View Full Version : /do throwing (macro)

10-31-2020, 07:32 PM
i just cant find the command for ranged attack. /do an 1-10 shows all possibile macros but the ranged attack button is on a fixed position and cant be moved.

anyone here who knows the solution? and yes I need the macro, not a key binding, thanks!

10-31-2020, 10:27 PM
/autofire would do that, but disabled.

Alternative copy ranged button to one of the keys on hotbuttons and use directly 0 to 9, if you wanna add inc or something, just do also another macro and bind same key for both keys example 4(inc) and 6(ranged attack) set alternative key on option from 6, number 4 as well, then would trigger both at same time, inc and ranged attack.