View Full Version : Guild leaders and immunity to spells and other oddities

10-27-2020, 11:45 PM
For a bit of revenge on a certain guildleader i was going to charm them and send them into a pack of their members to die...but it seems that they are 100%resistant to charm. It was not simply that they had high magic resist they were immune to the spell.

it also seemed they might be immune to root too but maybe i was just unlucky with thati only tried it a couple times. tried charm about a dozen times. Blue con, using allure. gotta be completely immune.

I also noticed i couldn't give the guild leaders any items to equip, even shopkeepres were also not taking any items.

Was this a weird set of npcs or is it supposed to be like this?

10-28-2020, 02:07 AM
Hmm, did you try Rapture?

11-02-2020, 06:38 PM
"Blue con using allure" ....allure only charms up to level 51 ..what specific mob were you trying to charm?

I perused the wiki and all of the GMs were 54+ indicating you would have to use dictate