View Full Version : Melee push - how bad did they nerf?

08-15-2020, 03:45 PM
I was in group the other day and mentioned I’d reposition the casters so we could push to help prevent healing. One of my group mates reminded me of a somewhat recent (last 12 months?) patch where melee push is less likely to interrupt casting. I knew of the patch and it’s effects but he was of the opinion that melee push is a waste of time and only bash/stun/etc. would affect stopping casters.

I know melee push does have less effect (very frustrating soloing clerics on my monk) but is it completely useless? If there a floor for effectiveness say you need 3+ Melees/pets coordinating to be successful in a group and 10+ on tougher mobs?

08-15-2020, 04:06 PM
Push doesn’t work, mobs that CH on raids are mana sieved it is so ineffective.

08-15-2020, 04:06 PM
You still have a small chance to interrupt per hit, but no amount of distance push will cause interruption though.

08-15-2020, 07:47 PM
You still have a small chance to interrupt per hit, but no amount of distance push will cause interruption though.

Yeah, it's pretty bs. Waiting way too long to fix something the players were enjoying a bit too much and then nerfing it from mildly overpowered to nigh useless is apparently a vital element of TheProject1999Vision[tm] (for another recent example see the evade nerf.)