View Full Version : :thoughtfull.jpg: Vulkan, and a new engine?

12-23-2020, 02:44 PM
This is by far the coolest view I have found so far, or visa versa... but this one is better :)


On the note of square zones, the funniest thing to me that I had no idea is , do you see the grade of the hill, leading from sealevel at freeport, all the way up to Highapass Keep? That's actually built into each zone, and connecting zone, which is very cool haha.

The little castle, I had to model myself, because it's actually just a texture on the wall really, with the dungeon going back behind it, but to me Highpass is a steep castle with beautiful tapestries (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z14uhNXcx-s) rising up from the rocking mountains it stands upon! (It's cool to see the wooden bridge behind it in the background) :cool:


My favorite so far. This looks more interesting to explore than a new engine game like Cyberpunk.

Tanarus engine? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanarus_(video_game))

When i started this I wanted to fill out all the holes and so each little area I have layered so that it can be exported as a zone file :D You know, incase that may ever need to happen :D

Part of me is wondering if there will be an open source EQ mod thing based around lanternEQ that I can put these zones into. Or I was like, maybe I can make an open world EQ survival game with some template in unreal lol But if there is a way to like, get them into titanium, that'd be amazing!!

I never heard of the Tanarus engine, I will look at it if its something I can figure out, do you have any experience?

We need something FOSS with the vulkan API but that isn't supported by older hardware but seems to be the standard set to replace dx9 style games and is competative with unity, then EQ will be like eternal and we can splinter off and make our retro EQ recreated worlds without using the original assets, but designing them blackbox (without direct reference) from scratch in our heads..

I think that'd be so cool.

I hate that everyone is diving into unity (scares me, but I'm impressed with the work people have done over at EQ classic) which is proprietary and weird, I never really could get behind unity games. Physics should lowfi and be hacky and weird like EQ if we chose to simplify and make stuff deliberately 'buggy' on purpose. I just kinda feel like unity is a fail if ur not developing a for profit indie product with time constraints. FOSS would be better.

There was two good FOSS MMOs with GNU engines, but none were 'recreations' of EQ, they tried to be like wow or do their own thing and never got huge traction outside of a few thousand ppl each. (i think one had its own proprietary art but the egine was open source).


STarkind didn't want to shit up jibartik's (peaceful and exploratory) thread.

12-23-2020, 02:48 PM
I want to make a mistmoore where the barbarians and elves worked together to push the vampires deep into a sealed dungeon under it and it is now ruled by a barbarian king and Elvish Queen, and under it lays the most dangerous zone of vampires ever seen, that only the most factioned adventurers dive into to finish the job and expel mayong from the lands of fay for good! I wana make that castle SO BAD! hnngggg

edit: also ty for liking my kitbashing :o

12-23-2020, 03:08 PM
I want to make a mistmoore where the barbarians and elves worked together to push the vampires deep into a sealed dungeon under it and it is now ruled by a barbarian king and Elvish Queen, and under it lays the most dangerous zone of vampires ever seen, that only the most factioned adventurers dive into to finish the job and expel mayong from the lands of fay for good! I wana make that castle SO BAD! hnngggg

edit: also ty for liking my kitbashing :o

:D :D :D

I would have to play this. :)

Can I be a vampire!? :p