View Full Version : Thinking ahead

06-25-2021, 06:26 PM
I just got off reddit. Apparently win11 is going to require TMP. Is this going to be a problem for p99? My system is only two years old so I have no immediate and on upgrading. However one of these days it'll be necessary.

06-25-2021, 11:03 PM
It requires a system with a TPM chip running at at least v 1.2. Click start, and type "tpm.msc" and it will tell you what version your system supports. If it shows nothing, check in the BIOS as it may just be disabled.

Win10 won't go out of support until 2025 so you've got several years before it's an issue.


06-26-2021, 09:30 AM
Thanks mcoy. I'm running a B250M motherboard with an i7-7700 processor; so no TPM 1.2. If shit hits the fan I'll just switch to whichever flavor ubuntu is out at the time.

06-26-2021, 04:04 PM
That board appears to have a TPM header. That means you can just plug in a TPM 2.0 module and should be all good (might need a bios update). Right now, scalpers are scooping them up (because of course they are) but you should be able to find one for around $20 - $30 USD.


06-28-2021, 06:12 PM
Ya but what about when Y2k rolls around and all computer systems stop working because there are no 2's in code and it won't know if its 1900 or 2000?!?!