View Full Version : Confession of a Everquest Player

04-19-2020, 11:47 PM
Hello, my name is Bob and I have never made it past level 25. There I said it. I feel a heavy weight has been lifted off of me.

I have played Everquest in the past yet can't seem to get past the low levels. Maybe it's not knowing where to group. Maybe it's not being in a guild. I would love to group up with a few chaps or chapets and level in different spots.

What usually happens, I get excited in the beginning. Oh the possibilities.. the adventures to be had. No, just me searching for a group for a long time and then with afk players in boring open outdoor zones. Places like E. Commons.

No conversation at all. How did you do it? I am not very social in real life, maybe this social awkwardness is affecting in game. There is my confession. I plan to try once again, maybe I will find my way and game till maximum level for once.

04-20-2020, 12:12 AM
Baby steps

("What about Bob?" referance)

04-20-2020, 12:20 AM
Baby steps

("What about Bob?" referance)

Love that movie

04-20-2020, 12:26 AM
What classes have you tried in the past? Is there one you are looking to play in particular?

04-20-2020, 02:33 AM
•*Sounds like you might be an "explorer" type. Find a class that actually challenges you somewhat. When I started, I bounced around leveling several characters to the mid-teens, but when I read the enchanter was perhaps the hardest class to play, I was suddenly intrigued.
• Get into some dungeons, then! At 20+, you could do Upper Guk, Unrest, Mistmoore, Kerra Ridge; and soon, Highkeep, Solusek's Eye.
• Join a guild. Stream of green text to interact with. Worldwide network for groups. Consider <Castle>.

04-20-2020, 03:31 AM
Have you checked out the http://wiki.project1999.com/

04-20-2020, 07:54 AM
What usually happens, I get excited in the beginning. Oh the possibilities.. the adventures to be had. No, just me searching for a group for a long time and then with afk players in boring open outdoor zones. Places like E. Commons.

No conversation at all. How did you do it?

Nostalgia & min/maxing is how I do it tbh. None of the things you mentioned have changed. It is more popular due to the prevalence of console/mobile online playing to do things solo.. it is essentially single player online in massively multiplayer worlds.

I have no other games to point you to for a better time, perhaps Elder Scrolls: Online or something else modern. Of course avoid Fallout76.

I enjoyed Green during the opening week but people were too in a rush to make 50. Packed starter zones, fighting over cracked staffs and watching new&veteran eq players get raped by the EC Griffin were very enjoyable for me. The usual chat pwning of new people confused why nighttime was so dark etc..

Edit: A Topsy Turvy World of Fantasy - New players are often treated like they are made of gold and will buzz off if treated poorly. Games are a dime-per-dozen.

04-20-2020, 10:12 AM
Thanks for the replies! I have tried a few classes. This try, I plan to make a class that is really desired in a group to hopefully cut down on LFG times and also maybe get into some dungeons and meet my new guild! See here I go again .. thinking of those adventures and possibilities.

I will choose one of these; rogue, warrior, cleric, enchanter. I have visited the Project99 wiki, very good information. Yes the modern gamer is single player minded. Though this is the place that like minded grouping players hopefully have congregated.

04-20-2020, 10:48 AM
Yes the modern gamer is single player minded. Though this is the place that like minded grouping players hopefully have congregated.


When EQ launched single player game experiences were the norm, EQ offered an exception to that norm which I think drove interest. The ability to play with a large number of other players.

What EQ offered has become the norm, since 360 days it has become the norm. What is interesting now is doing it single in a game like EQ, with enough twink gear and game knowledge you can do that.

Cellphone has internet multiplayer games. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq-MtbLkKFY)

04-20-2020, 10:49 AM
May I suggest: enchanter, followed by any of the other three. The enchanter can level naked, exp in groups or solo, and solo named mobs for gear and plat for itself and/or another character.

04-20-2020, 12:03 PM
Hello, my name is Bob and I have never made it past level 25. There I said it. I feel a heavy weight has been lifted off of me.

I have played Everquest in the past yet can't seem to get past the low levels. Maybe it's not knowing where to group. Maybe it's not being in a guild. I would love to group up with a few chaps or chapets and level in different spots.

What usually happens, I get excited in the beginning. Oh the possibilities.. the adventures to be had. No, just me searching for a group for a long time and then with afk players in boring open outdoor zones. Places like E. Commons.

No conversation at all. How did you do it? I am not very social in real life, maybe this social awkwardness is affecting in game. There is my confession. I plan to try once again, maybe I will find my way and game till maximum level for once.

I stopped making this recommendation for some time, but for you, maybe this will work. Mark a druid, enchanter, mage, or necro on the Red server. It has increased XP rates for 1 to 50, with additional bonuses if you group with people. You'll have no problem getting past level 25 and experiencing EQ beyond that point.

04-20-2020, 12:47 PM
I donated like twice in 10 years and don't deserve to play this project but get to anyway

Thanks Rogean

04-20-2020, 12:52 PM
Having a guild can make a huge difference - at worst it'll just add some background chatter and people to cheer for you (and for you to cheer for), at best you'll be able to find some groups and make some friends. Sanctuary has been a great no-pressure guild for me, there's no bar to "get in" other than saying "I want in".

04-20-2020, 01:46 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions and feedback for players trying to get back into this. I think being in a guild would help a lot.

04-21-2020, 09:42 PM
I always thought the lower levels were more fun anyway.

04-21-2020, 09:58 PM
welcome to P99 , enjoy your stay.

04-24-2020, 09:34 AM
I am playing a rogue. I would love to group up with other players. In the past I usually would go to a popular zone and spam LFG for however long it takes. Is there a better way? How do you usually go about finding a group?

Some ideas:

1. post on the forum saying "hey I'll be playing tomorrow between this time and this time, anyone want to join me?"
2. Turn on LFG and hope for the best and also search for others using LFG
3. Some other established play project 1999 group calendar sign up sheet?
4 ?

04-24-2020, 01:16 PM
Playing a melee is hard mode you need to have the constitution of someone who alrdy loves the game to do that.

Then you will be jealous of people playing casters wiping out content you can barely handle as your melee.

I suggest as others have, shaman, necro, enchanter, druid for solo enjoyment of the game AND can group too.

04-24-2020, 01:28 PM
But more often for solo.. other players here like to say thee and thou and do that fey RP stuff.

It gets in the way of raiding and raiding gets in the way of solo.

04-24-2020, 04:32 PM
Playing a melee is hard mode you need to have the constitution of someone who alrdy loves the game to do that.

Then you will be jealous of people playing casters wiping out content you can barely handle as your melee.

I suggest as others have, shaman, necro, enchanter, druid for solo enjoyment of the game AND can group too.

I thought about one of the solo classes however I read that most need some crutches to solo such as enchanter = some invis ring w/ jboots, necro = jboots, shaman = boatload of expensive stuff. I'll be honest didn't check out druid at all. Sorry druids. :D

04-24-2020, 04:36 PM
I thought about one of the solo classes however I read that most need some crutches to solo such as enchanter = some invis ring w/ jboots, necro = jboots, shaman = boatload of expensive stuff. I'll be honest didn't check out druid at all. Sorry druids. :D

To add to that was highly interested in enchanter. I don't have the funds to get a ring and jboots yet. Could I still solo successfully?

Edit: I completely missed Videri's post. He states it's possible naked as an enchanter. Maybe I'll give it a try.

04-24-2020, 09:24 PM
Naked or near naked chanter is possible. One very easy thing to get it a crude stein. Once you're out of your newbie area either buy one in EC or if you're brave you can buff newbies in Feerrott then ask one of them to go pick you one up inside Ogguk off one of the guards. Also in Misty Thicket you can ask one of the people killing guards if you can loot one of the rotting CHA+5 rings off the guards. If you're polite in both cases it's a near guaranteed yes. Then there's a CHA+5 robe you can buy in Qeynos.

Yea, it's a bit of running around but +25CHA for a pittance; oh hell yea.

04-25-2020, 01:22 PM
Just thought I'd step in and make the case for shaman. I'm playing one on green and am level 31. Most of my gear is the Banded Armor I made myself at level 10, with maybe +25 or so WIS from gear I've bought with money earned as I leveled (and I quested my Testament of Vanear). I have had almost no problems getting a group.

Shamans occupy the space I think you're searching for- very desirable for groups. As a rogue, you can't fill the Healer slot, nor can you fill in a Buffer slot. More DPS is always welcome, but that's all you are. As a shaman I have filled literally ALL group roles so far. I make a fine tank if I can land slow (and then aggro's locked to me by default), I can keep up with heals though a bard or chanter make a huge difference with mana, and if I'm grouped with another priest, I can switch to DPS mode and nuke things while keeping regen and haste going on the toons that need. Root/Rotting, while not the most fun in the world, is still an effective method of soloing, and I can take down White-con's cyclopes in RM with a full mana bar.

Yes at the END GAME, your shamans interested in MAXING their efficiency want those expensive things- namely Fungi, JBB if non-iksar, and Torpor, but if you haven't gone past 25, these things aren't your concern for quite some time anyways. Plus if you're 60 and bored then farming for $$$ is probably gonna be your go-to thing to do anyways. Worst case scenario you can hock some SoW potions if you're bored and in EC.

A vote for shaman is not a vote wasted, friend.