View Full Version : Miscellaneous: a Gunthak Harpoon

05-13-2011, 02:46 AM
So the Gunthak Harpoon that the pirate destroyer drops is not No Rent.

There was a short time when the 'Poon was made to be a permanent weapon but it was a mistake.

The punishment for my crime was fitting :D I hope you laughed your asses off. Total douchebaggery on my part reading the logs must have been fun haha.

08-29-2011, 08:30 AM
In the last item patch, we made the mistake of making this weapon "rentable", meaning that it does not disappear upon logoff. Basically, one of our game designers heard that the weapon was NORENT, concluded that it must be a bug, and took the initiative to fix it. Unfortunately, the stats on this weapon, despite its disadvantages of weight and its non-magical composition, make it much too powerful for its location and difficulty in obtaining it.

For these reasons, the weapon is once again NORENT, and will disappear the next time that you log out. This is a retroactive change and will affect weapons already in possession. We do apologize to those who acquired it within the last week expecting that it would be a permanent weapon.