View Full Version : Low teen Bard - where to Go for group

03-24-2021, 04:29 PM
I’d like to join a group, duo, etc. to do some xp grinding on an occasional week night but not sure where makes the most sense. And if not let’s say you were a level 11-14 bard and had to solo is this the time to start learning all the swarm kiting maneuvers? If so where at this level and song availability makes sense? I’m camped out over in north Freeport but have doing will travel so I can go wherever. Just not super thrilled to get back into EQ and have to solo my days away.. For more info I should have said I'm on blue and available week day from 7-11 pm est so kind of a casual play rate and weekends would have more availability

03-24-2021, 07:16 PM
11-17 till ding 18 in NK. Swarm beetles. Slow run speed and hit box is really low. Can practice your circles. Won’t need selos when circling. Learn to auto strafe to the left or right. Set a macro to /hidecorpse all and /showcorpse all. Bind them to your mouse or a number on your action bar or just click the button each time.

Command Description
/consent group
/consent guild
/consent raid
Consent your group/guild/raid to drag your corpse. If you have multiple corpses you will need to issue the command multiple times. Note that these options can be
permanently set in your options.
Allows you to start and stop dragging the currently targetted corpse. Unlike /corpse you will drag a corpse continuously until you drop it. You can drag up to 2 corpses at a time.

Few other corpse commands.
/hidecorpse all Hide all corpses but your own.
/hidecorpse allbutgroup Hide all but group corpses.
/hidecorpse looted Hide corpses after you loot them.
/hidecorpse none Display all corpses previously hidden.

As the beetles die hide their corpses so you don’t accidentally click on them when circling.

You might die a few times but don’t worry next pull will get all that exp back then some.

Only draw back I think you can’t bind at the NK Gypsies anymore.

03-24-2021, 07:22 PM
18-23 or 24 gorge hounds in EK. You will need to use selos to swarm/aoe them down. After you gather them up nice and tightly together switch to your horn and play selos the your lvl 18 song. Only play Denon’s when selos lands. If selos misses a note play it again then denon’s.

After that I moved to mistmoore and unrest. Stayed in unrest till low 30’s and then split paw grouping and then warsliks giant fort solo charming.

But that was my experience on green. So not sure on blue.

03-25-2021, 10:28 AM
Command Description
/consent group
/consent guild

Been on P99 since late 2014 and had no idea you could consent your group / guild.