteria caused Nevin's death was minute.[29] The bacterium was also combined with phenol and an anthrax simulant and sprayed across south Dorset by US and UK military scientists as part of the DICE trials which ran from 1971 to 1975.[30]

Since 1950, S. marcescens has steadily increased as a cause of human infection, with many strains resistant to multiple antibiotics.[5] The first indications of problems with the influenza vaccine produced by Chiron Corporation in 2004 involved S. marcescens contamination.

No citations necessary for what should be pretty common knowledge.

08-05-2021, 08:51 PM
If the government is liars why would you believe their own paperwork which makes themselves sound like dr evil

08-05-2021, 09:18 PM
If the government is liars why would you believe their own paperwork which makes themselves sound like dr evil

Imo it's like "look, ya, maybe we did a bad thing that only cost 1 million dollars of ur tax monies and actchually cost 10 million on paper and if we are caught like pay close attention to this and not the whole bunch of other things that was redacted or never on paper or we the government never did, we never had this conversation, look if we did tho these 12 or so studies we did maybe only cost 5 or 6 lives at most maybe, so it's no big deal right."

Also a lot, and I mean a lot more shady shit has gone down. I like this example because people have short term memories and forget they actually live in a fish tank and it's the governments job to do these things. Cover stuff up. Obfuscate the truth. And protect the totally bad ppl not actually maybe doing these kinds of things from scrutiny and stuff or point fingers at alqueda, I mean the taliban, isis I meant.

Bush was probably a really great president tho and I'm sure Obama rly got Osama. Lol.

Also serratia is pink and kinda pretty although I'm usually pretty good at not letting it grow wild in my bathroom.

Imagine tho if u will u want someone to disappear and that person goes to the hospital and officially dies from serratia.

Pretty tough to argue they were assassinated. Lol

08-06-2021, 03:56 AM

08-06-2021, 08:05 AM

Ikr. Makes me girgle every time.