View Full Version : Places for a Mage to farm for $?

07-07-2020, 06:42 AM
I’m looking for ideas for a 52 mage (nakey wi/jboots and focus items) to grind out some cash. I haven’t played in a long time and since apparently chaining is broken atm with Aggro and Fire pets don’t instant DS anymore, I plan on leveling an alt. Heck when I leveled you only had to do 1pt damage for exp. Right now all I do is WFP guards and oasis specs. Gotta be something I can do better. I don’t want to do a “camp” for a single item to sell in EC because my playtime is more limited now. Thanks for any help

07-07-2020, 08:40 AM
Droga is a nice consistent cash farm

07-07-2020, 03:07 PM
halfling guards in misty?
elf guards in felwithe?

1 pt of dmg for full xp was many years ago, old timer!
HG's are better average money than specs per kill, 25 plat vs 5.
Droga is a little iffy at 52, can definitely still get murdered if you're as bad as me at it.
salt/skins from gobbos are available outdoors if you don't wanna go in

07-07-2020, 05:57 PM
What from Droga an be sold well? Or is it the plat that drops?

07-07-2020, 06:27 PM
Example of random gob drop, 15pp: https://wiki.project1999.com/Goblin_Forged_Chainmail_Neckguard

Just kill gobs and get skins/salts - sell those as well.

07-30-2020, 02:15 PM
Go lay waste to Sol A. Get your inventory full of Gift of Xev bags. Ore and FS weapons are plentiful in there. You should be able to easily make 500pp an hour just off those. Bonus if a named spawns for a bit of extra plat.

07-30-2020, 02:27 PM
Go play around in the Tower of Frozen Shadow!

07-31-2020, 12:53 PM
Tizmak Cave in Great Divide can net 200-600p per hour if you run it in a loop and sell in thurg. Vendor Trash.

07-31-2020, 01:27 PM
HGs in RM are real cash cows

Get Potg, an farm them with focused 49 earth pet

-> profit

07-31-2020, 01:29 PM
One of the problems with hill giants in rathe mountains is they're extremely popular and over publicized. So you're very like going to run into situations where you're camping them at off hours or only 1 spot. And the occasional argument over who shot first.

It's pretty sad that even now on blue people still camp HGs like mad. But I guess that's partly due to sea furies be changed.

07-31-2020, 04:01 PM
Han FTEd first.